The Forbidden World

Chapter 1709: key

Denas sat in the corner of the ruins, looking up at the stars.

The sound of the collapse of the building came from afar, along with the roar of the soldiers and the laughter of the devil. A purple beam of light swept across his body, and he saw with his own eyes that his rest companion, Digar, was swept away and turned to ashes.

However, he was indifferent.

It is not that he has no feelings for his companions, but that he has witnessed too much death. His current location is in the alleyway next to St. Peter’s Basilica. From here to the Vatican City Wall, the fifteen lines of defense where a large number of companions were stationed were all broken by demons. Only a few people relied on uncomplicated streets to resist tenaciously. .

Countless people were eroded into ashes by the demon's virus in front of their eyes, and blood was spilt into the sky. When the devil's claw was less than a few millimeters away from him, he had forgotten the boundary between life and death.

This is a jihad, a war fought by human beings to continue the survival of their companions, to protect the world, and to the will of God!

He is just one of the gears, a gear dedicated to life for human victory.

"Sevens, you said, can we win?"

Beside him, a crusader warrior wearing a full set of armor and a long sword shrugged: "Who knows, maybe, maybe not, it has nothing to do with us."

Death may come at any time, thinking about winning? This seems too extravagant to Sevens.

Dynass wanted to say something, and the rapid footsteps made him frown. It was useless to pick up the halberd, which brought him a little psychological comfort, and turned his head to look at the street outside the ruins.

A figure wrapped in a white robe was running wildly, and at the same time fiddled with the strange device in his hand. If he remembered correctly, those from the black sect called this enchantment device, and it seemed that it could fix the demons and make the demons unable to move.

Behind the figure, a demon similar in appearance to humans made a strange laugh and chased towards it.

"Sevens, level three demon, can you do it?"

"Don't joke, that can be done by the heavy armor knights. In my words, unless you hit a weak place, you can't even break the defense."

"Can the eyes be?"

"It's too fast."

"What about that person's enchantment device?"

Seeing the members of the expedition who stumbled to the ground with a piece of broken stone and still playing with the enchantment device, Sevens climbed up from the ground.

"Try it."

"Then I'm on."

After talking, Dynas rushed out of the ruins, and his halberd smashed the demon.

Of course, it is useless. But he wasn't trying to kill the demon, but simply fighting for time. For the companion who didn't know how much time it would take to repair the enchantment device, he would fight for even a few seconds to use his life.

There is no complaint. The meaning of these guards in this jihad is exactly that. This was already known before the war. If there is any dissatisfaction, it is a pity that they cannot see the scene after the victory.

The heroic guard succeeded in attracting the demon’s attention. The demon tilted his head to observe the figure attacking himself. Some wondered who actually dared to attack himself. After discovering that it was just an ordinary person, the demon suddenly lost interest and raised his hand to hold Dana's head.

At the next moment, the power of the devil is about to erase Danas from this world. At this moment, a light enveloped the demon, and the demon suddenly lost his ability to act. At the same time, a companion's reminder came from his ear: "The enchantment device has a short duration against demons of this level! Quick!"

Seventh, whose armor had faded in advance, rushed over with a glowing long sword, and pierced into the demon's eyes.

It is gratifying that this demon is not specialized in melee, and the defense is not as strong as expected. The shining sword successfully pierced the eye of the demon, but it is only a piercing.

The depth of only three centimeters is not enough to kill the demon, but no matter how hard Sievens exerts his force, he can no longer push the blade forward by a cent.

A crack appeared in the enchantment, and perhaps the next second of death was coming. At this time, new support arrived, and it was countless spells with [Bound] written on it.

The raven troops in red robes trapped the demon while using a communicator to inform the command that there was a demon here, and soon a figure with a hammer came down from the sky.

The holy flame completely killed the demon. Looking at the four figures gathered here, the rabbi gasped and said, "You have withdrawn to the seventeenth line of defense. The demon in that area has been emptied."

Tiredness made it difficult for the rabbi to speak. He wanted to retreat with these people towards the rear and take a short rest, but the Vatican's current situation did not allow him to do so.

This time he rescued these four people, but more often when he arrived, all the people who had delayed the demon were dead. The demon is pressing hard, and he and other exorcists are now desperately chasing everywhere.

Watching the Vatican step into destruction as the demon raged, the rabbi gritted his teeth and moved again. He can only continue to fight now and pin his hopes on his companions on other battlefields.

Unfortunately, it was not the exorcist who first scored the victory and the empty hand. In an hour-long battle, the Crusaders’ heavy cavalry still couldn’t hold up. The layer of white light that protected them, after flashing dozens of times, turned into countless light spots and dissipated into the air.

The knights who lost the fusion ability are at most similar to the level three demons. At the beginning, they were able to maintain the charge. However, after meeting the level four demons, the entire knighthood stopped.

The originally invalid purple light beam instantly split the Knights into two. In the torrent of demons, the Knights without the sprint speed bonus were quickly divided into dozens of pieces, and then they were pulled down one by one and finally disappeared. In the torrent of demons.

An hour after the war, the Crusaders re-ridden, and the church's trump card for more than a thousand years has completely become history.

After the heavy ride, the pressure was completely transferred to the three marshals. They tried their best to kill the demon. However, they could not make full efforts without the appearance of the Millennium Count. Soon, more demon troops rushed to the Vatican. As the Vatican was about to be completely submerged, a white light door appeared over St. Peter's Basilica.

"Hey, you are too weak, I have solved Noah, you can't even solve these demons?"

"Eh, it's easy to say, you will deal with the dead fat man later? Hurry up, later, we will lose!"

Kuros didn't know if Shiraitsu could release the second sunshine after he solved six Noahs, but according to his guess, Shiraiki appeared, there must be a way to solve the current crisis.

Sure enough, in the face of the army rushing to the Vatican, Bai Jingyue smiled, but what Kuros couldn't understand was that Bai Jingyue did not use holiness to attack, but took a piece of ice from his arms.

A piece of ice sealed with a white key.

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