The Forbidden World

Chapter 1638: Demon strikes

The werewolf forest at night was filled with a weird mist. Several huge black shadows shuttled between the jungles. After a while, they came to the jungle not far from the walls of the Green Pavilion.

They are covered with gray and black fur, and their eyes are gleaming in the dark. The mouth is slightly longer than ordinary people, and sharp teeth are faintly visible. If anyone sees it, it will be exclaimed, because this is the case. The image of is the kind of werewolf that only appeared in the legend.

After looking at each other, these [werewolves] separated by tacit understanding and rushed towards the residences of several outsiders in the Green Pavilion. Undoubtedly, their goal was to suddenly visit Shire and Shiraitsu, However, before they arrived at the Green Pavilion, they chuckled and echoed in the dark.

"Although I had expected it, but really seeing this scene is really boring, werewolves."

[Wolfman] The gap between the forest and the Green Pavilion has stopped, it is not that they have been hindered. On the road between them and the Green Pavilion, there is nothing that can be called an obstacle, and the sound echoing in the air is also It's not their reason to stop. They stopped, because something unintelligible appeared in front of them. A human, a pair of white wings appeared in the back, just like an angel suspended above the Green Pavilion, with a very playful smile Watch them.

As an alien, what I should do most when seeing such a scene is not surprise, but waving claws to the church angel who is their enemy. However, these werewolves were completely stunned. There was no trace of the ferocity and rage that the werewolves should have.

This is actually understandable. After all, these werewolves are not real werewolves, but just human beings dressed as werewolves in a layer of skin.

After all, to lie to Giglindi, how can no one play the werewolf in the story of the witch? Relative to women, apparently burly men better play burly werewolves. These so-called werewolves also have the task of secretly executing all outsiders in the forest. This time, the attack should be a move made for insurance after being ordered by someone.

Regrettably, they are only humans after all. Although they have the help of some secret technology, their combat effectiveness is much higher than ordinary humans. However, they are still powerless in the face of real transcendents.

Such a moment!

Holy White Feathering is for the arrow that kills people. When these werewolves are still feeling incredible for Bai Jingyue suspended in the air, save and shoot down!

In front of these arrows, the protective outerwear made of special materials is as fragile as it is behind the times, and is penetrated by the arrows instantly!

The white feathers were stained with blood and came out through the body, paving the gap between the forest and the green pavilion in white. When everyone in the room rang out because of the noise made by Bai Jingyue, they saw many werewolves lying in white feathers. A scene of blood gradually overflowing on the formed carpet.

"How can it be!?"

Gigrindi looked at the werewolves on the ground, feeling like she was falling apart. That's a werewolf! It is the werewolves who have guarded this forest for many years and besieged this forest for many years. How could they be easily killed like this?

However, the facts were in front of him, Gigrindi had to believe.

"Who are you!? How could the dead werewolf be killed!? Curse!?"

Bai Jingyue, who fell slowly from the air, turned her head and looked at Gigrindi, who was wearing a pajamas because of the rush, and a smirk appeared in the corner of her mouth: "Did I not say? I am an exorcist from the black sect Maybe you don’t know too much. Our daily task of the exorcist is to fight against demons. Compared to demons, these werewolves are really vulnerable."

Gigrindi opened her mouth and was speechless, and Wolverham holding her out fell silent.

Unlike Gigrindi, Wolverham knew the truth of this village, that was a village of lies created for a certain purpose, but when they were complacent to weave such a huge lie, Shirai Yue suddenly jumped out, telling them in an undefensible gesture that they thought that all these unreal things were facts!

If it’s just the facts, then they don’t intend to really get involved in this aspect. However, Shiraitsu appears here as an investigator at this moment. If they can’t explain the werewolf’s problem well, then the church is really May send a Crusade to arrive!

Before seeing the scene in front of him, Woolfram actually had the same idea as Hilde, thinking that the so-called Crusaders in the church were outdated, but after seeing such extraordinary scenes, who would dare to underestimate the Crusaders ?

Thinking of this, Wolverham frowned.

He believes that this scene must let Hilde who is still in the village know that when he sees the bodies of the werewolves, he understands that Hilde did not listen to the advice of Gigrindi and chose to force them to be killed. Erde dares to start, the most important thing is to look down on the church that has gradually declined, but the current status has exceeded their imagination!

The strength of the church far exceeds their estimates. If the Crusaders are really attracted, even the German army may not be able to block the church, let alone a village of such a small scale.

Bai Jingyue has not checked the bodies of those people. Now they still have a way to get back. If Hilde's behavior continues, their village will inevitably face a disaster! He must change Hilde's attention before the next round of attacks!

In Wolufram's heart, he made a decision to save the village, but he found that it was too difficult to save the village! As the deacon of Gigrindi, he could not leave Gigrindi to contact Hilde as a part-time mount, and Shiraitsu simply did not give him the opportunity to act alone. When they were still adjusting their three views, they immediately brought They came to the castle's restaurant and began to question.

"Lord Sullivan, can you explain why the species werewolf appears in your territory?"

"I don't know, maybe they might get lost or maybe."

Gigrindi is now very tangled. As a girl whose world view is infused by others, she has no negotiation skills at all. The only thing she can do is to die and not admit that the village is related to the werewolf.

However, since Bai Jingyue wants to unravel the truth, how can she let her go so easily?

"Anyway, the werewolf observed near this village is a fact. I will report the matter to the church truthfully. At that time, our church will [purify] this forest. I hope your village will cooperate."

This sentence hit the point.

But it wasn't Gigrinty, but Wolfram.

The original task of the coaxed Gigrindi was to create some kind of [magic] to deal with the werewolf, or to deal with the werewolf. If the church can remove all the werewolves in this forest, it would be better for her, as long as her witch identity is not found in the process.

As her lord, and the blessing of the villagers for more than ten years, this should be possible.

However, this was only wishful thinking.

The so-called werewolves, and even the entire forest, are all lies woven for Gigrindi to make some kind of [magic]. Their real purpose is to use this [magic] to make something that can change the world, and That secret is hidden under this village.

If a behemoth such as a church is allowed to enter the forest, this secret will definitely be discovered. It is something that Wolufram and even everyone here cannot accept.

Do you kill people?

After seeing Shiraizuki with a murderous look, Wolverham gave up the idea. Even if it is really dead, it is only to delay the arrival of the Crusaders, not to mention that he is just an ordinary person and has no ability to fight against extraordinary people.

The best way at the moment is to hold down and then find a way to tell Hilde to transfer everything in this forest.

Although it is a pity to abandon this forest in this way, it is much better than the secret found here.

As for the issue of Gigrindi's disagreement after knowing the truth, I can only talk about it later. Anyway, the progress is now coming to an end. The rest of the work can be done by others, but it just takes more time.

Woolfram's idea, Shiraitsu did not know, in fact, he did not have the time to play a quiz game with Gigrindi here. If it weren't for Li Nali's thoughts and a little curiosity about the unknown plot, he would have opened Wushuangqing and he went to find the answer himself.

Fortunately, there is more than one way to find secrets.

Just when the dialogue between Shiraiuki and Gigrindi reached an impasse, the sound of gunfire suddenly sounded in the forest! The chefs of Wroufram and Shire who are familiar with the sound of gunfire came to the window of the castle at their own fastest speed and looked in the direction of the village.

"Hey, what happened here?"

No one answered Wolufram, and no one knew what was going on except the initiator Bai Jingyue.

"Melin, look at what's going on."

After hearing Shire's order, the maid who looked a little silly took off her big round glasses and looked out into the distance.

"There are two strange objects floating in the air!"

The killer-born Melin is also difficult to maintain her composure. The two things she sees are really beyond the limits of people.

"The white monster with a human face, all covered with muzzles, they pour gunfire towards the village!"

"Is it a demon!?"

After hearing Mei Lin's description, Li Nali instantly launched her black boots, and then rushed out. Bai Jingyue didn't stop Li Nali, but rushed over with Elter Luqi.

Shire naturally ordered everyone to keep up. He had an intuition that Bai Jingyue's actions could lead him into the secret of this village. Of course, Gigrindi is no exception. As the lord of this forest, how can she sit and watch her people being slaughtered? She is also very curious about the devil Li Li said.

Seeing that a child like Li Nali has extraordinary powers, Wolufram firmly strengthened her determination to persuade Hilde to transfer, but what is the demon that girl said?

With some uneasiness, Wolufram followed behind Shire and hurried in the direction of the village.

Then they saw a shocking scene.

The young girl leaping high and spinning under the moon, her scattered long hair looks like a picture scroll beautifully, a kick from top to bottom destroys the last monster suspended in the air.

The crisis of the village was lifted before the arrival of Shire, but in just a few minutes, the entire village suffered an incredible blow.

Most of the village buildings were destroyed. I don’t know how many people were overwhelmed by the collapsed houses in their sleep. Some people who were hit by demon shells turned into a pile of ashes in front of them. It made people feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts. !

"What the **** is this?"

Gigrindi had also seen so-called cursed people whose death-like twists were frightening, yet they still maintained their human appearance.

And the scene that appeared in front of her at this moment was really scary. The human body turned into ashes so easily, and it dissipated like that.

"This is the devil. The weapon of the Millennium Earl, the enemy of our black sect, it's a pity that the Millennium Earl stared here."

"Why did the Millennium Earl stare here!"

The inability to watch the villagers tragically die, which made Gigrindi hysterical, and her eyes were filled with tears, and asked Bai Jingyue puzzled.

"Because there have been abnormal rumors, there may be holiness which is the weapon we use at the moment. As our enemy, the Millennium Count will of course find ways to prevent us from getting weapons."

"But there is no holiness here! Obviously here!"

"Master Sullivan!"

Just as Gigrindi almost said something because of the pressure, Wolfram, who had been following him, stopped.

Even if this place is really targeted by the Millennium Earl in the mouth of Shirai, it is not the reason why Giglindi can tell a secret. Although Giglinti only knows what they teach her, they must not be in the church. Say it in front of.

Relative to the secrets they conceal, the witch may be more exciting to the church.

After reminding Woolfram, Gigrindi realized it was wrong. She tried her best to calm down her mood, and then calmed down, asking Shiraitsu: "Why might there be holiness in the place where there are abnormal rumors?"

"Although I am very happy to carry out a science for you, I advise you to find a way to protect yourself first. Recently, there has been frequent conflicts between the church and the Millennium Earl. If there is a fight, it is impossible to be just one or two demons. "

Bai Jingyue's voice just fell, and there was a loud noise, echoing in the forest.

What made Gigrindi pale was that the place where the loud noise occurred was her castle!

Near her castle, a giant humanoid monster destroyed her castle with a slap!

"Level three, the Millennium Earl is really willing."

Bai Jingyue, with her wings spread, was suspended in the air, her long sword condensing.

"Lord Sullivan, hope that there is nothing important in your castle, and if so, please mourn."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, there was a fluke in her heart that Giglindi passed out on the spot.

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