The Forbidden World

Chapter 1675: Find trail

"Li Nali! I found a shop over there. The owner seems to know something!"

The voice from Yalian from a short distance reminded the three people who were staying at the door of Nanxian Restaurant. They walked to Yalian's position and asked the shopkeeper in Yalian's mouth for relevant information. At the moment when the person left, Alterucci sitting inside the Nanxian restaurant waiting for the dishes nodded Bai Jingyue with her finger.

   "What are you going to do with that girl? Everyone has chased here."

   "Look at her last choice. You also know that she grew up on the European side. It is still a question of whether the relationship between us is acceptable."

   The East is still polygamous, while the West is generally monogamous. Li Nali, who grew up in the West, has chased the door but has not come in because she cares about this difference.

   "If you can't accept it, what will you do?"

   Bai Jingyue shrugged: "Who knows, maybe I will only know what I will do if I really meet it."

   "Oh~ Will you abandon us?"

"Do not make jokes."

  Shirai's finger flicked gently on Alte Luqi's forehead: "My choice has not abandoned you from beginning to end, only let go of her, or rob her."

   "Wow! I'm so touched!!"

   "I didn't understand where you moved."

   "Don't care about the details~"

   Talking, Alte Luqi turned around and talked about this mission: "You and I said this was my last mission, is this a decisive battle?"

"No, the decisive battle should be after this mission. I mean, you can die if you want. This time the Millennium Earl began to destroy holiness, so fake death is also easier than before, as long as you drop the group uniform. it is good."

   "Then the little girl can enter because of my advantage?"

   "You think too much, I think you don't want to stay in the black sect, so I came up with such an idea."

"I really don't want to stay in the Black Order, but you have said that the decisive battle is right after this mission. Then of course I have to stay until the end ~ the battle between the **** kings, I have to look at it with my own eyes. "

   "It's up to you. Let's talk about it later, our dishes are here."

  Nanxian's little man brought a plate of dishes to the table where the two were, and a plate of dishes with fragrant fragrance surprised Elterucci.

   "It's better than I thought."

   "Hurry up and eat, Alian and they should have found the trace of Kuros, it is estimated that they will be found later."

   While Shiraiuki and Eltridge were enjoying a big meal, Yalian and others arrived at Tianqinglou, the largest greenhouse in the port, according to intelligence.

   "It's really long to finally find Marshal Kuros's trail!"

   Unlike the relieved rabbi, Allian is still worried: "Tim Gambi shows Master is still in the northeast direction, I hope I can get some important information here."

  As Allen and Rabbi were about to enter the Tianqing Tower, the guard standing at the door blocked the two.

   "This shop refuses to enter with faces and ghosts!"

   The tall figure made Alian feel a lot of pressure, but it was related to the trail of Kuros, and they had to daringly step forward.

   "Sorry, may I ask..."

   Before Yalian finished, the bald female guards would grab the collars of Yalian and Rabbi and lift them up.

Yalian and Rabbi, who do not speak Chinese, hurried to Li Nali for help, and when Li Nali was preparing to negotiate with the female guard, the female guard whispered in English: "Please go through the back door, because there is no way to the master’s room ."

   While Yalian and others were stunned, the female guard opened her mouth slightly, revealing a tongue marked with a cross.

   That is a sign of the syndicates.

  Under the leadership of the female escort, the crowd entered the Tianqing Tower from the back of the Tianqing Tower, and then saw a woman wearing court costumes in the innermost room.

   A beautiful woman nodded her salute to everyone, then introduced herself: "Welcome, demon exorcists, I am the shopkeeper Anita here."

When everyone was shocked by their beauty, Anita directly threw out a great news: "Sorry, Mr. Kuros is no longer here. Eight days ago, he has embarked on a journey again, and then... The ship was sunk at sea."

   suddenly heard this news, everyone was shocked. They are exorcists, but they are also humans. If they are sunk in the sea, their chances of survival are small.

  The still and calm Shu Weng asked Anita: "Is there any real evidence?"

   "The ship that received the distress signal rushed to the scene, but did not find the ship, nor did it find any people, only the terrible wreckage was seen, and a whole piece of sea full of devil..."

   "Master, where was he going to go? Where was that ship going? Master will never be buried in that kind of place!"

   Alian's powerful voice echoed in the room. Everyone looked at Alian and looked at Alian's confident expression, and could not help but believe Alian's words.

   "Mancha, go and prepare my boat!"

After instructing the previous female guards, Anita stood up and said to Yalian and others: "Our family is from the mother's generation is a syndicator of the sect, has been secretly supporting the sect, want to We must help in tracking Mr. Kuros' whereabouts. As for his original destination... Seoul! The Han Dynasty of the Han Dynasty!"

   "Seoul...Why should I take a boat to Seoul? Should it be safer to go inland?"

Faced with Yalian’s question, Anita shook her head: “How to say, there is a disagreement between the Order and some forces inside the mainland. The territory of Guangzhou is okay. Out of Guangzhou, the clothes of the Black Order may be It will bring a lot of obstacles, so it is better to go to the sea."

  The specific forces, Yalian did not ask, according to what Shirai said before, it should refer to the original guardian on this continent.

   He also heard about some things that happened on this continent decades ago. He could not comment on these past grudges, so he could only choose to remain silent.

After deciding to go to Seoul through the sea, the team was divided into three groups. Alian, Shuon, and Rabbi followed Anita to the location of the ship, and Li Nali went to inform Shirai and Elter Luqi of this information. .

   "Seoul? Did you get there?"

   For this change, Shiraitsu understands very well. After all, there are only a few small countries with relatively large populations going east in Asia. Of course, Japan is the most preferred option, but the last time the Earl of the Millennium wanted to get involved in Japan, the education was completely ruined, so he could only choose a country one by one.

   And the Jian Xian Dynasty is a good choice.

   "So, when are we going to leave?"

   "Sister Anita is preparing the boat, and if there is no accident, she will start tomorrow."

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