The Forbidden World

Chapter 1162: Inuyasha wins

The wind was cut open.

Severing the wind is like cutting off the running water, which is impossible in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of the extraordinary, this is just something that can be achieved when the strength reaches a certain level.

To be honest, the strength of Inuyasha's own strength, which is currently the degree of agitation caused by the previous performance, is still a distance away from the wind.

But with the help of the iron broken teeth, he succeeded in doing this.

When the trajectory of wind wounds scattered in the air and came towards Nuliang Slipper, all the ghosts behind Nu Liang Slipper were startled!

That was enough to stun the mountains.

However, Nu Liang was not afraid.

Although Inuyasha's power is terrible, he has not reached an irresistible point, and he has a hundred ghosts behind him, fearless!

The black dread force is entangled in the short knife, and the heavy force like the abyss bursts out of the hands of Nuliang Slipper!

At this moment, he is not just a slave to Liang Liang! He is also a slave group!

A knife that blackened the surrounding space, facing the wind wound of Inuyasha on the front!

The moment the two meet, the light blooms!

The trajectory of the wind that collided with Nuliang Slippers seemed to meet the flood of the dam, and after a few shocks, it was finally calm.

The wind wound was blocked.

However, whether it was Slave Slave or the demon behind him, they all looked serious.

Although Nuliang Slippers blocked the wind wound, but he only blocked one of the many wind trajectories. Except for this trajectory of the wind that collided with Nu Liang Slippers, the other wind trajectories moved along the earth and moved The ground in this area is all torn apart, leaving a crimson claw mark!

If Inuyasha uses this trick against the Nuliang team, perhaps the Nuliang Slipper can protect himself, but other monsters are hard to say.

What's more, Nuliang Slippers did not completely block the wind wounds. At this moment, Nu Liang Slippers had several hair-like scars that were leaking a little bit of blood.

The power of fear cancels out the magical power of wind damage, but the turbulence of the air generated when the two collide still hurt Nuliang Slipper.

"Inuyasha, your strength is indeed worthy of your name."

After the wind and smoke stopped, Nu Liang slipped his short knife away, and then waved at the position of the Nu Liang group in the rear.

Seeing the movement of Nuliang Slipper, a cold woman came over and threw the spare clothes to Nuliang Slipper.

"Don't fight? I still have the power!"

Seeing Nu Liang's move of retracting the blade, Inuyasha shook the broken iron teeth in his hand and asked.

Seeing the gust of wind converging on the iron broken teeth in Inuyasha's hands, and feeling the surging magic power, Nu Lianghua shook his head.

"No more. I admit, now, you are stronger."

Nu Lianghua scoop very simply admits that the defeat is soft.

Although in fact, Nuliang Huaxiu still has the power to fight again, and he can still fight Inuyasha with his power of haunting, but Nuliang Huaxiu chose to concede defeat.

He is not afraid of Inuyasha's wind damage personally, relying on the fear of the Hundred Ghosts, he is enough to block Inuyasha, plus his ability to confuse each other, he can completely fight Inuyasha, who wins and loses, who is unclear.

But it was too dangerous for the demon behind him.

If he really continues to fight Inuyasha, then there must be a fierce battle. At that time, he and Inuyasha are very difficult to hold back.

In case there is a wind wound over the one hundred ghosts who cut himself behind him, that would be troublesome.

Nu Lianghua, who had been confronted with wind damage on the front, knew that few of the ghosts behind him could survive such moves.

He came here just to see how strong Inuyasha is rumored, but not to fight his death with Inuyasha, he didn’t have to press the whole ghost for a match! Now that we have tested each other's strength, there is no need to continue this battle.

So Nu Lianghua scoop decisively chose to admit defeat.

Seeing Nuliang Slippers admit defeat, Inuyasha withdrew the iron broken teeth. Like Nu Lianghua, he only chose to truce after scoring the victory and defeat.

Inuyasha is still very fond of the Nuliang group he will meet in the future who will be led by a half demon.

Bing Ge stopped, but the communication between the people did not stop, and Nu Liang, who was redressed, walked towards Inuyasha with a jug of wine.

"It's almost night, we are going to hold a banquet. How? Would you like a drink?"

"Wine? Forget it. Human wine is meaningless."

Inuyasha shook his head and chose to refuse, even if it might make Nu Lianghuazi and others lose face, he still chose so, really because he was unwilling to drink with humans.

He hasn’t drunk alcohol yet, but human wine is no different from Inuyasha with a monster body and Shimizu. Perhaps it is only at the dawn of time that Inuyasha in human form will realize the beauty of wine.

However, before meeting Shiraizuki, every night, Inuyasha was cautiously hiding, how could he drink wine that might put him in danger?

Inuyasha really feels good about wine.

Inuyasha refused so decisively, and none of the slaves, even the slave group, showed displeasure. Instead, they all showed approval.

Nu Lianghua scooped at Inuyasha and shook the bottle in his hand, with a mysterious look on his face: "This is the demon wine I got from the hands of ghosts, but even ghosts can be drunk. !"

Inuyasha a little hesitated. The wine that can make ghosts drunk is obviously also able to make monsters drunk.

This gave Inuyasha who had never been drunk had the idea of ​​drinking.

Looking back at Ge Wei and others, Inuyasha's eyes looked slightly forward.

In fact, Ge Wei and others did not know what to do.

This is a feast of monsters, and they are basically humans. Although Qibao is a monster, it is obviously a minor.

Finally, Shiraitsu decided to make a decision.

"It's just a banquet, Inuyasha. If you want to go, just agree. Here you can take care of yourself."

With Shirai's assurance, Inuyasha, who had long been curious about the fine wine in the hands of Nuliang Slippers, agreed to Nuliang Slippers' invitation.

So Inuyasha and his party followed the Nuliang group to the abandoned mansion where the Nuliang group settled.

Shortly after the people left, a moth drifted slowly across the edge of the battlefield where Inuyasha and Nuliang Slippers were fighting.

When no one was aware of it, another force was about to move.

They are the Avengers from hundreds of years ago!

With the help of the fragments of the Four Soul Jade and the sealed endless demon power, the flying monster moth family crawled back from hell!

He smiled happily after witnessing the battle between Inuyasha and Nuliang Slippers, the current leader of the flying deer moth family, Agate Maru.

"Found it, the tooth of destruction!"

His expression was excited, as long as he had this tooth of destruction, he would be able to destroy the tooth of the fighting tooth king who sealed the endless demon power.

As long as he inherits that endless demon power, the flying monster moth will rise again!

Agate Maru's eyes narrowed slightly, summoned his men, and began to prepare for the strategy of seizing iron broken teeth.

Although he is very arrogant, he doesn't think he can **** the iron broken teeth from the hands of those two strong teams in the world. Some things still need to be planned.

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