The Forbidden World

Chapter 1742: Nuclear leveling

"It's a trouble, Zhenta is troubled."

Knowing this matter, Bai Jingyue rarely scolded.

Originally, he was lying on a chair in the courtyard of the Red Devil Hall and enjoying the sun lazily, and suddenly he heard such a news. It took him a lot of effort to adjust the relationship between humans and monsters to normal, and it turned out to be like this after only a few years.

"So, what the **** is going on? Why did the Treasure House explode inexplicably?"

On the other side of the communication crystal, Yakumo Zi remained silent for a while, and then talked to Bai Jingyue about what she saw through the gap.

"The experiments conducted by the Treasure House in their research institute are very interesting, so I opened a gap there to observe. They seem to be studying how to use technology to strengthen their capabilities. They have created a device that can Let a common demon of a family use a powerful thunder and lightning ball that hurt the big monster, and then their patriarch walked into the experimental field."

The latter thing has probably been understood.

It must be said that the Treasure House is very powerful. They actually developed a device that can strengthen their abilities. If their research is published and widely used, the outside monsters may be completely extinct.

Of course, there is only such a possibility.

It is more likely that other families of human beings, like the Treasure House, are swallowed up by a huge energy group!

It is a good idea to enhance the ability of ghosts to slay the family by technological means, but how can such a thing be so easily researched by the treasurers? What they researched is just defective products!

The devices they researched, one aimed at the outside, strengthened the attacks they had used, and the other aimed at the inside, to enhance their abilities by expanding the resonance of the blood vessels.

Although the former has the same magnification for all attacks, it is stable and safe, but the magnification is not very high. With their current technological level, this is the limit.

The latter depends on the concentration of blood in the body of the ghost. The higher the concentration, the stronger their ability to exert.

Those low-powered ghost-splitting divisions have a good effect. Their thin bloodlines have been greatly strengthened after resonance. According to Yakumo Zi, they are able to break the defense against the big monster. Although it is only a defense, as long as a certain number is gathered, it is not a problem to siege the big monster.

However, the use of these separated families is okay, and it does not mean that the owners of the families use it without problems!

Don’t forget that although the ghost-cutting family is now in decline, their essence is Godborn! The blood of the gods flows in them! The ability they use is not just Yin-Yang technique, but the product of the fusion of the blood of God!

Under the influence of the enlarged version of the bloodline resonance, the blood of the gods flowing inside them was agitated. The gods are unreasonable, and so is the blood of the gods! The restless spirit blood spontaneously showed its own power, and the power from the gods is simply not under the control of these now-declining ghost-cutting families!

The rampage happened just like this.

In other words, it was neither the monsters nor the human side that the Treasure House was swallowed up by the explosion. The Treasure House was killed by itself.

The good combatants die from soldiers, the good swimmers drown in the water. A treasure house who is good at thunder and lightning, was eventually swallowed up by the most familiar thunder and lightning!

"Study science and technology is to study science and technology, what is the study of blood resonance? Do you die?"

At that time, seeing what the Treasure House studied, Bai Jingyue did not respond, because at that time, the Treasure House only studied how to strengthen the attacks they had sent.

If at that time it was known that the Treasure House had **** ideas, Bai Jingyue had already stopped.

As a result, the Treasure House was completely overwhelmed by its own research, and even the relationship between humans and monsters, which will eventually subside, was destroyed.

In just a few years, the monsters and humans were on the verge of two wars. Such a situation made it difficult for them to believe each other, and faced real threats. Even if Bai Jingyue tried to persuade, it was useless.

"It's really troublesome."

After thinking for a while, Bai Jingyue said to Yaoyun Zi: "Zi, please contact Tuyumen Yeguang in my name and let him show his research so that humans don't be so irritable and deter the monster by the way. Then you see Is there any demon with more decent strength in this world, let him fight with Tuyumen Yeguang to attack the destructive power of the surrounding buildings."

This is Shiraitsu's method.

It is also the method that the human world will use in the future.

Why is the theme of peaceful development the future human world? That is because it will be punished without peaceful development!

Force will bring disputes, but extreme force will bring peace!

When monsters and humans find that their war is likely to lead to extinction on both sides, this war will not be fought.

When human beings are at a disadvantage, they are willing to bet on their lives for survival. However, as long as human beings have an advantage, as long as they do not chaos, they will definitely win in the future, and they will not seek death by themselves.

Monsters just want to live, as long as humans slow down, of course they are willing to give in. After all, they can't guarantee that they will be the last winners in the extinct war.

Tuyumen Yeguang is a man with crazy behavior, but a very sensible mind. After Ya Yunzi told him the current situation and Bai Jingyue's plan, he immediately agreed.

So, five months after the destruction of the Treasure House, and the war between humans and monsters was about to hit, Tuyumen Yeguang announced that he was about to complete the imperial Yin-Yang technique.

This new spell system, which integrates various spells into one, was quickly praised by many Yin-Yang masters. In order to cope with the coming war, they began to learn Yin-Yang technique, taking advantage of this opportunity. Yemengguang established Yeguangyuan on the grounds of increasing the number of Yin-Yang divisions and expanding its strength.

Humans haven’t concealed monsters with such big movements. The new spell system makes monsters feel scared. In the past, they have seen most of the old Yin and Yang spells, and most of them have a way to deal with them. However, this new spell They all don't know how to deal with it!

Although many spells have the shadow of the past, sometimes a word difference in Yin and Yang spells will lead to completely different effects. In the face of humans who have changed their means and improved their strength, they have a time do not know what to do with it.

Just as the monster side was about to wreck the boat and fight desperately, a fight took place in Yeguangyuan.

The evil spirit named Ashiya Daoman and the Tuyumen night light battle day by night! One-third of the cities were ruined by their battles! This gives the Onmyoji who are confident and want to kill all monsters as a stick!

Their strength has become stronger, but they can not crush the monster. If a war is really fought, how much damage will those crazy monsters cause?

Just thinking about it, they dare not venture.

The relationship between monsters and humans has not eased. Humans guard against monsters and monsters are hostile to humans, but they stand on the border line and look at each other, and no one dares to really step over Leichi.

In this way, humans and monsters reached a nuclear level in another sense.

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