The Forbidden World

Chapter 1758: 1 day

"Cough, I also want to work with a certificate. However, the school city will not approve me. If there is no certificate, the management department will not prepare a booth for me. I will only be here. Fraud or something, you This is slandering. How can you count as a scam if you count on your wishes?"

"It's what I mean if the academy city does not give you approval

Li Baiyang was not happy to hear this.

"I thought the school city was not approved because of the different style of painting. The result is you kid! Have you treated your brother like this for thousands of years?"

"Do you still know the style of painting is different?"

After saying a word, Bai Jingyue went straight to the topic: "If it is really a hexagram, I hope I really can't control it, but brother, are you telling hexagrams, or are you fooling people?"

"Huh! How can you be innocent!"

"Counting hexagrams is to watch the fate of others through various means. If you don't say it's okay, you will reveal the rules of the rules in an irregular manner, that is, the so-called leaking of the heavens. It is to lose your life. Brother, this school city The Daba Star Festival lasts for seven days. How much life do you lose when you convert it in seven days? Do you really count all the people who come to your booth?"

Li Baiyang rolled his eyes.

"This still needs you to worry about? I've crossed that line already, okay? As long as it's not too big a dilemma, nothing will happen, besides, I'm already dead, it's a soul body, where else? Can my birthday be discounted?"

"Since Brother said so, I will rest assured that Brother, in order to take care of Brother's business, let me take the first hexagram."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, Li Baiyang was suddenly calm. He took a breath and looked at Bai Jingyue sitting in his booth: "Don't be like this?"

"Brother, didn't you say that you would count all the people who came to your booth? Come on, you're welcome, I really want to know what will happen to me in the future."

Li Baiyang froze there. He can count whoever counts. The only thing he can't count is Baijingyue. Now Baijingyue is already a black hole of fate. If he really counts Baijingyue, he is mortal. Undoubtedly, that kind of soul.

"Brother, don't be stunned. Come on, help me count."

"This noble looks like a king at first glance, and this honor is not something we can count on."

Seeing Li Baiyang talking directly about the official accusation, Bai Jingyue pouted: "Do you fool people if you can't count?"

"Can it be a fool to count things? Not counted, not counted."

"It turns out that, brother and you, the elder sister of the police officer, have a good talk to see if she believes it or not."

With that said, Shiraitsu stood up and gave up the position to a heroic policewoman behind him.

"Li Baiyang! What are you doing!? Now it's Daba Star Festival, not when you are in trouble! Come back with me!"

Ugh? its not right?

Bai Jingyue stared blankly at Li Baiyang, who followed the elder sister of the police officer with great disobedience, and only a moment later reacted.

Was there something wrong with what the policeman elder sister said just now? Is Li Baiyang too obedient? In other words, has his brother been arrested a lot recently? Are they all small questions that will not be detained and will only be brought to the headquarters for inquiries?

Hmm... Did he find something terrible?

Forget it, this matter is left alone. It is difficult for Li Baiyang who has been single for thousands of years to come up with such a wonderful way to chase his girlfriend.

After looking at the time, it was close to noon. After calling the three girls back, Shiraiuki took them to a famous family restaurant on the shopping street.

Opening the door of the restaurant, it is a little strange that the famous restaurant in Shiraitsuguchi is very empty at the moment, and not many people are dining at all.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the four went to a vacant window. After ordering, Bai Jingyue explained to the three of Paqiuli: "This restaurant is the best restaurant in the entire shopping street, which is usually full. Yes, this time because of the Daba Star Festival, most people have chosen restaurants near the stadium, which has a lot of vacancies."

"Is this the restaurant where it is difficult to book a seat? If Lily and Sister Joan know, they should be very happy?"

Li Nali was a little annoyed. She just left in a hurry. She hadn't had time to exchange contact information with the two people who had a good time with each other. Now she can't do anything with them.

"It's okay, the two of them usually come in the morning, and will go to other places in the shopping street after eating."

Bai Jingyue made Li Nali nod, but then she noticed something was wrong.

"Brother Yue, are you so familiar with them, don't you?"

"Well, that's it. How are you getting along?"

After blushing for a moment, Li Nali nodded: "Very good."

When Shiraitsu wanted to say something, the door of the restaurant was pushed open again. After looking around, the person who walked into the restaurant walked straight towards Shiraitsu.

"Maiye, Takihu, what's the matter?"

"Ten minutes ago, someone broke into the Protect building and was a single sorcerer from the West."

"Uh, you should be able to deal with this matter? Is there any special reason for me?"

Some groups of magicians should have known about the terrible effect of Protect, and it is impossible to continue to send people to death. Now they dare to investigate, only those wild road magicians, and these magicians have not been notified to Shiraitsu. Is necessary.

Mai Ye Shenli's reply choked so that Shiraii was suddenly speechless: "No, no, I just came to dinner and happened to meet you."

Afterwards, Mai Ye Shenli and Takihuri sat down at the table next to Shiraizuki and called the waiter to order.

In the waiting time, Shiraitsu asked Mai Ye Shenli a question he always wanted to ask.

"How do you like this school city?"

"What are you talking about?"

"All aspects."

After hearing Bai Jingyue's request, Mai Ye Shenli slightly picked his eyes: "Technology is not as good as the original, management is not as good as the original, confidentiality is not as good as the original, and enjoyment is not as good as the original. From these aspects, your school city It really failed."

Bai Jingyue is not angry, because Mai Ye Shenli still has some key things to say.

"However, in other respects, your school city is much better. Although there are a lot of things going on, but... it's very comfortable."

The original academy city was almost a city with the highest ability. As long as the level is high enough, it can have enough privileges. However, whether it is Lv0 or Lv5, in the eyes of those scientists, they have not failed Lv6 experiments. In order to chase Lv6, scientists are mad, and in order to reach Lv6, students step into darkness.

This world is completely different.

First of all, there is already an Lv6 here. Many scientists’ desire for Lv6 is not as serious as expected, and Aresta’s attitude is completely different from that of Aresta.

Aresta created the original academy city for his own plans, and Aresta doesn't care about the so-called ranking at all. He only cares about the one who can transform himself into human beings.

Therefore, this academy city has no ranking.

Lv5 is Lv5. Before reaching Lv6, Lv5 abilities are not eligible for ranking.

Under the guidance of Sakurai, everyone's views on the abilities also changed.

Taking Mai Ye Shenli as an example, she said that she cooperated with Tataki’s AT position, and said that her atom collapsed and decomposed everything from the atomic level. This ability is indeed terrible in terms of destructive power. But practically, she hasn't had the Lv3's ability to make fireballs to work in thermal power plants.

In order to encourage those with lower abilities, the subsidy is linked to the ability level, but also to the purpose of the ability. Some strange abilities have additional subsidies! Scientists no longer simply pursue the strength of abilities, but develop in terms of the diversity of abilities and uses.

Under various measures, although low-level abilities still regard high-level abilities as idols, they do not want to feel inferior as in the original world.

The conflict between the incapable and the incapable has eased a lot.

Just as Mai Ye Shen Li said, compared to the original academy city with a bright surface and a shadow, the current academy city makes people feel comfortable.

Bai Jingyue, who has received such comments, is very happy, which shows that he and the girls have not been in vain for their efforts in the past few decades. During the lunch, the smile on his face has not faded.

After a delicious lunch, Bai Jingyue forcibly pulled up Pa Qiuli who wanted to sit and read a book, went to the street with Li Nali and Alice to eat, just when they walked to the intersection of the shopping street The big screen on the junction building suddenly lit up.

The voice of the narrator also sounded: "The much-anticipated duel has arrived! Tokiwadai High School and Hallelujah Theological Seminary, at the opening ceremony, the directors of the two schools are diametrically opposed. It’s time for the school to confront each other! Who wins and who loses!? Next, there are invited athletes to play!"

"Tokiwadai's first appearance here is the Tokiwadai ace, known as the Shock Princess, and the super-electromagnetic cannon Misaka Megumi! Beside her is the famous gun sister's mount, which is famous for the x-round, and Lv4 space moves Shirai Kuroko!"

"The representatives of Hallelujah Theological Seminary also appeared. Standing at the forefront is the strongest of their college, the perennial expressionless beautiful girl, Ji Shenqiu Sha, and the elegant and luxurious elder sister, Ashen Fujino! "

"It is reported that these four people are very familiar with each other. I don't know what kind of sparks they will have in this game!~"

After listening to the broadcast by the commentator, and then looking at the four figures on the screen, Shiraizuki was speechless.

He didn't care how the vomiting things appeared in the broadcast. His only thought now is to be happy.

Fortunately, the next game is a balloon hunter, a game that cannot directly attack the competitors with their ability, so that this game will not be transformed into the battle of the gods as before.

Bai Jingyue originally wanted to continue to take Pa Qiuli with them to visit other places, but Pa Qiuli were very interested in this game, so a few people found a stall on the street and sat down to watch the game.

Balloon hunter. In this project, the contestant needs to attack the balloon above the opponent's head with the designated ball. When the balloon above the head is broken, it means exiting. At the end of the game time, the team with more survivors wins. The scope of the competition is very broad. As long as the position marked on the map belongs to the competition area, of course, It is illegal to enter the streets and houses where ordinary people walk, even if you will be disqualified.

Without direct interference with other athletes, Misaka Miki's ability and abilities were greatly weakened. If he is not careful, he may be counterattacked. This is one of the reasons why this project is very popular.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides avoided the strongest four and hunted each other. However, when only one-and-a-half of the game time, they stopped fighting and began planning to kill the trump cards on both sides of the school.

If the girls are just ordinary students, maybe they really succeeded, facing the crowd who rushed up with the They can only retreat, but Misaka Miqin they are all experienced Who is the strongest person in the world of death, who has no melee ability?

When playing against each other, there are advantages and disadvantages because of different priorities, but it is more than enough to deal with these empty and courageous students.

After a fierce battle, there were only four Misaka Misaka left.

Aware of this, several people gathered in a small garden to prepare for the final battle.

Just as they were ready to fight, the whistle at the end of the time suddenly sounded in the air, and this long-lasting battle ended in a draw!

Seeing from the beginning, Li Nali was eating the ice cream that she just bought, and asked Crai Moon curiously: "These games are very interesting, how did you come up with it?"

"Most of them actually borrowed from the previous Daba Star Festival."

"Isn't this the first time?"

Seeing that Pa Qiuli and Li Nali both nodded to express their understanding, Alice asked inexplicably, but this time neither Bai Jingyue nor Pa Qiuli had answered her question.

Even if her mother Shen Qi informs her of outsiders in the world, even if her mother didn’t say it, Shirai will not tell her about this kind of thing, and Pa Qiuli knows it well. Has a strong relationship, and hides from friends on this matter.

Feeling she was excluded, Li Nali bit her lower lip somewhat reluctantly. She could see from Pa Qiuli's eyes that she had no negotiation on this matter.

Just as the atmosphere gradually became awkward, a close cheer broke the silence.

"Yong Lin, it's very interesting here. I will take my concubine to other competition venues. The concubine will have to watch more games!"

Bai Jingyue looked back, and was on the table next door. Hui Ye was spoiling Yong Lin regardless of her image.

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