“Let’s go pick out the first-year textbooks!”

Hermione couldn’t wait to pull Ivan towards the rows of bookshelves.

They didn’t choose to buy second-hand books.

Some people might think that the notes of senior students in second-hand books can better assist learning.

However, for the two of them, second-hand books are really unnecessary except for saving money.

Especially Hermione, she needs new books because it gives her more space to take notes and highlight key points.

“Please pack for me the Standard Book of Spells, Elementary, Standard Book of Spells, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and more by Miranda Goshawk.》”

Ivan bought all the textbooks that the little wizard would need for the next few years at once, which made Hermione envious.

Unfortunately, Hermione’s gold galleons were not enough for her to be so generous. Fortunately,

Ivan promised the little witch that he would lend her those senior textbooks, which greatly increased Hermione’s favor and completely let go of the last bit of grudge in her heart.

As a Muggle-born, Ivan is more talented than her.

Not only that, the humility, gentleness, strength and wisdom shown by Ivan have won the little witch’s admiration.

Ivan has read the original book and knows the little witch’s personality.

Hermione at this time is a typical person with high IQ and low EQ. She is domineering in her behavior and work, and she is very rigid and inflexible.

Fortunately, Ivan has his own way. As long as he regards the little witch as a slightly willful sister, Ivan feels much more accepting. For a little girl, it’s no big deal to be a little coquettish.

“Ivan, you know so much.”

If it were someone else, Hermione might not be so obedient.

But facing Ivan, a boy of the same age who is better and more mature than herself, Hermione instinctively chooses to believe him and then correct her own problems.

Because Professor McGonagall had not returned yet, Hermione stayed in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore with Ivan to read.

However, for the same content, Ivan’s learning speed was faster than Hermione. Whenever the latter encountered difficulties in understanding, she would ask Ivan and always get a simple and clear answer.

Of course, the little witch was not always guided unilaterally by Ivan.

The two had different styles and focuses.

Hermione preferred to recite the whole article, not letting go of any clues.

In contrast, Ivan chose to grasp the key points and only remember the core, which also enabled Hermione to always find the details that Ivan missed at the first time.

In this way, the relationship between the two became closer and closer, and they became good friends who communicated and studied together.


After some time, Professor McGonagall, who had just returned from shopping, saw this heartwarming scene. She coughed twice and said with a smile,”It seems like you two are getting along well.”


Ivan praised:”Hermione is the smartest girl I have ever met”


Being described as the ‘smartest’ by Ivan, even Hermione blushed.

The little witch suppressed her shame and said proudly,”Obviously, Ivan, you are the smartest one.”

From childhood to adulthood, Hermione has never admitted that there are people smarter than her. Ivan is the only one who is smarter than her.

“All right.

Professor McGonagall was very happy that they could become good friends:”My clever little sir and lady, pack up your things, now it’s time to choose our first wand.”

Wands are props used by wizards to assist in casting spells.

One of the biggest differences between wizards in the Harry Potter world and those in other worlds is that they need wands to cast magic.

Of course, the need here is not inevitable.

The role of the wand is to guide the wizard’s magical power so that it can better follow the heart and get the desired results.


Ivan followed Professor McGonagall and asked,”Is it impossible to cast spells without a wand?”

“Many young wizards will have the same question as you.”

Professor McGonagall glanced at Ivan and said,”The skill of casting spells without using a wand is called wandless casting, which requires quite advanced magical attainments.”

In Professor McGonagall’s explanation, the young wizard is like a newborn baby. The magic power in his body is the ‘ability to speak’, and casting spells with a wand is like mastering a language. In simple terms, if wand casting is compared to communicating in one’s mother tongue, then wandless casting is learning a foreign language.

The same is true in reverse.

When African wizards who are used to casting spells with gestures suddenly pick up the wand, the wand will not only fail to make their casting smoother, but will also risk losing control.

Casting spells without spells and wands is the essence of magic in this world, and it is also the highest realm of making your wishes come true.

With Ivan’s current level of magic, he is not qualified to think about the real wish coming true, which is a bit too ambitious.

“Ivan, you have to know that not every little wizard can master such power.

Professor McGonagall warned:”Compared to the convenience of magic, we need its safety and stability more.”

There is a risk of magic getting out of control. Even adult wizards have experienced the tragedy of being killed by a spell.

“I remember that, Professor.”

Although Ivan’s magic power is huge, except for the Obscurus and those blood magics, he can only do some simple tricks at most, such as taking objects from the air and making certain things disappear.

Professor McGonagall looked at Ivan with satisfaction. She liked this smart and sensible child very much. She changed her serious attitude when facing other young wizards and gave careful instructions.

Soon, the three of them came to a small and shabby store.

The golden sign on the door had peeled off, and it read: Ollivander: Making fine wands since 382 BC.

In the dusty window, a wand was placed alone on the faded purple cushion.

The store was very small, with nothing but a bench.

“Oh, good morning, Minerva.”

In the dim little room, a soft and old voice came from the wand box that was almost piled up to the ceiling. The old man came to the counter and smiled,”Nine and a half inches, fir wood, dragon heart tendon, hard texture.”

He was talking about the wand that Professor McGonagall bought here that year.

“Your memory is always so good, Garrick”

“Memory? No, no, no, I always think that it is the wand that chooses the wizard.

Mr. Ollivander said with emotion:”I still remember the day when I just took over my father’s job and met a picky witch.”

“Isn’t this just memory?”

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