The Forbidden World

Chapter 1725: Change (2 in 1)

ps: This chapter is purely fictitious due to the needs of the plot, and it is extremely inconsistent with the official history. It does not mean to distort history. Please do not sit in the right position.

The following text:

The world is beginning to change.

Although the church strives to maintain the stability of the world, there are signs that the church is already weak.

The aliens are in action. They walked out of the hidden refuge and were active in the whole world. The church was powerless to do this, which made many watchers more convinced of the church's weak status quo.

Conflicts between countries have also intensified, and the whole world has become turbulent.

The country that first turned the tide was the country of the Far East that had not accepted the church from the beginning.

In 1994, the Japanese army attacked Jian Xian.

Jian Xian, who rebuilt the country from the devastation of demons three years ago, could not resist the army of Japan and Ben, so he planned to ask for help from the Qing dynasty, which was still the sovereign state. As a result, the people who sought help were intercepted before they reached the Qing dynasty.

This made the Qing dynasty want to provide assistance after almost all of Xian Xian's fall. As a result, when their army was ready to rush into battle, Japan and Japan handed in the negotiation letter.

He is willing to use the area north of the 38th degree line that Xian Xian has occupied and a large amount of money as a remedy to compensate for the reputation loss caused by the capture of the vassal state of the Qing Dynasty.

After months of negotiation and exchange of interests, the Qing dynasty, struggling because of the oppression of various countries, accepted the proposal of dividing Japan and Japan and the Qing dynasty.

After the negotiation, the negotiating experts sent by Japan Ben asked his superiors very puzzled.

"Why do we have peace talks? Our army has an absolute advantage!"

Sitting behind the curtain, the priest from Izumo Shrine shook his head.

"We are just a mortal army with an advantage. Not long ago, an oracle was issued. If you want to carry out military activities, you must avoid this ancient kingdom. Their gods are ancient and powerful, just sleeping, if we disturb them. The gods will have very serious consequences."

The negotiating expert looked stiff. He thought it was some deeper reason. The result was the so-called oracle?

As a person who has studied abroad, the negotiating experts are very despised of their own priests and so-called oracles. In his view, these are all deceptive things, but I did not expect that these deceptive things dominated A country's decision!

The priest who saw his thoughts smiled softly.

"Why? Don’t believe the oracles, and think that all these scammers do for our own benefit against the country? Why do you think that we have already begun to accept those advanced technologies and still retain so many shrines? "

The negotiating expert was speechless. He wanted to say that this was their ignorance, but looking at the words said by the priest, it didn't look like ignorance at all.

"Do you know that after this oracle was issued, many generals in the military department objected."

"The results of it?"

The negotiating expert's voice trembled, and he had probably guessed what the priest wanted to say.

"The result is that we changed a group of generals. After all, the old generals are hidden, leaving only a black mark, and we can only promote some talented young people."

The priest stood up, opened the curtain and patted on the shoulder of the negotiating expert.

"The gods of the ancient kingdom are sleeping, but our gods are awake. You can not believe it, but don’t do anything that violates, or one day if your **** is hidden, I will find a smooth negotiator It's also very troublesome."

It wasn't until half an hour after the priest left that the negotiating expert recovered from the panic. He shivered and walked toward his room. He never dared to doubt the superior's decision.

In this way, under the guidance of someone's oracle, history has taken a completely different direction.

The wheel of time continued to move forward, and after seeing that Japan had gained substantial benefits, many countries began to move their hearts, but they did not know who to look for for a while. After all, they don’t look weak on each other, and it’s not good if one is taken advantage of by a third party.

In the end, many countries chose to cooperate, and they decided to divide the wealth together to satisfy all of them, but the military power can be bullied by anyone.

While the anti-imperialist struggles within the Qing dynasty occurred repeatedly, the seven countries united together to find an excuse to invade the Qing dynasty. They originally wanted to pull up the Japanese and Japanese that had previously demonstrated their strength. Digested the area just occupied as an excuse to refuse.

They have no doubt about this. After all, who can think of the fact that the Japanese did not fight the Qing Dynasty because of the so-called oracles?

The war broke out, and Japan had originally watched the Seven-Power Allied Forces attacking the Qing Dynasty with the mentality of watching the drama. After all, according to the oracle, this excessive behavior will evoke the spirits of that ancient kingdom.

What they did not expect was that the Allied Powers of the Seven Kingdoms directly entered the capital of the Qing Dynasty!

Is the oracle wrong?

The generals anxiously sought answers from the priest, and as a result, even the priest himself did not know what was going on. But they still can't question the gods. The previous unbelievable generals have used their endings to tell them to question the end of the oracle.

Many generals are therefore at risk of offending the gods to share a slice of soup and watch other people get rich at home.

Finally, some people couldn't help it. It was a new general who had just been promoted not long ago. He didn't believe in the last cleaning incident. He thought it was just pure faction dumping, and he was promoted to this position because of his talent. .

He thought he was very talented and decided to do something in line with his abilities. While others were still entangled, he gathered his men to prepare for the supplies needed for the Qing Dynasty.

Then the next day the figure disappeared.

Others only saw the same black ash in his room.

The private actions of the reckless general once again summoned Shenyin, which made many generals completely extinguish the restless and restless heart, and just watched the seven-nation allied forces gallop in that country.

At the same time, there are doubts in my heart, can the Oracles still make mistakes?

"The oracle will of course go wrong, because I was giving the wrong oracle."

In the underground library of the Red Devil's Museum, Bai Jingyue explained to everyone what was happening in the East.

"The gods are not sleeping, but are dying. The development of science has reduced Huaxia's belief in Haotian to the lowest point, and the national games have also been on the verge of collapse. The Qing dynasty has been at most ten years. "

"So why did you stop them? Is it because of the history of your world?"

When others were puzzled, Lola, who was an insider, took the lead in asking questions and gave Shiraitsu a chance to explain.

"It is for this reason, but also for this country where Xiaoyu took shelter."


"The Qing Dynasty is not the focus, the focus is on the era after the Qing Dynasty."

Bai Jingyue remembered his hometown, and sighed slightly in his heart.

"There are too many people in that country. Even when the country is ruined, it can prevent strong resistance. Once they are awakened by the pressure of the outside world, a common belief will shape a new god, a Replacing Haotian to undertake national games, a **** who can thrive in the age of science."

"Is there really? A **** who can exist in a scientific environment?"

According to Lola's understanding, science denies the existence of gods. In such a lack of faith, how can a **** who does not have faith survive?

"Of course."

Bai Jingyue does not intend to discuss the relationship between science and gods and truth with Lola, he just needs to say the true body of the new god.

"Whether it was once or now or in the distant future, there is a belief that is engraved in their bones from beginning to end. That is that man will win the sky!"

People will win the sky, because of the evolution of the times, there are two kinds of sayings: [people, Dingsheng Tian] and [people, Dingtian]. Either way, it means that in the hearts of people, the sky can also be defeated!

What is going to be God is not a certain existence, but a word! A will that exists in the heart of a nation and keeps the nation moving forward!

As long as everyone still believes in the saying that people will win the sky, the national games will become better and better as the gods become stronger, and the future of this kingdom will be unlimited!

"Look at it, the Seven Kingdoms are moving happily now, and they will suffer in the future."

In this way, the Seven-Power Allied Forces left happily after winning a victory and signing an extremely unequal treaty.

Just a few years after they left, things started to change.

First, Russia was hit hard, and the repressed Japanese army dumped its accumulated pressure on Russia, making Russia's current situation turbulent.

Then came the disintegration of the Qing Dynasty.

The damage caused by the coalition forces of the Seven Kingdoms to the Qing dynasty was so great that people lost confidence in the Qing dynasty. As expected by Tongbai Jingyue, shortly after the revolution in 1911, the Qing dynasty came to an end, and a new regime stepped on the bones of the Qing dynasty.

Although the wind and rain are shaking, although it is only a trace of tinder, this is a new beginning!

It will definitely be targeted by other countries, and some people will be corrupted, but the kindled fire will not extinguish!

The fire of Liaoyuan will eventually spread throughout China!

In 1914, the First World War broke out, and under the intervention of the great powers, Huaxia was torn apart again, but it was too late!

In 1919, at the Paris conference, countries refused to give up their interests in China and wanted to divide Shandong's rights and interests. They thought they would reach an agreement as easily as before, and the result completely detonated China!

Trends of thought began to surging in China, changing the idea of ​​this country that had not completely separated from control, and began to emerge in the hearts of everyone.

In 1921, a new flame was ignited!

But when the cataclysmic changes occurred in China, Shiraiuki left the Red Devils Museum and returned to Japan.

The Red Devils House couldn’t find the missing vampire, and the plan was completely unavailable. He didn’t have much to do there. He just received Yakumo’s communication and went back to Japan and Ben to help.

Bai Jingyue, who had just crossed the space and came to Riben, stood on the edge of the beach, holding the communication crystal and asking Ba Yunzi about the specific situation: "So, what's wrong here?"

"Because of the great enchantment of Boli, the outside world began to regard the existence of Fantasy Township as a very consciousness. If they are different, they can know the existence of Fantasy Township through the previous enchantment, and those of the demon family, they The impression of Fantasy Township is becoming more and more blurred."

It is a good thing that Fantasy Township disappears from the memory of human beings. After all, Fantasy Township is designed in this way. Soon Fantasy Township will become very conscious in human minds. However, this is a problem.

"In addition to forgetting Fantasy Township, the people of the Demon Family also forget the fact that the outside world and the monster are currently in a semi-armistic state."

That's right, since the establishment of Fantasy Township, there has been a semi-truce between humans and monsters.

The monster will reduce its own activities as much as possible, even if the activity is not to obtain fear by killing, and humans will not actively attack the monster's retreat, but only passively defend.

Of course, there are still some monsters that still take pleasure in slaughtering human beings. This part of the monsters will naturally be punished by humans after being known.

For hundreds of years, more battles were filled between monsters and monsters. They fought each other for the so-called fear in the same way that the gods of the previous mythological era fought for faith.

However, all this changed with the establishment of the second layer of fantasy township.

In the eyes of the demon family, there is no truce between them and the monster, but the monster is weak due to too much wear and tear. In order to prevent the monsters from coming back, they should take the opportunity to destroy the monster completely!

"The full-scale war has begun?"

"No, at present, most families still exercise restraint because the previous generation's head has not died."

"Which family was the first to start?"

"It’s a family walk. Their patriarch passed away half a month ago. The new patriarch knew nothing about the past. They have been looking for the places where the monsters lived in seclusion for half a month. Just a few days ago, their family’s People began to gather towards the west coastline."

Going to the family, the eighth seat in the family of the twelve ghosts is famous for their strange power, and their greed for wealth is as well known as their strange power.

It’s not really greed for money, because of their ability, how strong they can play depends on their physical fitness, so they usually try to collect those items that can enhance physical fitness, but these items are very expensive, and Most of them are disposable items, so leaving home is very short of money.

To this end, apart from the demon, Dijia also serves as a mercenary. As long as they have money, they can take any job.

In essence ~ ~ they are still demon masters. After losing the memory of Fantasy Township, the first thing they thought of was to chase down the monsters and destroy them completely.

If you put it in the past, this is a good quality, which is enough to be called a hero by humans. However, in the case where humans and monsters have been half-armed, this will become the fuse of another comprehensive war between monsters and humans! This will make Bayunzi's past efforts at least waste half!

In order to maintain the great enchantment that has just been in operation for a long time, Yakumo Zi cannot leave Fantasy Township at will, and she can only seek the help of Shirai Mizuki. As Suzu Mingzun’s Shirai Mizuki, she has enough strength and authority to stop the worst Situation.

"rest assured."

Bai Jingyue showed a confident smile, and responded to Ba Yunzi's help with a calm tone.

"give it to me."

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