"It's really you!! Huang Bo!!! Where's the real A Ming?"

"How could it be?"

"Boss, this..."

Cheng Shi smiled and closed the potion in his hand, feeling relieved.

"The truth of confession" is naturally false.

There are only four people present besides Cheng Shi, so [Sacrifice to Nothingness] must not be activated.

But this does not prevent it from being able to trick out the "truth".

The truth in the false and the false in the true are the key to success.

Cheng Shi's conspiracy succeeded, and he continued to guess:

"I guess you used some means of delaying death or some props to keep A Ming in the tavern?"

Huang Bo no longer hid, he faced A Ming's face and laughed like crazy:

"Yes, my Lord gave me an S-level talent, a common appearance and a common heart. Cheng Shi, you are very smart, but you can't do anything to me."

Huang Bo's tone was very crazy and confident.

"If I live, the little assassin can live with me.

But if I die, he will die too!

So what if you find me?

It's not pleasant to be played around by others.

Hahahaha, isn't it frustrating?

The only thing I underestimated is that this poet can actually revive you.

But so what, I plotted against you, but you couldn't..."


"Cheng Shi!"


"The surname Cheng!??"

Before Huang Bo finished speaking, Cheng Shi took out a knife from somewhere and stabbed it directly into his heart.

Feeling the sharp weapon piercing his heart, Huang Bo looked up in disbelief and gasped in shock:

"......You......are crazy......He......will die......"

Cheng Shi sneered:

"I don't care whether he lives or dies. I'll let you taste the feeling of having your heart stabbed after I got stabbed."

After saying that, Cheng Shi quickly pulled out the knife and stabbed it into Huang Bo's throat again.

Until Huang Bo died, he skillfully cut off the head of the corpse, lit a fire, and finally snapped his fingers with relief.

Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

You are awesome to be able to revive like this.

The three female comrades watched all this in amazement, their minds in chaos.

Fang Shiqing was the first to recover. She looked at Cheng Shi with complicated eyes: "You..."

"What about me?" Cheng Shi touched the blood on his hand and smiled, "I told you a long time ago that I am not a good person."

Fang Shiqing didn't say anything. She took a few deep breaths, looked at the time on her hand, and returned to her thigh state.

"With two people missing, our investigation will become very difficult in the future..."

"Sister Fang, wait."

Xu Lu suddenly pulled Fang Shiqing's sleeve.

Fang Shiqing turned around, and her cold eyes scared Xu Lu, but Xu Lu still plucked up the courage to say:

"There is a problem that is wrong. The surname... Cheng Shi is a priest, and Bai Ling is a weak... not so powerful hunter. With Huang Bo's ability, it doesn't take so much trouble to kill them. Why do you have to use the hands of NPCs?"


Indeed, Xu Lu was right.

Cheng Shi was also stunned. He didn't expect that Xu Lu would be the first to react.

Perhaps because Fang Shiqing and Bailing both had warm spectacles for her, her neat killing moves had a greater impact on them.

Xu Lu, who had been watching coldly, became the one who solved the problem.

Fang Shiqing pondered for a moment, and seemed to have thought of something. She suddenly looked inside the house.

"Chaos" might give Huang Bo an order to get rid of us, but it would not give him the answer to the trial. So, it's not that he doesn't want to do it, but he needs to rely on others to find the answer.

And the answer... is...

That guard?"

She looked at Cheng Shi, seeking an explanation.

Cheng Shi clapped his hands to express his appreciation, and told him the cause and effect of the matter and his own guesses.

"Smart, maybe he heard the conversation between the guard and me outside the door, or maybe he had seen the ring a long time ago and was just waiting for me to solve the puzzle.

I did find an answer. If I guessed correctly, the guard was not dead. Huang Bo's next plan was to take him to a place you can't find and leave here by himself.

Of course, I don't know how he knew that this was the final scene, or maybe his benefactor gave him the clue of the next scene in advance."

Fang Shiqing's eyes were complicated:

"You guessed from the beginning that there was something wrong with 'A Ming'? Earlier than in the fog?"

Cheng Shi smiled: "It's just a guess."

As he said that, he glanced into the house.Bailing understood and immediately rushed into the room to check the guard's vital signs.

As expected, a "muddy light" protected the guard's heart and prevented him from dying immediately.

"There is still hope!"

Fang Shiqing followed closely behind. She looked at the guard who was only breathing, turned her head and said:

"Cheng Shi, it's still your part."

Cheng Shi did not refuse. He cast a healing spell on the murderer, and when he was about to wake up, he cast another hypnosis spell.

This time it was not Fang Shiqing's turn to speak. Xu Lu shouted anxiously:

"Hey, you, are you recalling? Tell me!"

Such a rough guidance made everyone's face black, but fortunately the fragile guard had already lost his clear mind. He was confused for a long time and nodded.

Then, the guard who had just been rescued exploded and turned into stars in the sky.

The stars condensed again and became the gate of memory.

It's just that this time, there is a golden door frame on the door of memory.

The final door!

Its appearance means that the trial is about to end.

Everyone will survive and get rewards if they step out from here.


Xu Lu didn't expect it to be so simple this time. They found the final exit with plenty of time.

At this time, more than 8 hours had passed since the start of the trial, and there was even nearly a third of the time left.

"Sister Fang...?"

Xu Lu looked back happily, but she didn't expect to see Cheng Shi's frowning face.

She took two steps back in fear.

A person who kills others at will, a person of opposing beliefs, will attack her in front of the exit door?

She didn't dare to think about it, so she wanted to leave here immediately.

Xu Lu swept her eyes over everyone's positions, gritted her teeth and rushed directly to the final door.

But just when she was about to jump out of the trial, a strong hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back through the door.


Xu Lu screamed in shock and instinctively released the singer's skills to hit Cheng Shi on the head.

Cheng Shi didn't dodge, and metabolized these negative states with a dark face, and then threw her to the ground.

Fang Shiqing saw this and stood in front of Xu Lu angrily.

"Cheng Shi, that's enough!"

Bai Ling was shocked. She didn't know why Cheng Shi didn't let Xu Lu go, but she still moved her feet, drew her bow and arrow, and stood behind Cheng Shi.

Fang Shiqing looked at this scene with a frown.

"Sister Fang, save me!"

"Cheng Shi, you..."


Cheng Shi ignored the chaos on the scene. He frowned and thought:

"No! If this leads to the next scene, maybe there is no problem.

But if this is the final door, the answer is too simple.

The prediction of the clamp has not come true yet. Where is the hand holding the teacup?"

Fang Shiqing was stunned. After hearing him talk about this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Cheng Shi does not want to kill people. He seems to be doubting the correctness of the answer?

But there is only one final door in the memory puzzle. How can this be wrong?

Xu Lu fell to the ground and trembled. Her eyes were full of fear and hatred. She stared at Cheng Shi.

Fang Shiqing looked back at her, sighed, and silently explained to Cheng Shi:

"We climbed over the outer wall into the second floor, found the Duchess's room, and did see the cup.

Cheng Shi, what the prophet sees is not necessarily the scene of the current timeline. The Duchess may have used the cup.

But I think that it is more like pointing us here than the predicted picture.

The Duke's death scene, or to find the Duchess's mistress."

Cheng Shi frowned and shook his head:

"Something is wrong, where is the Duchess?

We have wasted nearly an hour here. Isn't the banquet about to start?

Or is everyone still patiently waiting for the Duke's arrival?

The guests don't seem to have left. Why?

What on earth did the Duchess think of to cover up the Duke's death?"

Cheng Shi's doubts grew.

Everything in front of him seemed like an invisible hand delivering the answer to their mouths, eager for them to swallow it.

But Cheng Shi didn't like this slightly forced feeling.

What went wrong?

He began to think carefully.

The whole Eternal Night puzzle is not complicated.

In the first act, they found the waiter of the tavern. He probably recalled the time in the tavern that night because he saw many drinkers he had seen before.

Then in the second act, they found the Duke's groom York.

The reason for findingHe came to him because he saw the true face of the service worker "Orc Girl" and saw several dwarves under the animal skin.

York was controlled by the dwarves and entered the memory, and they did see the bodies of these dwarves in the third act.

Then, he found the guard's token, the ring, and confronted the guard.

The guard admitted the existence of the ring and was guided to the door of memory.

It seems that there is no problem.


This guard seemed to mention the broker when admitting it?

Cheng Shi suddenly realized that he had entered a blind spot in his thinking!

"That broker!"


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