The Forbidden World

Chapter 1131: Faceless man

"Progress is good."

On the hillside, everyone was lying on their heads indifferently, carefully watching the two talking figures below.

Maitreya, and coral.

The two are like a man and a woman in love. They are at the quiet stream, talking about each other's inner stories while listening to the dings of the stream.

"Are you mistaken?"

Inuyasha was a little puzzled, how could Coral look like a lecherous mage like Maitre who saw girls when she saw them?

"But~ don't you think the atmosphere between them is good?"

Ge Wei held his chin in both hands, and his eyes shone.

It feels very different to watch someone fall in love and fall in love with yourself, but it is also very interesting.

Especially these two people are people they know well.

She was also curious about where Maitre and Coral could finally go.

"Actually, Inuyasha, your first impression of Maitreya is too bad. Apart from the shortcomings of some lewdness and like to deceive some rich people, Maitreya is really a very good man. Appearance, sense of responsibility, will Strength and care for women, Maitreya is at the forefront of the world."

Bai Jingyue didn't skimp on his own praises, but he was able to grow up to be a mage like today under the circumstance of almost mortal curses. Maitreya deserves his praise.

"Moreover, Maitreya is like a demon demon in corals. It's normal for corals to see Maitreya for such a long journey."

Well, yes, the long-term love is also a reason.

Inuyasha, who has been entangled in emotions, and Shirai, who already has a wife, are obviously not among the goals considered by Coral. In addition to Inuyasha and Shirai’s frequent dog abuse, coral is very normal for the only single Maitreya.

As for Qibao... He is just a child!

"In other words, did something happen before? Suddenly it became like this?"

Ge Wei was a bit curious. Although the spot between the coral and Maitreya had been seen for a long time, the relationship between the two had always been looming. Today, there has been breakthrough progress, as if what happened.

"Don't the two of them deal with the monster on the mountain before? What happened?"

Hearing Aoqi Qingzi's words, several people turned their thoughts and remembered what happened last night.

When they came to this village at that time, they discovered a strange thing. There was no male in the village, all were female.

Ask carefully, it turns out that all the men did not come out after entering the mountains.

Obviously this is a monster, and several people decided to help and go up the mountain to get rid of the monster.

This is a very simple thing, as long as it is not those super monsters, other fishes can't last long in front of this team.

But after a villager said that the monster was a peerless beauty, things became interesting.

Maitreya immediately demanded that he remove the demon alone, and the coral that had been intended for Maitreya would naturally not be allowed to mess with Maitreya as in the past, and this is to eliminate the demon. Maitreya is likely to be in danger. The coral that is worried about Maitreya chooses to join Maitreya. go with.

Others saw that this situation was not easy to blend, so that night, Maitreya and Coral went to the mountain to eliminate the demon.

The atmosphere became strange when the two returned the next day.

"Well, no matter what happens, it's always a good thing."

The monster was removed, the two returned safely, and the relationship increased, regardless of the process, and the result was good.

In this way, everyone also felt relieved.

I just didn’t expect that they just felt relieved on this side, and there was an abnormality on the side of Maitreya and Coral. Originally, the atmosphere between the two was pretty good. Maitreya could reach out and hug the shoulder of the coral, but Maitreya was only the former one. Set-touch the hip.

This irritated the coral directly and was slapped in the face by the coral.

In this regard, everyone was helpless, and even Ge Wei couldn't help but spit out: "Master Maitreya · · · Feelings for girls, still have to learn more..."

The story between Maitreya and Coral is just an episode of their journey. However, when this episode happened, something that could affect the fate of everyone happened.

In the dim city, Naraku, who had evolved again, looked at the ugly piece of meat in front of her and remained silent.

This piece of meat, like the previous monsters such as Shenwu and Kagura, is an avatar that he separated from his body.

However, this avatar is essentially different from other avatars!

"Kagura, throw this guy outside."

In the dim corner of the house, Kagura nodded silently, and since she was almost caught by Nai Liao last time, she has stabilized a lot recently.

Of course, Kagura has never given up on running away, but she knows that now is not the time to jump out, she still needs to wait for a while!

Wait until it is enough to kill Naraku!

Just when Kagura was going to leave with a piece of meat, Naraku’s voice suddenly sounded: "When he is born, you only need to protect him from being hit. It is good that he is led to ghost spiders and bellflowers by his fiercest victory. After that cave, I told Inuyasha about his location."

This strange request made Kagura frown. According to the past, how to deal with Inuyasha has a complete every time because of underestimating someone in the Inuyasha team, or because of some accidents Failed, but somehow prepared, and often forced Inuyasha and others to the limit.

But at the moment, it is just such a simple command?

Kagura felt something was amiss, but I couldn’t detect any specifics. In the end, I was really helpless. I had to take the two-person-sized piece of meat outside according to Naraku’s request. After flying for a long time, I found a mountain and threw it. Go on.

The place chosen by Kagura is not remote, but it is not lively. From noon until evening, a group of people approached. It was a bandit who had just robbed a village, and brought treasures and women back to the camp.

The robbers saw a sudden chunk of meat passing by in the past, and naturally came forward curiously to check.

The fluttering flesh seemed to be alive to others, which made these robbers uneasy.

Ordinary people may flinch when they see this scene, but who are these people? They are robbers! It is a person who walks between life and death all day. Their first reaction to foreign objects is to try with a sword in their hands!

Several people who came out to check have used swords to pierce the meat to observe the reaction of the meat.

But the next scene scared them completely, it was beyond their understanding!

From that piece of meat, a well-proportioned man with long hair and spider scars drilled out.

The sword inserted in him didn't stop him at all, and the most surprising thing was that this man had no face!

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