The Forbidden World

Chapter 1134: Amazing truth (for [Emperor of Dark Star] 5...

"Oh? Don't you know?"

The ghost spider looked at the blank face, and a sudden sadness appeared in his heart.

After so many years, they didn't find out what happened that year?

Perhaps out of resentment against Naraku and Yakumo Zi, ghost spiders are the existence of their own enemies, telling the situation at that time: "At that time, I was lying in this cave, unable to move, and the evil thoughts in my heart were born. At that time, a lot of monsters appeared in front of me."

"Well, your disgusting evil thought attracted the monster, and then you sold your body and soul to the monster, and then Naraku was born! Right!"

"Oh? Did you hear that from Naraku?"

The ghost spider sneered, laughing at his innocence, and the stupidity of Inuyasha and others.

"At that time, I thought I was going to be swallowed by those monsters, and I, who was not willing to die like this, made a request to betray my soul, but those monsters did not swallow me immediately, and the messy and disorderly wish to take me all right away The devouring monsters at that moment seemed to be a well-trained army, all separated, leaving a path for people to walk! Then, the woman walked in."

The ghost spider's words have destroyed everyone's three views. The version they learned from Naraku did not have this woman.

"Could it be that!?"

"Yes, these monsters are not attracted by my evil spirits, but controlled by that monster! It is a pretty suffocating monster, and a monster that makes people scared and unable to move! She wants, It’s an obedient puppet, and I’m the one selected by her.”

Several people in Inuyasha fell silent.

They thought that the birth of Naraku was just an accident, a tragedy caused by the evil thoughts of ghost spiders. But now they only know that all this is controlled by someone?

"You know what happened later. I agreed to her terms. Naraku was born, the bellflower died, and Naraku was punished."

"Punishment! Why? For the monster, isn't it helpful to kill the little bellflower sister?"

Maitre did not understand. Although standing on the standpoint of human beings, Naraku was a fierce bastard, but on the standpoint of monsters, Naraku successfully killed the witch who guarded the Jade of the Four Souls, and should be commended.

"Huh, meritorious? The monster was specifically ordered, only to instigate the bellflower and Inuyasha, and not to kill them. Naraku let Inuyasha be sealed and let the bellflower die, which violates the monster's order and will of course be punished."

At this time, several people are a little puzzled, instigating Inuyasha and Bellflower? Want to keep two people alive?

What is the person behind the scene thinking?

Bai Jingyue frowned at the ghost spider. The information revealed by ghost spiders is a bit much. Today's ghost spiders are barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, but Yakumo Zi can't.

Once this information is spread to the ears of Bellflower, it will be in trouble.

Failure to do so is the rhythm of years of devastation.

If possible, Bai Jingyue also wanted to stop the ghost spider from talking nonsense, but he had no reason to stop it.

He also has no way to secretly kill ghost spiders. Know that ghost spiders are not only human consciousness, he is also the heart of Naraku!

As soon as the ghost spider dies, Naraku dies. With Inuyasha and others progressing to this point, the energy required to find a new enemy who can fight them may be more troublesome than being exposed!

Fortunately, the ghost spider has only seen it once with Yakumo Zi, and he doesn't know his existence at all. As long as he controls the ghost spider well, there is still room for things to turn around.

"By the way, you are dealing with Naraku, to remind you that the monster had almost crushed Naraku's body based on her demon power. I don't know if you can deal with that guy."

"Huh! These don't need you to worry about!"

A certain black hand is amazing in strength, but everyone is not afraid at all. They may not be too strong to be separated, but when they are together, they are not afraid of any enemies!

"Yeah, don't worry about me, after all, there will be only one between you and me after today!"

The magical power overflows from the ghost spider, and the ghost spider's body begins to change. Spikes, tentacles, scorpion tails, and various monster bodies emerge from the ghost spider's body.

"Are you listening to Naraku's order to attack us?"

"Of course not. I don't listen to anyone's orders. I just want to kill the guy who doesn't look good. That's right, you Inuyasha! Kikyo is dead, why are you still alive!"

Inuyasha clearly felt the resentment of the ghost spider, but Inuyasha was unmoved, Kikyo is now resurrected, although it is not the real resurrection.

Looking at the ghost spider that was ready for battle, Inuyasha pulled out the iron broken teeth: "Although I don't know why Naraku let you out, you, like Naraku and the witch behind the scene, are the enemies of the bellflower!"

Inuyasha and the ghost spider, the two who had already formed hatred fifty years ago, fought here.

On the cliff not far away, Kagura stunned.

Naraku is so born?

Above Naraku, there is a hidden hand behind the scene?

This naruto avatar named ghost spider, can you not listen to naruo's order?

These three sentences continue to echo in Kagura's mind.

The process of Naraku's birth is actually not a key message. The main reason is that Naraku was born and has been oppressing Naraku's existence!

Who is that monster?

Now in Kagura's heart is a mixture of sorrow and joy.

It turned out that Naraku, like her, was nothing but a **** whose fate was controlled by others, which gave her a refreshing revenge.

But at the same time, the existence of the black hand behind the scenes made her road to freedom more difficult.

Before clarifying the attitude of the black hand behind the scenes, she did not dare to resist Naraku. It is impossible to say that she had just succeeded in defecting, and was caught by the man behind the scenes.

Therefore, she had to temporarily keep this information in her mind, first focusing on the tasks assigned to her by Naraku.

Below, the battle between Inuyasha and the ghost spider is almost over.

Inuyasha chopped the ghost spider into fragments with wind damage several times, but the ghost spider also recovered several times with its amazing regeneration ability. Soon, the ghost spider consumed the physical strength of Inuyasha almost.

The attack that could not have hit also began to leave wounds on Inuyasha's body.

After a while, if Inuyasha still can't find the ghost spider's weakness to solve the ghost spider, the ghost spider will become the winner.

At this time, Shiraitsu said: "Inuyasha! Aim at the spider scar on the back, there should be the heart of the ghost spider!"

Hearing Bai Jingyue's shouting, the ghost spider's face changed greatly, because he realized that Bai Jingyue might have said the truth, but it was too late, Inuyasha pointed at the ghost spider's back, and the wind wound shot again!

This time, he wants the trajectory of the wind wound to directly shred the heart of the ghost spider!

If there is no one else, Inuyasha can indeed succeed, but there is a Kagura above the clouds at the moment!

When the wind is about to shatter the point of the ghost spider, Kagura rolls up a gust of wind. Although it cannot stop the wind injury, it makes the trajectory of the wind injury deflect.

Ghost spider, survived.

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