The Forbidden World

Chapter 1182: Key Mountain Chick

It is common sense in the world that water flows down.

Because of this common sense, rivers usually flow down from mountain peaks and flow into the sea after a long journey.

But here, there was an accident.

This river of doom carrying many young puppets, after turning around, flows toward the belly of a deep mountain.

Bai Jingyue walked down the quiet mountain road, avoiding the monsters on patrol, and followed the river to a deep-looking cave.

A faint singing voice drifted out of the cave.

Hearing this song, Shiraitsu was more sure of his guess, and then stepped into the cave.

The first to introduce the eyes is the bright red in the dim cave.

The seemingly empty stalactite cave, with its rugged interior, looked closely, and there was no place to settle.

However, there is a road that leads directly to the stalactite cave, and that's where the river flows. Following the straight river and the only way, Shiraitsu came to the bottom of the stalactite cave.

Here, a pool of black ink is constantly spinning.

It's not that the terrain here is bizarre. The reason why the pool rotates is because a red figure walks on the water above the pool.

White toes, rubbing gently on the water, the girl spins back and forth, as if it were a gyro, continuously forming a breeze, completely wrapping the black pool.

As the girl turned around, the red kimono continued to ripple on the water and spread out on the black pool.

A light green hair flew in the air as the girl danced.

The light and gentle singing came from the girl's mouth.

Perhaps the arrival of Shiraiuki disturbed the girl, the girl's singing stopped abruptly, but the girl still did not stop her rotation.

"You... who are you?"

Some soft and excessive voices came from the girl's mouth. While turning around, the girl's gaze kept looking towards Shiraitsu.

Bai Jingyue looked at the girl for a while, then looked at a lot of human puppets in the open space behind the girl, and finally smiled and answered: "My name is Bai Jingyue. Glad to meet you and gather the gods of doom Little sister."

The girl's name is called Jianshan Hina. It should have been regarded as a mourning god, a monster born by chance from among the countless young puppets who gathered here to take away doom.

However, when she began to instinctively gather the doom of these young puppets, things changed.

Anything can reach the realm of rules after it reaches a certain level in a certain way and exceeds the limit.

After countless people believe that the young puppet can take away doom, this species of young puppet has the possibility of becoming a god.

From the moment of absorbing bad luck, Jian Shanchu became a candidate for the gods.

Originally the Jianshan Hatchling was not qualified, because there was only one river flowing here, and the puppet dolls that eventually converged here were really pitiful, but the puppet dolls at the end of other rivers were even rarer.

Those rivers finally flowed into the sea. Compared with the sea, those Xu Hup dolls really can't afford any waves. Instead, they are here in Jianshan Hsiao, they are transformed early, and they begin to collect faith.

In the absence of anyone competing with her for the entire day, Jianshan Hmong naturally became a real deity—a **** who collects and guards doom.

In this way, it is understandable why the old lady had such fortune.

According to the old lady, many young puppets will get stuck at the corner of her door, and the old lady will help those stuck puppets continue to drift downstream when they encounter this situation.

This behavior of the old lady is equivalent to helping Jianshan Hutch gather faith.

The most important thing is that the old lady is still a girl in a sense! In other words, the old lady is actually a believer in Jianshanchu!

When she picked up the puppets from the river and threw them back into the water, she naturally brought a trace of her own misfortune.

Over the years, the old lady established contact with the corner that blocked many young puppets.

Since then, the old lady's doom will gradually shift to the corner, and then follow the river to the key mountain chick here, providing power for the key mountain chick while providing faith.

It has to be said that the old lady's chances are somewhat coincidental, and it is this coincidence that made the old lady's unlucky luck survive.

It's a pity that this unlucky luck can't be copied. If Bai Jingyue deliberately shapes the lucky person according to the old lady's behavior, it won't make much sense even if it succeeds.

People who believe in gods have basically cut off the road to the rule level. Not everyone is the same as Lola, who believes in the imaginary god.

For this kind of luck, giving up the possibility of reaching the rule level is simply not worth the loss.

" are human? No...don't come near me!"

Seeing Shiraizuki approaching step by step, the girl was a little panicked, not afraid, but worried.

As a deity-gathering god, the girl knew exactly how terrible the doom around her body was.

Even a little bit is enough to kill people.

In order to restrain these misfortunes from spreading, she keeps spinning here and gathers all the misfortunes to her side, but she still can't restrain these misfortunes completely. As long as someone approaches, they will still be contaminated by these dooms.

From serious illness to severe disaster, rampant disaster!

"If you are worried that I will hurt you, then don't worry, in a sense, we are the same kind. If you are worried that I am contaminated with these bad luck, then don't care, these bad luck are invalid for me."

Bai Jingyue stepped into the deep black pool in one step, as if dripping into the oil pan, and suddenly set off waves.

Jian Shan's eyes widened, and the black water of doom was entangled, and the man in front of him would be drowned in a blink of an eye. However, before these men had touched the man, they suddenly stopped. fall.

Jianshan froze there, and even stopped spinning.

This is no wonder. After all, this scene in front of her is beyond her imagination.

It's normal for water to freeze, but those bad luck are only present in the water, in fact they have nothing to do with water! If the water is frozen, it is impossible to affect the invisible substance like doom.

However, in front of Jianshan Hutch, the doom is frozen!

"You... who are you?"

"Did I introduce myself? My name is Bai Jingyue. Perhaps, you can call me another name-Suzhan Mingzun."

With Bai Jingyue's words, the whole cave suddenly became silent.

The pervasive divine power makes the mountains and rivers not dare to act rashly.

The pool of doom also ceased to fluctuate, and some ripples also gradually stopped.

All of a sudden, only Shiraitsuki and some young girls who had brain short-circuits were left in the cave.

ps: Rewarding Gaeng for Mengzhu [Dark Star Emperor]

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