The Forbidden World

Chapter 1778: No. 21 first

The golden sea that came into view gradually rippled with the warm summer wind, and the fine rustling sound echoed in the ear like a natural sound. Those who stopped here would feel that their impetuous heart was gradually smoothed.

Someone will definitely be immersed in it, and then involuntarily walk into this flower field, want to integrate with this flower sea, and pursue a deeper level of tranquility, but if someone is really tempted to walk into the flower field by this beauty, then Bai Jingyue can only Congratulations, the idea of ​​these people wanting to be integrated with Hanada is sure to be achieved if they can accept that they become Huafei.

Here is the Sun Flower Field, an absolute forbidden place known to all monsters before the completion of Fantasy Township! Flower tyrant wind sees the site of Youxiang!

Not to mention human beings, even monsters and even gods, as long as they have not been invited to enter the flower field without authorization, the ending will inevitably become the flower fat of this sun flower field!

Of course, Shiraitsu does not have this limitation. After Shiraiki stepped into the sun flower field, these sunflowers, which are both detection devices and weapons, not only did not activate the internal enemies system, but gently extended their branches and leaves to Shiraiki. Welcoming month.

Bai Jingyue sighed, stopped and waited.

He used to come to the Sun Flower Field in the past, these sun flowers will not stick out the branches and leaves, but will recede to both sides, making a special path for Bai Jingyue, and now this unusual move is definitely the wind and the fragrance. As for the purpose, of course, he is not allowed to approach the Dream Hall now.

Shirai had met Skaha before. At that time, Skaha's face had just been satisfied. Obviously, the battle between Skaha and Fengmiyouxiang did not end soon, and the result does not need to be said. Fengjianyouxiang lost Too. People who lose are usually not very good-looking, and it takes some time to sort out, and Shiraitsuki, who understands the meaning of Feng Jian You Xiang, simply stops, waiting for Feng Jian You Xiang to be ready.

After a short while, many sunflowers that were clearly blocking the retreat evacuated one after another, revealing a road leading directly to the Dream Hall. Bai Jingyue walked along this long path for about ten minutes, and came to the door of the Dream Hall On the open ground.

Pushing open the door of the Dream Hall, Bai Jingyue saw the fragrant fragrance. She was standing on the table in the center of the living room at the moment, gently brewing flower tea for Bai Jingyue.

"delicate fragrance?"

"Month, you are here."

Feng Jian You Xiang and Bai Jingyue stopped speaking after greeting each other, and concentrated on brewing flower tea. After half an hour, Feng Jian You Xiang finally walked through a whole set of brewing process, and then she held up the tea cup with both hands and brewed The good flower tea was handed to Shirai, and said in a slightly weak voice: "Come, try the tea I made for you."

Seeing that the painting style was so soft, it seemed like a person's wind and fragrance were changing. Bai Jingyue didn't feel happy, but sighed. He set the flower tea aside and fixed his eyes on Fengjian Youxiang's pupil. After a moment, Bai Jingyue, who felt almost the same, said, "Youxiang, don't try to be brave in front of me."

That's right, brave. The actions before Feng Jian You Xiang were brave!

Why does it take half an hour to brew a flower tea? Because Feng Jian You Xiang takes half an hour to let yourself relax!

Why did Feng Jianyouxiang hold the cup with both hands? Because Feng Jian You Xiang can't use force at all, maybe one hand can't hold the cup!

Why does the wind see the sound of fine fragrance like fine lines? Because Feng Jian You Xiang is now very difficult to maintain a sitting position with that kind of mental power, and the mental power that can be used to speak is very poor!

Different from the domineering Fengjian Youxiang in the past, the current Fengjian Youxiang exudes a soft breath, and the blush that appears on the face makes people think of the word beauty. However, the wind seeing Youxiang in the eyes of Shirai is not a beauty, but a patient who is about to collapse!

He knows the current situation of Feng Jian You Xiang very well, that is, his mental strength is close to dryness, and his body can't control the appearance of going to sleep!

It's all because of challenging the crystal.

The rule setting of the challenge crystal is very good to ensure the safety of both sides of the study, but that is not to say that damage can not be caused, but the damage is transferred to the mental power. Generally, the challenge in the challenge crystal is the point, the rules are just Just in case, but the character of Eskaha and Feng Jian Youxiang, the battle between them is definitely at the last minute, so the mental damage to the defeated person will be very serious!

This kind of loss, even Feng Jian You Xiang, whose resilience is far superior to others, takes a week's rest to fully recover. Now that the battle is just over, Feng Jian You Xiang has no time for rest, and her mental strength is on the verge of exhaustion. It is also the root cause of Fengjian Youxiang's present appearance.

"You need a good rest now, don't be brave."

Feng Jian You Xiang frowned, and she seemed to want to refute her mouth. Unexpectedly, Bai Jingyue actually ignored her directly, and stretched her hands around Feng Jian You Xiang's waist.


"What are you, don't move!"

After yelling in a low voice, Bai Jingyue's other hand bypassed Feng Jian You Xiang's legs from below and hugged Feng Jian You Xiang directly in a princess hug. Feng Jian You Xiang subconsciously wanted to push Shiraizuki away, but her hand was stuck on Bai Jingyue's bore and couldn't make any effort, but instead seemed like a tacit consent.

The unprecedented weak version of Feng Jian You Xiang makes Bai Jingyue secretly stunned. Later, if Feng Jian You Xiang promises Skaha to fight in the virtual world, then Feng Jian You Xiang will become the final noise. When I think of this, Bai Jingyue The pace towards the bedroom slowed down a bit.

Perhaps it is to understand that struggling is useless, and Feng Jian Youxiang simply hasn't struggling anymore, and he curled up on his own to make himself more comfortable lying in Bai Jingyue's arms. The two did not say a word, snuggled together silently, and walked towards the bedroom where the wind saw Youxiang.

About an hour later, the two finally walked out of the corridor, which didn't know why it was so long, and came to the bedroom of Feng Jian You Xiang. Feng Jian You Xiang's bedroom is very simple. In addition to a set of wooden furniture pitted from Bai Jingyue, it is a few precious potted plants. Many of them are made by Bai Jingyue that should not exist in this world. For example, at the beginning, the roses made by ice from Bai Jingyue, and then the Baixu made by Shirayuki, the narcissus made by water mist, etc. If you don’t like other gifts, you like Bai Jingyue to send her these things. Only the original ice rose that can be promoted and planted in the sun flower field by Feng Jian You Xiang, the others are placed in this fantasy pavilion by Feng Jian You Xiang, and these few plants in the bedroom are the favorite of Feng Jian You Xiang. of.

Gently place Feng Jian You Xiang behind the bed on the side~ Shirai Takes the only steel thing on the bed cabinet that doesn't match the style of this room.

This is the virtual world connection device that Skaha has brought to you.

"If you want to fight in the future, just use this device directly. In the virtual network, you can casually find someone to fight, as long as I am free, it is no problem to find me."

Feng Jian You Xiang nodded gently to show his understanding, and then the vines that controlled the plants turned into bedding and wrapped themselves tightly.

Although no longer brave, Feng Jian You Xiang still didn't want to let her weak side appear in front of Bai Jingyue. At this moment, part of the blush on her face was already blushing.

Bai Jingyue shook her head with a smile, just sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting for Feng Jian Youxiang to sleep.

This sitting, sitting for seven days.

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