The Forbidden World

Chapter 1121: The establishment of the alliance

"Inuyasha! You are so good! How can you do it?"

After the battle, Ge Wei and others came to the ground, congratulations to Inuyasha, and at the same time asked how Inuyasha issued the meaning of iron broken teeth.

However, Inuyasha didn't know much about it. He thought that this was what the knife and knife did, and when asked, he realized that this was the ability of iron broken teeth.


"Yes, the so-called blasting is to kill the other party's demon power in the wind damage and make the other party's demon power countercurrent. The wind wound and the other's demon power entangled form a vortex and push back. , The enemy will be exposed unpreparedly under the power of his own demon power and iron broken teeth."


Inuyasha nodded, indicating that he understood.

However, Dao Dao Zhai still didn’t understand: “It’s simple (but tǐng), but if you want to use burst burst, you must first be able to see from where the other party’s demonishness is. The enchantment of the enchanting power will do you"

Douyaozhai carefully looked at Inuyasha. Although Inuyasha was much stronger than before, it obviously did not reach the level of suppressing the dragon's spirit.

"Oh? I just cut it with the wind wound at the smelling vortex."

Inuyasha's answer stunned Dao Da Zhai. He didn't expect that the most difficult blasting of the iron broken teeth was so easily used by Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, so to speak, have you been able to control iron broken teeth as you please?"

After Inuyasha's (身shēn), Maitreya came over while asking.

"Yes, let you see!"

Raising the iron broken teeth, Inuyasha casually waved towards the empty place, the random huge demon power swept through, the wind was injured, and it was used without any enemies (love qíng).

"How is it!? The wind wound can be issued at any time~"

The show-off Inuyasha ushered in a hand knife from Shiraitsu: "Such dangerous things can't be swayed casually."

Inuyasha still wanted to refute it, but seeing the ice-blue sword in the hands of Shiraizuki, Inuyasha was a little guilty.

After becoming stronger, Inuyasha's vision is getting higher and higher, and he understands the power used by Shirai well more deeply. That is the real powerful power. Although it looks similar in size, his wind damage is important. To that extent, it's still far away.

Seeing all this through the puppet, Naraku shook her head sadly, with a little helplessness in her heart.

Now Inuyasha's strength is getting stronger and stronger, if only the wind damage becomes stronger, he can still be immune by the next time, but there is still a burst.

This directly prevents most powerful monsters from shooting Inuyasha. After all, at this level, who doesn't have one or two long-range demon attacks?

And as long as this attack is released, it is solved by Inuyasha's blast.

As a result, there are fewer monsters that can play against Inuyasha and others.

At this time, Yakumo Zi sent another order, asking him to continue to send people to promote the progress of Inuyasha and others.

Who is he now? He himself is about to face a critical moment of evolution, and Kagura and Shenwu are obviously not opponents of Inuyasha and others.

However, he was powerless to resist, and he must do this as a **** of Yakumo Zi (情qíng).

At the thought of this, Naraku is a little irritable. How long will this kind of chess piece continue?

With a sigh, Naraku focused on the task given to him by Yakumo Zi.

Nowadays, to complete the task, either divide more and stronger points (body shēn), or get more jade of the four souls, or unite with others.

The identity (身shēn) is no longer possible, now he has to prepare for evolution, but it is not suitable for making an identity (身shēn).

With regard to the Four Soul Jade, there are very few Four Soul Jade out there now. There are currently four forces holding the Four Soul Jade.

One is he Naraku, who got help from Yakumo Zi.

One is Ge Wei and others, who are specially cultivated by Ya Yunzi.

One is the Yuchi, the leader of the monsters in Kyoto, and the big monster that has been in Kyoto for many years.

One is the newly-developed slavery of the East Kingdom, which is a monster who relies on the (hundred shēn) post-ghosts to run the East.

Others are some small fish and shrimp, and there are few pieces of jade in the hands.

The jade of the four souls of those of Ge Wei cannot be moved for the time being, and he does not have this strength to move now, so there are only two organizations left.

In the words of the Kyoto monster, various powerful monsters gather, and the other party seems to be involved with the local (Yin yin) Yang teacher. He can't beat it for the time being.

The Nuliang group is also very troublesome.

Unlike other monsters, the monster organization that exists in the form of a hundred ghosts has very powerful power. The hundred ghosts trust the master of the hundred ghosts, which increases the power of the master of the ghosts like a belief. , The result is instantaneously killed by the leader of the other party, the other party is a real monster level.

So now the only thing in front of Naraku is to find an ally.

Nuliang group, or feather fox?

Moments later, Naraku made a choice.

"Kagura, you go find someone, her name is Tsubaki, Black Witch Tsubaki."

"Black witch?"

Kagura didn't understand why she was looking for a black witch, but she still set off. Just as Naraku couldn't get rid of Yakumo's control, Kagura couldn't get rid of Naroo's control.

After Kagura left, Naraku shouted to Shenwu: "Go to that place with these three jade fragments of four souls."

This is already the biggest bargaining chip Naraku can give. As for success or failure, he is not clear.

"Narao? Somewhat interesting."

Looking at the three jade pieces of four souls in the hands, the elegant woman looked at the pure white girl who suddenly appeared in her asked: "How do you plan to cooperate? Also pay in advance With three fragments of Four Soul Jade, what do you want the concubine (身shēn) to do?"

God didn’t look at the woman in front of him and made the request that Naraku had ordered to her: “We hope to borrow someone and borrow a big monster with enough strength.”

Yu Yi laughed.

"Borrowers? Did you meet an enemy that you can't deal with?"

Yuyi Fox has made up her mind. If the other party borrows because of insufficient strength to protect herself (shēn), then she will first kill the other party. Those with insufficient strength are not qualified to hold the Jade of the Four Souls.

"Naro, there are more important things. You can't do it."

The feather fox frowned slightly.

If the two sides play against each other, the leader of one side can't shoot, and the other side can, then the one who can't shoot will definitely fall into a disadvantage, because this borrower is quite normal (love qíng).

The other party actually told her this important information rather than some other reasons. Obviously, the other party came not only to borrow people, but to come to the alliance.

Her big plan is also about to be carried out. By then, she will definitely face a lot of resistance. It is not a bad thing to have an additional ally.

Anyway, when Abe Harumi arrives again, these monsters can only bow down and claim their titles!

However, Yu Yi also kept a close eye, and she decided to send a powerful man who was rewarded with the Jade of the Four Souls, and if there was a chance, directly swallow the power of Naraku!

It is better to have such a thing as Four Soul Jade in your own hands!

"Guitong Maru, call Kailang too, and let him do this matter (love qíng)."


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