The Forbidden World

Chapter 1149: Rewarding Gaeng for the Mengzhu [Dark Star Emperor] (...

"Kang Sheng Wan, why are you here!?"

Inuyasha will not know why Ge Wei, who has recovered his freedom, is behind him, looking nervously at Shi Sheng Wan.

"That's my line, go away!"

"what did you say?"

"I don't allow you to join this battle now!"

Contrary to the past, which was slightly teasing when fighting for iron broken teeth, the killing pill at the moment is serious and very serious.

"Why do you have to agree with me? Ge Wei was caught here, but I can't let the cats go!"

"Ignorant guy!"

Seeing Inuyasha as if he was unhappy with Inuyasha's killing pill at first, it is a slap to directly wave the fighting spirit to Inuyasha. Inuyasha will naturally not sit still and choose to face up!

The two men fought together like that.

"Don't stop fighting! Those monsters are already dead!"

Ge Wei's voice made Inuyasha and Shisheng Pill both stunned, and the movements in his hand were thus stagnation.

"Ge Wei, what are you talking about?"

"After Master Baijing rescued us before, he fought against the leader of the group of monsters. Now that Baijingyue is back, the monster should have been retreated."

It is said that Inuyasha and Shishengwan are both looking at Shiraitsuki with a casual expression.

Inuyasha's smile appeared on his face, expressing gratitude to Shiraitsu for rescuing Ge Wei, and Shishengwan's face also showed a smile, but his smile showed obvious sarcasm.

I remembered the killing pill that once met Shiraii and looked at the scene, his eyes slightly cold.

Master Shirai?

Whether this guy is human or not is not necessary. He can freeze him in the blink of an eye, a terrible character who can talk to his father very much and even slightly better, a guy who can live for two hundred years with the same face.

Such a guy followed Inuyasha, and didn't know what it was for.

No matter what the other party is for, and regardless of the identity of the other party, Shi Sheng Wan knows that the other party must have something to ask for. If so, then it is his enemy!

Exactly, he also wants to try his progress over the years!

However, Shi Sheng Wan did not dare to expose Bai Jingyue directly. According to the words of Ge Wei just now, the leopard cat leader has been resurrected. The battle between the fighting tooth king and the leopard cat leader has also used the power of Cong Yunya.

If Shiraitsu really solves the leader of the leopard cat family alone, his strength is unimaginable.

And if he angered Bai Jingyue, then the blood of the Douya Wang may be cut off here, and today, he is only trying to test the other side.

"That is to say, you have robbed my prey, then you will be the prey for this unsuccessful hunting!"

After that, Shishengwan rushed directly towards Shiraitsu! The ghost fighting spirit in the hand began to fill the glory of demon power!

However, this rapid slash didn't even touch the side of Shiraiuki. Shiraiki used the speed to intersect with the body of Shishengmaru, and easily escaped the blow. The blade of the fighting ghost was less than two centimeters away from Shiraiki's body. Wipe past.

The stopped Sheng Sheng Wan looked at Shiraitsu and frowned.

The hello that Shiraizuki just shook with him just now made him confirm the terrible man in front of him-"You don't need to try to face your uncle, come and slash hard, and your uncle will give you some guidance."

His strength has become stronger, and Shishengwan is quite certain of this.

However, when he became stronger, he faced Bai Jingyue and was still as weak as a child. This human is more terrible than he thought!

"Kill Health Pill! What are you doing!"

Seeing Shisheng Pill launching an attack on Shiraitsu, Inuya rushed straight up to block Shisheng Pill.

Seeing the ignorance of Inuyasha, Shisheng Pill, who was already very annoyed, was even more annoyed: "Shut up! Inuyasha! The ignorant guy who is confused by humans is not qualified to stand in front of me!"

The unprecedented seriousness of Shisheng Pill frightened Inuyasha, but Random Inuya became angry.

"Why do you say that I am not qualified! Take a good look at my current strength!"

Having said that, Inuyasha took the initiative to attack Shisheng Pill!

On the other side, Ge Wei and others asked curiously about the servants of Shishengwan: "What does Shishengwan mean?"

The evil opinion frowned, and he was not too clear about the meaning of the killing pill, but if he was not mistaken, it should be said what happened 50 years ago.

"Fifty years ago, the people of these leopard clan groups drove away by the lord reappeared to attack the West again in revenge. Because the lord passed away, the territory was destroyed and the clan was also attacked. At that time, Inuyasha was confused by the human witch and was sealed!"

The words of evil views made everyone speechless. Everyone knew the truth about the matter 50 years ago. This thing really does not blame Inuyasha.

But it was also true that Inuyasha did not show up when he needed him in the Western Kingdom.

"No wonder Shi Sheng Wan's attitude towards Inuyasha has always been poor... It seems that this matter accounts for a large part of the reason."

Maitreya recalled that they had met Shasheng Pill several times, and compared the power of Shasheng Pill several times. Finally, he found that although Shi Shengwan had a bad attitude, he did not really put Inuyasha to death. Most of the time, Play mainly.

And just as a few people talked with evil views about things 50 years ago, Shiraiuki quietly pulled Aoqi Qingzi to the back: "With you, how could Ge Wei get caught here?"

"That one···"

Even Cangqi Qingzi was a little embarrassed at the moment.

"Isn't Ge Wei going back? I think nothing will happen in a short time, so I went home, and when I came back, I learned that Ge Wei was arrested."

Hearing the words, Shiraizuki suddenly had a black line.

On the other side, the battle between Inuyasha and Shisheng Maru is about to come to an end.

Inuyasha's jumping power is powerful, but the sword style produced by Shasheng Maru's full swing of fighting ghosts and spirits is not weak.

So the two retreated at the same time, Inuyasha held up iron broken teeth, and Shishengwan was a flat fighting spirit.

The violent wind, the raging thunder, condensed on the iron broken teeth and the ghost fighting spirit, respectively!

"Take the trick! [Wind wound]!"

"Humph! [Cang Long Po]!"

Two forces surging at the same time! Wind wounds separate the atmosphere, and the thunder cracks the ground.

Soon the two forces collided!

After about a few seconds of deadlock, the blue Thunder suddenly overwhelmed the wind wound! Inuyasha was directly struck by Yu Wei broken by Canglong!

Inuyasha, who fell to the ground, looked at Shisheng Pill, his face stunned. He really didn't think that the wind wound that could suppress the killing pill before was suppressed by the killing pill at the moment, and there was no response at all.

Looking at Inuyasha's surprised expression, Shisheng Maru suddenly lost his desire and desire, and put away the fighting spirits and walked outside the town. Before leaving, I left my summary of this matter-"boring."

After Shishengwan left, Inuyasha still didn't respond. Why did Shishengwan suddenly become so powerful?

Bai Jingyue smiled slightly.

Inuyasha still had too little experience, so he didn't notice it. In fact, until today, killing pills is showing its true strength.

Previously, there was no Sheng Wan can only use Poison Claw to exert his power. Not to mention short hand, he is also easily injured. At most, it uses the magic power to condense into a long whip to expand the range. The attack range, damage surface and sharpness are limited.

But now the killing pill with the ghost fighting spirit can finally form a regular move with demon power, and exert the true power of the rules he has researched!

Canglong Po, that is a powerful move that condenses a trace of destructive power, and Inuyasha's wind wound is just torn apart the wind's demon power.

But these Shiraitsu do not intend to tell Inuyasha that there are certain things that only Inuyasha can see is worthwhile.

"Well, both brothers are making great progress. It seems that the next step is possible."

A rose made of ice appeared in Bai Jingyue's hands, and a message penetrated the space and came to a girl.

The girl who was holding a parasol and walking in the forest saw the message, and there was a smile on her lips.

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