The first taboo in the world

Chapter 40 Tree Demon

Looking at the stone ring in his hand, Xu Zifan pondered. He could feel that the Tianbao in his hand was not simple. His current understanding of it was still superficial. There were deeper secrets waiting for him to discover this Tianbao.

In addition, he has been in the world of Swordsman for nearly ten years, and he has a feeling that this world has other secrets.

Regarding this world, he had several conjectures when he first traveled around the world. He needs to wait for verification in the future. Perhaps the day the secret is revealed will subvert everyone's understanding.

Human beings are not like grass and trees, so who can be ruthless. In this world, everyone he knows, especially everyone in the Huashan Sect, from Feng Qingyang to ordinary disciples, he has more or less feelings.

Although it was less than a day in the real world, nearly ten years have passed here.

Over the past nine years or so, Huashan has been the place where I studied hard and built the foundation of martial arts. This is where I have my own memories.

Thinking of some conjecture, Xu Zifan felt reluctant to let go of everything here.

Including the great rivers and mountains in this world, the magnificent world, the various people he met during his travels in the world, and the many fellow sects of the Huashan Sect, he was very reluctant to leave.

Putting away his thoughts and turning his mind around, Xu Zifan stopped thinking so much. Maybe his conjecture was just a wild guess, and he would know what the future would be like.

Looking down at the stone ring in his hand, Xu Zifan saw that the lines were fine and dense, deep or shallow, intertwined and spread out, mysterious and unpredictable. After sighing, Xu Zifan reached out to the center of the stone ring with one hand.

The world turned upside down, the universe changed, the stars moved, and a feeling of dizziness came. A moment later, looking at the familiar walls around him, Xu Zifan had returned to his room in the real world.

He lowered his head and looked at the ancient stone ring in his hand. At this time, there was a colorful bubble in the center of the stone ring. The bubbles were like soap bubbles blown by children, colorful, as if they could break and disappear with a light touch.

Xu Zifan has traveled many times between the real world and the world of Swordsman, and every time he can feel the mystery, unpredictability, and shockingness of Shihuan Tianbao. This is like traveling through the world.

After arriving in the real world, Xu Zifan immediately changed back to the clothes of this world, went out to say hello to his parents, and then returned to his room.

Looking at myself in the mirror at the age of seventeen or eighteen, I have fair skin, thick black hair, draped around my shoulders, and bright and piercing eyes.

"It's like rejuvenating one's youth. Is this the effect of cutting off hair and cleansing marrow several times?"

"Swordsman has left no trace of time for nearly ten years? Hasn't his physical age increased? Or is the effect of cutting hair and marrow cleansing too obvious, covering up the aging of the body?"

Xu Zifan didn't know much about this either.

I still remember that when I returned to the real world this morning, my parents looked shocked and surprised when they saw my "rejuvenated" body and thick long hair.

After explaining themselves, they felt relieved. After all, the world was changing and anything could happen. However, every time the two elders saw their current physical condition, their eyes still showed deep concern and concern.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore. Regardless of whether his physical age has increased or not, he can feel that his current physical activity is countless times stronger than before he arrived in the world of Swordsman.

As long as he keeps getting stronger, it's useless to think about anything else.

"Boom...boom...boom..." Suddenly a deafening sound came.

"It's the sound of gunfire..." The panicked voices of neighbors came from around.

Xu Zifan's parents had already walked out of the house to check the situation. Xiao Huang, who was lying in the yard with golden hair and a body as big as a lion, quickly stood up and looked to the northwest.

And Xu Zifan appeared outside the door the moment the gunfire sounded. He looked through the thick fog to the northwest of the house. In the heavy fog, vaguely, a big mountain stood in the distance, black and like a monster.

That big mountain is Xiliang Mountain. Xu Zifan and everyone in this small county are very familiar with this big mountain.

Xiliang Mountain, strictly speaking, is not a mountain, but a small mountain range, located in the northwest of this small county. It starts from the northwest of the county town and stretches for more than 80 miles until it ends on the bank of the Yellow River.

In this mountain range, there are criss-cross ravines and countless mountains. Before the change of heaven and earth, only a dozen mountains near the county seat were developed by humans. The farther you go, the more remote they become. They are barren mountains and uninhabited mountains.

At this time, the rumbling sound of cannons came from the depths of the Xiliang Mountains over there.

"What happened?" someone exclaimed.

After the changes in the world, many strange incidents occurred around the world that harmed human beings. Now most people are like frightened birds. Whenever there is any disturbance, they are frightened, fearing that strange things will attack and monsters will take their lives.

What's more, there are still rumbling cannons, something terrible must have happened.

People near Xiliang Mountain moved quickly and began to evacuate. Various types of vehicles were everywhere on the road. For a time, the road was blocked and traffic was paralyzed.

Many people began to choose to get off the car and walk. The crowd was crowded, mixed with the cries of children, the shouts of adults, and the exclamations. It was very chaotic.

"Is there something strange happening?" Someone commented, looking horrified.

"It is very possible that something strange has appeared in the world, and the country is organizing an army to fight." Someone speculated.

Xu Zifan's home is not far from Xiliang Mountain, about two kilometers away. At this time, he, his parents and Xiao Huang are also preparing to evacuate here. After all, the safety of his family is the most important.

"Ding ding ding..." the cell phone rang.

Xu Zifan picked up the phone and saw that it was Heizi Lintian calling.

"Fanzi, take your uncle and aunt quickly and evacuate to Xiliang Mountain, there is danger there!" Heizi said hurriedly.

"What is the danger?" Xu Zifan asked, he wanted to understand clearly and prepare for the possible dangers next.

"Someone discovered anomalies in Xiliang Mountain. There are monsters dormant and killing humans. The national army and some powerful strangers have been dispatched to kill the monsters, but the effect is not obvious. The situation is not very optimistic now and may spread to the vicinity of Xiliang Mountain. So Fanzi Please take your aunt and uncle to evacuate quickly." Lin Tian responded.

Then he added: "This news was learned from the special channels of the country's special management organization. There are already powerful strangers in the organization who have come to support."


Suddenly a roar that echoed through the sky came from the Xiliang Mountains a few miles away, and got closer and closer.

People near Xiliang Mountain raised their heads and looked toward the other side of the mountain.


The shrill and violent roar came again, the voice was hoarse, full of anger, bloodthirsty, and violent aura.

"Look, what is that?" Someone shouted in horror, pointing at the inexplicable thing in the thick fog in the sky above.

It was dusk at this time, and only a trace of the sun remained on the mountain top, dyeing the thick fog on the horizon into a light yellow.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying monster with thousands of arms and legs flew over from the sky in the direction of Xiliang Mountain, looming in the thick fog, looking extremely terrifying and terrifying.

After the monster flew closer and closer to the crowd, everyone finally saw its true form.

I saw that this strange thing was in the shape of a tree, about ten feet thick, with lush branches and hundreds of dark green branches of different thicknesses. Some branches were as thick as a water tank, and some were as thin as a finger. The length and length can be contracted freely, and they are all dancing in the air, and the demonic aura is surging, which is extremely terrifying.

It was broken from the body of the tree, leaving only about three feet high. It could be seen that the broken part was scorched, as if it had been burned by fire.

Near the fracture, some burnt branches and leaves scattered as it flew through the air.

At the root of the tree, black rhizomes gathered together to form two black human leg-like organs that were more than a foot long and uneven in thickness.

"Roar..." The demon roared, roaring violently, getting closer and closer with a bloodthirsty and crazy aura, and the ferocious and angry voice made people shudder.

"Hiss..." came the sound of gasping air. It was indeed a demon. Everyone's backs were chilled and their heads were sweating.

Although we often see various demons roaming around and causing strange harm to people in news reports after the sudden change in the world, seeing them in real life is still terrifying.

"Ah! Don't come here..." Someone had already collapsed to the ground in fear, their lower body clothes were wet with dew, and a strange smell came out.

Some people began to cry loudly and panicked, while more people pushed forward regardless of the crowds, trying to escape from this place.

For a moment, the crowd became more chaotic, trampling on each other, and crying and cursing and calling for help resounded throughout the area.

It's a long story, it only lasted a few minutes from the time the demon roared.

The fleeing crowd became even more chaotic, and everyone was extremely frightened.

"Huh..." A sound of wind came, and the tree demon with dense branches and dancing branches flew over everyone's heads with the sound of wind, and the thick fog in the sky was rolled up into chaotic whirlpools.

At this moment, dozens of the hundreds or thousands of dark green branches around the tree demon branched out, and they expanded and stretched rapidly, like black snakes, piercing the chaotic crowd from the sky.

"Ah...Help..." Someone was stabbed, and the dark green branches pierced the body from the chest to the back. Blood spattered everywhere, and then the branches were entangled like snakes and tied tightly. After stabbing the person, the branches shrank back and flew into the air with the impaled person.

At the same time, dozens of people, including men, women and children, were impaled and taken away.

"Ah...Help! Help!..." Those who were impaled and carried into the air were still alive, with despair on their faces, crying loudly for help in fear.

Cries and shouts came from the crowd, and the area became even more chaotic. Everyone fled in all directions in a panic.

"Huh..." The tree demon broke through the fog with dozens of people whose bodies were penetrated, flew over the crowd, and flew towards the distance. The demonic flames surged, raging and arrogant, making people frightened and sending chills down their spines. .

"Over there, chase..." A powerful voice came over like a thunderbolt. At this time, in the direction of Xiliang Mountain, someone was looking for the demon and chased it. Listening to the strong voice, it must not be Ordinary people.

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