The Forbidden World

Chapter 1805: Tianhe again

This meeting did bring him enough surprises. After seeing the old man with a cane on the office chair embedded in the palm of his hand, Shirai was so convinced.

In fact, after the advent of the Super Disaster Countermeasures Office, Shiraitsu had this hunch. This world is different from other worlds. Its fate trajectory is very powerful. Although it can still be changed by Shirai, it is difficult for Shirai to start a butterfly storm like the previous world. Some of the so-called plots are because of his arrival. It only happened when he intervened, as if his fate-destroying body turned into a helper of fate.

He hasn't become a **** of fate. This point Shirai is quite convinced, because with his actions, many things have changed substantially, but many things did happen because of his arrival.

For example, the birth of Gao Tianyuan, for example, the demon fox Geye gave birth to Abe Qingming, for example, before the fake jade algae sealed by Abe Qingming.

There have been countless similar things in these thousands of years. Bai Jingyue even didn't even bother to count how many plots were born because of his help.

The point is, why! ?

In this regard, Shirai has a conjecture.

The world is like a system. The track of fate, or the plot, is the program that this system is running. The existence of Shiraizuki is equivalent to a disease, causing irreparable damage to the program, but this world is more advanced than other worlds, it has a backup! It can know what the program should run from the backup, so it modifies the plot from the bottom, so that the plot in turn cooperates with Bai Jingyue this disease, so that the surface of the program is exactly the same as the original!

As for why there is such a backup in this world, but there is no other world, or other worlds, but it is not possible, Bai Jingyue is not clear.

Why the world is so obsessed with maintaining the plot, Bai Jingyue has not yet figured out.

After all, this view is just a conjecture now, and many things cannot be confirmed, but if his conjecture is correct... this world is really a bit terrible.

In short, it is probably because of this principle that the things related to the killing stone in this world are basically caused by the nine killing stones he dropped. This is true of the Bairui stone embedded in the body of the Tu Gong clan's head and the boarding of the Bairui stone.

It is this thing that makes Shiraiuki happy. He did not forget that he still left among the four killing stones here, except for the one of Abe Ching Ming, the remaining three are related to each other. In other words, you only need to get the killing stone inlaid in the palm of the Tu Gong clan chief, and Bai Jingyue can recover all three killing stones.

But Shiraitsu did not do it immediately.

He finally got such a vest, and the play hasn't been played for a few days. How can he just throw it away like this? Anyway, after a while, he was going to carry out the harvesting plan, and then the three killing stones and Abe Qingming should be recovered together. Now, it is enough to know that the Tu Gong family has a killing stone.

Probably because of the news from the secret agent in Yinyang Hall, I was already prepared here, and the task registration soon ended. Jian Shanna immediately picked up the knife in his hand and took a few people to Shiraizuki to the station.

The journey to Noihara was very boring. There were two people from Dalian Temple to Dao and Jianshan Naluo. No one dared to step forward to disturb. Half a day later, the crowd got off at the town on the edge of Noihara, and then walked to the mountainous area of ​​Noihara.

Compared with other ghost-slaughter family residences, the Tianhe family residences are relatively deep. After all, in the strategy to deal with the monsters, most of the other ghosts are eliminated, and only the Tianhe family adopts domestication. Their resident lives in the deep mountains, to a large extent for this group of monsters domesticated by the Tianhe family. The Yin-Yang Hall and the Super Disaster Countermeasure Room are also aware of this, and will subconsciously bypass this area each time they perform a task.

To tell the truth, the Tianhe family's approach is not a big problem. As long as they can control these domesticated monsters, it can be said that it is a very good thing. If it is not done, it will evolve into a fantasy town and a half demon. In addition, the first area where humans and monsters live in harmony.

However, the strength of the Tianhe family has declined too much in recent years. No matter whether the previous generation of males is their own or separated, there is no one who has the ability to light up. This caused the Tianhe family's control over this area to plummet. Although the demon tiger Huyin, who was subdued by the Tianhe family, was not weak, but in such a large area, she couldn't take all of it into account in the face of so many similars.

This forest has gradually become the best hiding place for those monsters who attacked humans. In the past, they may have considered the existence of the Tianhe family, and did not attack the humans near the Tianhe family. However, in recent years, the grandfathers of the Tianhe family have gradually grown old. Go, the children of the grandchildren haven't grown up yet, these monsters have become unscrupulous.

The B-level monster discovered by the Yin-Yang Hall is the one with the most courage, and he directly started the small town near Noihara.

"The monster is now free from enchantment and is hiding in the mountains. Let's go to Tianhe's residence first and help Senior Baijing get things done."

Jian Shan Nai Luo glanced at the Dalian Temple, and at last he said nothing. Anyway, if Yin-Yang Hall is going to make trouble, in the end, it is still better to lead the monster to the residence of Tianhe's house. Compared to drilling in the deep forest, of course, it is better to stay in the Tianhe's house and wait for the rabbit. As for Bai Jingyue's calculation, it has nothing to do with him, he is only responsible for beheading the monster.

Of course, Bai Jingyue will not refute all, this thing is obviously helping him, so he nodded directly, and then took the hand of Cangqiao Jingzi and followed him in Dalian Temple. Behind him walked towards the residence of the Tianhe family.

"The change here is really big. The trees are much denser than before."

"Senior has been here before?"

"Yeah, I came here when I persuaded Tianhe's family with Yeguang. I remember that the owner of the house was a masterpiece."

"Excellent senior?"

Not only was Dalian Temple Zhidao surprised, but even Jianshan Naluo turned his attention.

Tianhe Yousuo, an old senior who has been fighting for humans since the establishment of the Super Disaster Response Room until a while ago because he was too old to retire. Both of them are respectful of this predecessor, and they really didn't expect Shirai to actually know him. However, in this case, Shiraitsu's identity is completely without doubt. With this old-timer guarantee, even if Shiraiuki is a monster, they will believe Shiraiki's words.

The old man's credibility was recognized by many people.

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