The Forbidden World

Chapter 1398: Herbles

After deciding on the future arrangements, the bishop first left, to approve the procedures related to the approval of Lola and Ailian, and also left some time for Shirai to talk privately. After all, after becoming an exorcist, you need to perform tasks everywhere. In the future, Bai Jingyue and her family will only spend less and less time.

The bishop did not expect that the time he specifically set aside for Shiraitsu became a perfect time for Shiraitsu to lay out his hands.

After Shiraizuki confirmed that there were no others around the stairs leading to the underground, a dozen transparent ice crystals suddenly appeared in his hand, and then handed to Lola.

Lola took the ice crystals and put them in her sleeves. Then she asked, "To what extent?"

"As long as it won't be discovered, the deeper the better."

Lola, who once dominated the entire British Puritanism, was put in such a place as the comprehensive management class. With these ice crystals equivalent to Shirai's ears, it is estimated that it will not take long before the entire black church is infiltrated into a sieve. After that, Shiraitsu will know what information he wants.

"That's it, then if I turn [it] into my thing, is it okay?"

Looking at the confident Lola, Bai Jingyue made a please gesture: "I don't have any opinion even if you make a necessary evil church again."

On the other side, Elaine was a little uneasy. She is still thinking about what Shirai said to her before, learning from Lola about magic.

She thought it was easy before, but after visiting the scene inside the black sect, she was a little guilty.

This is the secret department of the church. For the witch, it can be said to be the most dangerous place! She and Lola are not in the same department. How do you learn magic?

Aware of Ailian’s uneasiness, Shiraizuki brought Ailian to his side and asked: "Did you not go to school outside? You should study medicine knowledge and device control in medical classes. These basic disciplines have special here. Don’t miss it if someone teaches you. If you have a chance, go to a science class in the future and learn more. As for magic, you live with Lola, and there are opportunities, don’t worry."

Hearing Bai Jingyue's calm voice, Ailian calmed down again. She nodded seriously at Shirai, and secretly vowed in her heart that she must learn the knowledge well.

About half an hour later, the bishop returned, followed by a woman in a white coat.

"Let me introduce, this is Ms. Nova Marie, the head of the medical class and the manager of the dormitory. Next, she will lead the two to her room."

"Hello, Ms. Mary. They please."

"Relax to me, Mr. Mu En."

Nova Marie with a smiling face left here with Lola and Elaine. After they walked away, the bishop beckoned to Bai Jingyue: "Mr. Mu En, please come with me next."

With Bai Jingyue, the bishop came to the bottom of the stairs, and then walked onto a square platform.

Seeing this platform floating in the air without any pillars, Shiraitsu did not make any inquiry. He knew that even if he asked, he would get at most one sentence, a gift from the Lord.

The bishop walked to the other end of the platform and hit points on a slate that looked like a console. Then the entire platform began to fall.

The process of falling was a little long, and the two fell like a helpless lamb, slowly falling towards the abyss.

"Are we going underground?"

"It's not that deep, it's just the bottom of the cliff. There is a special holy eligible person, Hebrus. We'll be there to check your sync with the holy."

Seemingly remembering Shirai's character, the bishop quickly added: "The new exorcists who have entered the regiment are all here to test, this is a rule."

Seeing the bishop's nervousness, Shiraitsu waved his hand.

"Relax, if it is the rule, I will generally follow it."

The bishop heard the words and could not help twitching the corners of his mouth. That is to say, under unusual circumstances, what is prescribed is ignored?

Before waiting for him to ask, Bai Jingyue skipped this topic and began to ask the sect for other information: "You just said Marshal? Why are there five Marshals and only three Marshals?"

"The Grand Marshal was sent by the Central Hall to coordinate the Black Order. They are our chiefs. The Marshal is a powerful person in the exorcist who has a special mission."

"So that is to say, the reason why there are only three marshals is because only three people are strong enough? Then you can say I can be a marshal?"

Faced with this problem by Shirai, the bishop was a little embarrassed. Speaking of strength, Bai Jingyue's strength is absolutely sufficient, but in his view, Bai Jingyue has too many problems in other areas!

The Field Marshal is responsible for finding important candidates for new qualified persons, and sometimes for teaching exorcists. The Bishop really felt a little worried when Bai Jingyue became Marshal.

"Oh, it seems that there are a total of 109 holiness, so how much holiness do we find now? How many exorcists are there?"

The bishop frowned slightly after hearing this. He didn't expect Shirai to actually know such specific information. But it doesn't matter anymore. Now Shiraitsu is considered to be an insider of the black sect, and all this information is publicly available internally.

"We have found forty-two holiness now, and there are currently a total of thirty exorcists. They are currently distributed around the world to perform missions."

When the bishop said this, the rate of decline of the platform began to slow down, and their destination seemed to be coming.

Upon seeing this, the two stopped talking. They can talk about the denomination in the future. At present, testing is more important.

Finally, the platform stalled. At the moment, they were in an abyss without any light, only the platform under their feet, flashing a faint fluorescence.

Suddenly, five pillars of light rose from the abyss, illuminating the five figures sitting above.

"they are?"

"They are our chiefs, all marshals. Well, let them see the value of Lord Mu En."

The bishop's voice just fell, and a huge translucent creature emerged from the Countless tiny tentacles poured out from this creature and pounced towards Shiraitsu.

Just when this creature was about to touch Shiraitsuki, Shiraiuki urgently launched holiness, and between the flashes of light and shadow, he came behind the bishop.

"Hey, hello! Tell me clearly, who is this guy? If I don't make it clear, I will treat it as a devil!"

Between the words, countless white feather blades emerged in the air, aimed at everyone including the five marshals!

The bishop sighed and patted Shiraoi's shoulder.

"Mr. Mu En, don't be excited. She is what I said to you before, a special holy eligible person who is responsible for checking your synchronization rate. Her holiness is the stone box we found."

After Bai Jingyue put away the holiness, the bishop protested against Bai Jingyue: "Also, the name below is not hello. My name is Tex, Tex Liffin."


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