The Forbidden World

Chapter 1629: Perfect chic maid evolution

() "Ah~"

There was a long sigh, echoing in the bright and sunny garden, and Bai Jingyue, who had just raised the black tea for tasting, looked helplessly at Remilia, who was making a long sigh under a parasol.

"What's the matter, Remy? Did something unhappy happen?"

Remilia tilted her head, hesitated, then nodded: "It's Sakuya's thing, she..."

The voice came to an abrupt end, making people a little surprised, but after sensing the gradually approaching figure, Shiraiuki understood the reason why Remilia stopped suddenly.

Regardless of what went wrong with Misaki, it would be bad to say in front of him, especially Misato just accepted the new name given by Remilia to the Red Devils Pavilion.

For Misaki, a new life has just begun. If this time is criticized by Remilia, the owner, it will surely make Miyake a big blow.

If she is simply the master, Remilia can ignore Sakuya's ideas and directly express her opinions. However, Remilia, who has seen the line of fate in Sakuya, regards Sakuya as her new family. Of course, the psychological feelings of family members need to pay attention to it.

Bai Jingyue, who was tasting black tea, shifted his gaze slightly, looking in the direction of Sakuya. For reasons of concern, Remilia did not finish her speech, but this successfully provoked his curiosity. What was the reason that would make Remilia dissatisfied with the perfect and handsome maidservant?

And this look made Bai Jingyue cold sweat.

Misaki dressed in a maid costume, holding a cup with a tea cup in her hands, walked here with a seemingly serious but flawed pace, and adjusted her posture while walking, intending to make herself seem to agree The term maid becomes more awkward as the result adjusts.

The black blood tea specially prepared for Remilia overflows with a strange **** smell. Although black tea plus blood itself is different from regular black tea, is this concentration of **** smell definitely not blood plus black tea?

What is more worthy of complaining is that this short ten-meter road actually appeared three fragments, and the shape of Saki Ye seems to have been cut off by a frame, and a sudden change has occurred. There is no doubt that Saku Ye used it. The time stop capability of the month timepiece.

Such a night, not to mention perfect and chic, not even qualified!

Bai Jingyue has no choice but to help him. It is also a mistake for him to say that Misaki was originally a witch who studied magic. As long as she lives in a normal life, it is enough. How can she know how the maid who specializes in serving others does things?

It’s really a bit harder for Misaki, who doesn’t know anything about maids, to serve Remilia as a vampire as soon as she comes up.

Silently watching Remilia drink the wonderful cup of black tea, Bai Jingyue silently expressed condolences in her heart. In order not to hurt Sakuya's heart, Remilia could not say too serious criticism, but if you continue this way, Lei Millia herself will be very hurt.

"That's how it is."

When Miyara was opened by Remilia to clean the Red Demon Hall, Remilia was paralyzed on the table and complained to Shirai in a decadent tone: "Can you improve her ability?"

"I can't help it, but some of the people I know should be able to help."

"But how do you tell her?"

To kick Misaki to practice her maid's abilities, you first need to let Misaki understand that she still has many shortcomings, which is tantamount to pouring a pot of cold water on Misaki's now full of enthusiasm.

"Leave it to me."

Squeezing Remilia's bulging cheeks, Shiraitsu responded to this matter.

After a few moments, I don’t know how many times I used the time-stop ability. Finally, Miya, who had cleaned the Red Devil House, came back. She placed the freshly brewed black tea on the table in front of Remilia and trembled like a puppet. Similarly, standing behind Remilia.

"Your name, sixteen nights Miyake?"

"Yes, this is the new name given to me by my sister."

"The name is pretty good, but unfortunately the maid's ability can only be passed."

In fact, Misaki's ability is not a pass at all. However, in order to prevent Misaki from being hit too hard, Shiraitsu still uses the word pass.

If Sakuya can’t even accept such a pass, Bai Jingyue thinks he must have found a fake Sakuya.

Hearing Shirai's evaluation, Sakuya's face became rosy.

Although she did not know how bad her performance was, she knew that her performance was definitely not good. After all, a normal maid would not use the ability to stop to save her mistakes.

But she couldn’t help it. Her only caregiver was only helping to do laundry and cleaning. For the maid, she only saw the maid who occasionally appeared to buy ingredients in the vegetable market. For a maid who was in the house door How to serve the master inside, she can only rely on her own speculation.

"You, shouldn't you meet your current situation? How about, want to serve Remy better?"

Facing Shiraizuki's question, Miye looked to the side and lay on the table. Remilia, who was lazy all over, could not help raising her mouth, forming a beautiful arc.

"Of course! I want to serve the size and sister better!"

"So, are you willing to study for your size and sister? Learn better maid skills?"


Saki Ye was at a loss, can this thing be learned?

"What's surprising, no matter what industry, there are advantages and disadvantages, is it not normal for latecomers to learn from their predecessors? I can find the best people in this industry for you now, and see if you are willing to do it for you Size sister, exercise yourself."

"Of course!"

"Then go with me, Remy, I'll borrow your people."

After getting Misaki’s answer, Shiraitsu got up and took the lead to walk out of the door, which made Miye caught off guard. She looked at Remilia in a panic, wanting to know Remilia’s response to this Views of things.


Remilia raised her head slightly, her eyes filled with water mist blinked: "Are you really willing to study for me?"

The joyful expression mixed with reluctance made Saya Ye feel as if her heart had been shot through, almost stopped breathing.

She leaned down slightly and confided her voice to Remilia softly: "Everything I have is big and small, for the sake of big and small, I am willing to do anything!"

"So, go, Misaki."

In the eyes encouraged by Remilia, Miyake walked towards the outside of the courtyard and merged with Shiraitsu waiting at the gate.

"Mr. Mu En, please make me stronger!"

"Relax, I will make you a perfect and handsome maid. First of all, the first step is to be able to manage the chores of the Red Devils House. Make a knife first."

Bai Jingyue's instructions made Saki Ye very puzzled, but she did so, and a small short dagger that seemed to be used for magic performances condensed in Sakuya's palm.

Bai Jingyue, who had received the short dagger, gestured the short dagger in the palm of his hand, and then slammed it into the grass beside the gate!

Accompanied by a scream, a person with a knife in his forehead and blood was climbing from the grass.

"Who is throwing things!"

"Sleep again at work and detain you for a day."

The awakened Hong Meiling heard Bai Jingyue's words, and her drowsiness suddenly dissipated. She quickly stood up and said to Bai Jingyue with a smile: "That, in fact, I didn't sleep, I just secretly investigated in the grass."

Bai Jingyue ignored Hong Meiling's argument, but turned around and explained to Misaki: "You came here. It is estimated that this is the first time I saw her. She is the guard of Hong Meiling, the Red Devils Hall, I often sleep lazily, as long as you see her sleeping, you can throw her a knife like me, drop something, food, salary, whatever you want."

"So... is it okay?"

Miyaki looked at Hong Meiling's **** forehead, worried.

"Relax, although it looks unreliable, Hong Meiling's strength is still very good, you can throw her knife at will, you can't throw her away anyway."

With that, Bai Jingyue raised his hand and pulled out the **** knife on the forehead of Hong Meiling, who was constantly protesting by his ear, and handed it to Sakuya.

"How about it, do you want to try it? I heard Remy saying that you lost the flying knife quite accurately."

"Yes, once stayed in a circus."

Perhaps I remembered the few happy times in the past, Mi Ye raised his mouth slightly, and then raised his hand to throw it away.

Red Meiling, who was hit again, screamed, but as a lazy employee caught by the boss, Hong Meiling was also embarrassed to fight back, so she ran to the inside of the gate of the Red Demon Hall and looked at Sakuya with tearful eyes.

Just when Miyaki blamed herself for being overdone, Bai Jingyue's slightly smiling voice sounded: "Oh, forgot to remind you that Hong Meiling has superb control over her body and has the ability to control water, So if you see tears, just ignore it, it is absolutely fake."

It was said that way, but Bai Jingyue secretly picked up the camera and took the photo of Hong Meiling.

Although this picture is installed, but this is also the first time Hong Meiling exposed this picture, it is still necessary to record it.

As for why this was not the case before, nonsense, Hong Meiling did not know his strength, pretending to be like a clown in front of him, she was not so boring.

Hong Meiling, who was debunked by Bai Jingyue and still photographed, collapsed to the ground completely, with an expression of unrequited love. This time she was not pretending. After Bai Jingyue's spoilers, she looked at Misaki's eager look will reveal her tragic fate.

Seeing that Hong Meiling was broken, Shiraizuki no longer pursued, and after beckoning to Miyake, he walked towards the city of London.

I don't know why. The closer to London, the worse the look of Misaki, with a look of uneasiness, which makes Shiraitsu a little strange.

"What's wrong with Misaki?"

"That... someone chased me before..."

"Oh, you don't have to worry, since I brought you to London, it means that all these things have been dealt with, whether it's the person who chased you for the month timepiece before, or whether you imitated Jack the Ripper and killed a human. "

Misaki stiffened his entire body, and then looked at Shiraitsu with incredible eyes.

Her previous impression of Shiraiuki was a friend with some strength around Remilia, but now, it seems that it is not so simple! She didn't kill her by telling Remilia!


"Monthly timepiece!?"

"By the way, you don't know yet. It's the one you can use to stop time. It's called the moon timepiece. It was originally a god's possession. It disappeared in a war and was picked up by you."

"God... Ming?"

"Is there anything strange about the gods? You are also a witch anyway. Don't tell me you are a nomad, I don't know what a **** is."

Misaki's silence kept Shiraitsu from knowing where to start for a while.

"Well, that's the case anyway, you don't have any burden, because for some reason, its original owner is impossible to appear by your side, even if it appears, she can't do anything with you, don't look at Remilia's appearance. , She is the king of vampires today and the **** of vampires in the future. With Remilia blessings, you can live in peace at the Red Devils House."

Misaki was a little embarrassed. She only knew that Remilia was a vampire before, and she seemed to be a noble. Others were unclear, just to repay Remilia’s unrequited life-saving grace and chose to be a maid beside Remilia. , Why do you look at it now... Is she embracing her thigh?

In turn, Miyake's eyes became startled. If Remilia's identity is so powerful, the man in front of you...

"Me? You will know it in the, you can go back and ask the others in the Red Devil Hall slowly, let's speed it up, put you in place and I will go back to pick up Li Nali What."


Some unresponsive Sakuya nodded stunnedly, and then continued to follow Shiraitsu toward the city of London.

About twenty minutes passed, and the two came to a mansion.

"Is this where I can learn how to be a maid better?"

"No one here can teach you, but people here should know who can teach you."

While talking, Shiraiuki knocked on the door.

"It's a rare guest, Mr. Mu En."

Sebastian, who opened the door, saw Shiraizuki bowed slightly: "My master is learning now. I wonder if you can wait a moment?"

"I'm not here to look for Shire, but to you. As the best deacon in London, Sebastian, you should know where you can train the best maid? Can you help me? A bit? I have a new maid who wants to learn."

Sebastian looked sideways at Misaki, then nodded.

"I do know a very powerful maid, Chuan Orla. The maid she cultivated is praised by all the nobles of London. If necessary, I can contact you now."

"Then trouble you."

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