The mad sword was fierce and overbearing. The evil mad sword monk had a violent and ferocious face at this time. He carried a long sword and slashed at him with incomparable force. He was extremely angry at this moment and wanted to chop the man in front of him into pieces with one knife.


A crisp sound rang out, and Xu Zifan was seen standing on the spot, looking back and slashing out with his sword, and the crazy sword evil monk immediately flew out with his sword.


The Dragon Claw Divine Monk, with a body like an oven and powerful blood, is very impressive. At this moment, he leaps forward at an extremely fast speed, causing the surrounding air to roar, as if a real dragon is flying across the sky, which is shocking.


A pair of huge palms wrapped in golden energy stretched out, shaped like claws, with golden light, fierce and ruthless, like a divine dragon probing its claws, and attacked Xu Zifan at extremely fast speeds.

The Dragon Claw Divine Monk is another peerless master hidden in the Shaolin Temple. Although he is skinny, his whole body is full of blood, like a sacred furnace burning. It is said that he is proficient in the Dragon Claw Hand, one of the seventy-two unique skills of the Shaolin Temple. A state that has never been seen before and will never come after.

At this time, he was as fast as lightning, and his golden divine claws stretched out, fierce and ruthless, and attacked Xu Zifan.


At this moment, the Dragon Claw Divine Monk made a false move with his left hand, and held a strong wind in his right hand, whistling with the sound of the wind, directly grabbing Xu Zifan's wrist, sharp and cruel.

Xu Zifan had just used his sword to chop away the evil mad sword monk. At this moment, he saw the dragon-clawed monk attacking from the side with great power. He raised his left hand shrouded in purple mist. He didn't dodge or dodge, but he punched him head-on. The shadow of his fist was like The electricity, almost reaching its extreme, struck first and then struck at the Dragon Claw Divine Monk.


Dragon Claw Divine Monk was horrified at this moment. He didn't expect that this young man was so fast, and it was too late to retreat, so he crossed his fists to block the front.


With a roar, Xu Zifan's fists wrapped in purple mist hit the Dragon Claw Divine Monk's fists.

Thump thump thump…

The Dragon Claw Divine Monk stepped back seven steps in a row. The last two postures in the Dragon Claw Hand Martial Arts, "Hold the Disability Posture" and "Defense Posture", were used. He then stood as steady as a mountain, stood upright, held his breath and concentrated, and stopped retreating.

These two moves are the last 35 and 36 moves in Dragon Claw's hand. At a glance, it seems that there are many flaws in them. The person who uses them is in a hurry and tries his best to parry. In fact, these two moves seem to be defensive but actually offensive. They are very clever. If you are clumsy, there is a powerful trap hidden in every flaw.

The Dragon Claw Hand originally took a fierce path, but in the last two moves, there is a hidden softness in the fierceness, and it has reached the state of returning to nature and perfecting the skills.

"Not bad!" Xu Zifan looked at the Dragon Claw Divine Monk and praised. At this moment, he was very interested in Shaolin's seventy-two stunts.

At this time, the Dragon Claw Divine Monk's arms were numb, the breath in his body was still churning, and his heart was shocked. His eyes were fixed on Xu Zifan, with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

He couldn't figure out why this man, so young, had such profound skills, which were simply unfathomable, as deep as an abyss or an ocean.


At this moment, broken wood and gravel shook on the ground, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and white frost quickly covered the surrounding ground.

It was Zuo Lengchan's Ice God Palm. The strength of the palm was extremely ice-cold, reaching the point of yin and cold. It was bone-chilling, and an extremely cold aura descended on it.


A purple fist mark flew out, destroying Zuo Lengchan's ice palm.

The sword energy was fierce and domineering, extremely sharp and overbearing, as if it wanted to split the earth and smash the heights, and once again killed Xu Zifan.

The golden claw shadow was extremely fast, fierce and fierce. At this moment, the Dragon Claw Divine Monk shouted loudly and jumped up. His hands were like a storm, "catching wind style", "catching shadow style", "playing the piano" "Style", "Gusel Style", "Piti-Kang Style", "Taking Deficiency Style", "Holding the Disabled Style", "Defending Style", eight styles in a row, attacking quickly.

The Dragon Claw Divine Monk's eight-movement chain of dragon claws is endless, as if there are eight changes in one move. It is extremely fast and infinitely powerful. Coupled with his extremely fierce claw power, it is like a divine dragon exploring its claws at this time. You can grab a tree and tear off its bark, or rub a stone into powder.

At this time, the air here was violent, the inner breath energy was boiling, the surrounding wind was roaring, the earth was shaking, and three peerless masters besieged Xu Zifan alone.

However, at this moment, Xu Zifan was surrounded by purple mist. He was calm and calm. He made his moves later and struck first. He was fighting against the three peerless masters. He still seemed unhurried and relaxed.

At this moment, Xu Zifan is also confirming his martial arts knowledge and enhancing his martial arts knowledge through duels with masters who are rare in this world.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The wind is howling, the battle is continuing, the field is rumbling, the earth is cracking and trembling, these people are all super masters of martial arts. At this time, their inner breath is surging, their moves are exquisite, their attack and defense are extremely wonderful, and their speed is extremely fast. They collided together with a roar, and then separated.

Everyone watching the battle had stepped back dozens of meters and looked at the field in surprise. Some people with lower skills could not see clearly the moves of the four people in the field at this moment. They only saw four figures, extremely fast. Collisions, fierce battles.

"How on earth does this Huashan Sword Demon, so young, practice martial arts so powerfully?" Someone squinted at the fierce battle in the field and muttered to himself.

"Yes! Even if you start practicing martial arts from your mother's womb, you won't be able to be so powerful!"

"This is simply a monster!"

At this time, all the heroes sighed, this was a one-man battle against three peerless masters, it was simply unparalleled in the world!

"Absolutely not inferior to Dongfang Invincible!" Someone looked solemn and his eyes were deep.

As for Master Yuankong, his face was expressionless at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking. The confidence that he had always been calm and calm, and kept claiming to conquer the devil, was gradually disappearing at this time.


Master Yuankong stared at the battle situation in the field. After a moment, he waved his hand and said, his voice was low, like a lion's roar, which was very oppressive.

brush! brush! brush……

Ten bronze-colored figures in a row rushed out from behind Master Yuankong, each with his upper body naked and bulging muscles, strong and powerful. The bronze-colored skin shone with a metallic luster in the sun, like a golden Arhat coming to the world, masculine. The energy was blazing, giving people a great sense of oppression, and each of these monks held a wrought iron rod about ten feet long in their hands. As they walked and ran, their figures were like thunder and lightning, as if the wind was blowing, and they were extremely fast.

These are the Eighteen Arhat Bronze Men that Shaolin has been famous for for hundreds of years. Each of them is a master among masters, with a bronze body and an iron brain, and is indestructible.

At this time, the bronze figures of the Eighteen Arhats acted together, which already showed Shaolin's attitude.

boom! boom! boom……

With a roaring sound, the bronze figures of the Eighteen Arhats, covered with bronze light, rushed up one by one, bringing up the beams of ten coats. It was very magnificent, just like the eighteen Arhats coming into the world from the Buddhist world. The scene was spectacular.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The earth shook, and the bronze figures of the Eighteen Arhats descended, separated into eighteen places, and surrounded Xu Zifan in a circle.

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