The Forbidden World

Chapter 1144: Scarlet iron broken teeth

The blood penetrated the broken iron teeth.

Inuyasha's final stab, attached to the power of the leaping, the slash that even the keel can hurt, easily penetrated into the body of the jail pill, and poked the heart of the jail pill into a hole.

Death, so the unguarded arrived.

Oguro Maru's huge body just fell from the sky and hit the frozen sea heavily.

Above Inumaru's body, Inuyasha stood motionless, and the people around did not disturb Inuyasha, but waited quietly for the result.

After a moment, Inuya moved, and he pulled the broken iron teeth from the body of the big prison pill, and the blood slid down the blade.

When the conditions for plundering demon power are met, the pulp of the iron broken tooth begins to beat! The enchanting power of the enchantment attribute is absorbed by the iron broken teeth along the blood.

After absorption, the pulp of the tooth began to pulsate, and the power to break the enchantment began to fill the blade of the iron broken tooth. At the same time, the iron broken tooth began to become as red as blood!

"It seems to be a success. This should be the best result."

As Shirai said, he rubbed Zizhi's head beside him.

Inuyasha's original intention to come here is to find a monster that can arrange a powerful enchantment to kill.

Originally, Zizhi, who inherited the power of enchantment, was the best target. However, in the face of the same half-demon girl Zizhi, Inuyasha could not quit, they originally thought that this was an obligation to help, but they did not expect In the end, Dayu Maru twitched the power of the enchantment in the blood jade coral, regained the ability to arrange the enchantment, and then died under the slash of Inuyasha.

In the wrong place, Inuyasha achieved his goal instead.

"So, what do you do next? Go back to the village?"

Ge Wei was a bit worried. Although under the suppression of Shiraitsu, those in the village gave up the persecution of Zizhi's mother and daughter, but this was only temporary. Once Baijingyue and others left, they had some gaps with Zizhi's mother and daughter. The villagers will never let go of Zizhi's mother and daughter.

And if they leave here, where can they go?

"We don't know what to do next, but there will always be a way."

Zizhi's mother held her child with a firm look.

At this moment, Bai Jingyue suddenly said: "There is a place that is suitable for you, but I don't know if you want to go there."

Zizhi's mother was stunned for a while. If someone else said that, then she might think it was comfort. After all, how uncomfortable the half-demon is. She has been very clear in recent years.

But Bai Jingyue said she could not ignore it. Before she saw the power of Shiraiuki with her own eyes, between raising her hands, the sea was frozen, between her feet, the Kowloon rose!

What such a powerful mage said is still very credible.

"Master Master, what do you mean?"

"Semi-demon's place."

"Half demon...inside?"

Not only Zizhi's mother, Inuyasha, Maitreya, but also Coral and Kagome all focused their eyes on Shirai.

Especially Inuyasha who is half demon.

"Where is the half demon? Ming Jia!?"

I don’t know why some impatient Inuyasha turned to look at the well-informed Ming Jia. Although he didn’t know the specific place in the half demon, but he also knew that it belonged to the life of the half demon, so why did he never listen to Ming Jia? Have you said that?

"This is not to blame Ming Jia. In the half-demon, it is not something he can know."

Looking at some overwhelmed Ming Jia, Shiraiuki quickly came out to make a siege. If Ming Jia is anxious to say that he has leaked his mouth, it is not good to expose the Douya King.

"The half-demon is a powerful half-demon onmyoji, a village built with a monster who loves humanity. Living in the village are monsters and humans who love each other, and their children. Now, there are already Two hundred years of history."

Bai Jingyue's words made Zizhi's mother and daughter very excited.

If such a half-demon paradise really exists, of course they are willing to go!

"So let's go!"

Inuyasha put away the iron broken teeth that had already completed the evolution, and planned to go to the paradise's paradise with Shiraitsu, but Shiraitsu shook his head.

"I'm so embarrassed by Inuyasha. That place, people who are implicated in the outside world are not allowed to enter."

"Uh...what do you mean?"

"If... I mean if, if you come with Ge Wei or Bellflower in the future, or both of them, and decide to give up outside disturbances, then you can come to me and I will let You and them entered the half-demon, where you spent your life together. However, you who have not yet made a decision, you who have not cut off the cause and effect of Naraku, are not eligible to step into that pure land."

Bai Jingyue's words were a bit cold, and some were impersonal. But everyone including Inuyasha can understand.

It's pure land, and if someone like Inuyasha who has no grudges and unknowingly breaks in, it is likely to bring disasters there.

"Then forget it... in the future... if you have the opportunity, you must take me to see it."

"Rest assured, there will be a chance..."

The dialogue between Inuyasha and Shiraitsu made Kagome flushed aside. Before Shiraiki said so clearly, how could she not know what the so-called opportunity is?

After all, Ge Wei is still a girl under the age of 16, and she is still very shy about these things.

After persuading Inuyasha, Shiraitsu turned his eyes to Maitreya and Coral, and before waiting for Shiraikai to open, Maitreya raised his hand to stop Shiraiuki from speaking: "Well, like Inuyasha, the external resentment is gone, and we are humans It is a human being who specializes in demonizing, and it is really not good to appear in such a village."

Seeing this person chose to give up, Qibao shook his head.

If after ten years, the girl he met before grew up in May, then he may be eligible to enter the half-demon, but now, he does not meet the conditions.

"Just like You will be in the village first, I will take Zizhi them to the half demon, arrange for them and then I will come back."

At this moment, Ge Wei also raised his finger, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Well, I will take an exam after a while, and I have to go back for a few days, well, about three or four days."

"So just in case, we will see you in the village five days later."

After the decision was made, the people were divided into two groups. Shiraiuki took the purple mother and daughter to the legendary half demon, while Inuyasha and others returned to the village to rest.

At this moment, Inuyasha would never have thought that the guy who loved human beings among the two founders in Shiraitsuguchi was his father Douya.

He could not even imagine that the father who was dead in his heart at this moment was in the half-demon among the soul of his mother day and night!

ps: Today is a chapter, a little uncomfortable, please take a leave.

Twenty-seven chapters are owed.

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