The First Strong

Chapter 977: Suppression tower

The magical Mo Qi, found that like the violent energy, the flame from the energy of the world, can not hurt the sinking waves, or even close at all.

The power of the magic weapon of the Ba Tian Tower is largely based on the user. The Shen Lang can break free and win over because the Tang Banshan used at that time was the peak of the real world.

Of course, the modern comprehension community has limited understanding of the Batian Tower. It knows that it is a powerful magic weapon, but it does not understand the whole picture.

After that, the repair of Shen Lang continued to rise, and again and again people and things went into refining, which is also a kind of "feeding" for this magic weapon.

Nowadays, he is used in the semi-scented world, and the power is not the same.

However, this magical thing is also good, but it is only about five days before and after, so that the body of Mo Qi’s host has reached such awkward level, and still can resist the suction of the Ba Tian Tower.

But after Shen Lang controlled the field, he had no hope!

The first realm of Shen Lang’s killing, the lord knows how to control the field.

The lord is still only in the early days of the gods, and it is very different from Shen Lang. When he controls the field now, even if he is as strong as this troll, he can't break free.

When Shen Lang gradually narrowed the field, the fire demon was forced to get closer to the Ba Tian Tower at a moment, and both energy and flame were forced to go back.


Before the body was huge, plus the green face and fangs, I couldn’t see the shadow of Mo Qi completely. Now in the flame, it looks even more strange, but I can’t see it.

Of course, the sound can't be heard, but from the tone, it seems that Mo Qi is back.

"Do you know where I have been in these two days? You should want it!"

"What use is it for you to move a small mound? Can you prevent me from being an ordinary person?"

"Even if you kill me, there will be a second, a third...numerable ones! By the time, hey!"

"You put me out! I can go back, but I won't come, and I won't let other people come over!"

Burning the huge disclosure of the flame, quickly telling such a series of words, the whole scene looks a bit embarrassing.

Both Zheng Yumeng and Dorothy avoided the side, but the content of the discourse also surprised them.

One has been so perverted, if there are two three innumerable... the scene is really unimaginable!

Shen Lang listened and secretly frowned.

Since he can say that he has moved a small mound, it is really going back to where he came, perhaps in the past two days, he absorbed refining and chemicalization in the vicinity of Licao County.

It is even possible that he knows how to shuttle, go back there, and come back after fully absorbing!

If it is the former, then this is nothing but an alarmist intimidation.

If the latter, then it is really possible to release the information, anxious more monsters come!

The body of these monsters is not known. Entering our world seems to leave the small piece of violent energy, not knowing whether it is the heart, the brain, or a hostage.

From the need for a body to be the host, it means that it will not be the ontology.

If a lot of people come over, it will not be so skillful for a time. The body of the comprehension can be used. The neighbors of Shenlang will be helpless choices, and they will all be demonized!

One or two are just individual accidents, saying that they originally thought of using the array method to close it there.

If you enter the world in batches, with their metamorphosis growth rate, it is not an accident, but a war! And it is still a war of extinction!

There is no doubt that this news goes out, even if there are examples of trolls, not many people will believe it.

Everyone will still feel alarmist, and then they will be suspicious, and then with the more cases, they will begin to pay attention. Wait until the countermeasures are negotiated, who is responsible for the shots, and then the specific actions...

This series is enough for them to complete the leap again and again, and the situation can't be controlled!

Shen Lang hand movement, directly compress the field, and then drive the Ba Tian Tower, and then completely inhaled the fire magic.

"How? Can this magic weapon trap him?" Zheng Yumeng couldn't help but ask.

She had just ventured directly. If it wasn’t for Shen Lang’s timely release, she might have been swallowed up. It's hard to say whether you can break through and break through.

Shen Lang nodded: "No problem. But what he just said is a big problem!"

"Then we are...?"

"Go ahead and see!"

Shen Lang immediately took both of them and drove the cloud to the Licao County quickly.

If there really is a "city door open", or if they have a way to come over one by one, they will not be able to manage so much. They must not grow up and kill them!

This is a tough decision.

Because in the absence of good host conditions, it will be used for the difficulties, it will be the neighbors near his home. Even if there is not much deep friendship, how good the relationship, but after all, is a familiar face.

To kill them one by one, it is still a bit unbearable.

But if you don't remove it quickly, they will soon become a group of trolls!

On the same day, I moved a small hill and came up with a battle to seal it up. When he came to the hill near his hometown, Shen Lang had not waited for the landing, and he saw the hill that he moved.

"It seems that nothing has changed. It should be a lie to us!"

It was bleak here on the same day, so Zheng Yumeng was a bit confused, but Dorothy did correspond to the memory and felt that there was no change.

Shen Lang looked at it with a little relief.

If this hill is destroyed, changed, and the formation is destroyed, there is a greater possibility of attempting the invasion of the monster.

Now everything is as usual, the bigger possibility is that the trolls are back, and found the state here, but did not change or no ability to change, just yelling at him, want to lie to a chance to escape.

"Let me check it out nearby to see if there are any abnormalities. I have to add more bans!"

Shen Lang is not too late, only let them two, take this as the center point, search the entire area of ​​Licao County.

A few days, a lot of things can happen. There is a little distance from Pingxi here, and it can't be sensed in time.

In order to speed up, and can search for a larger range, Dorothy and Zheng Yumeng are ready to split up.

"Don't separate, pay attention to safety!"

Shen Lang quickly sighed, lest they have an accident. After all, their experience is not rich enough, not too hot.

After they left, they immediately began to re-arrange. For the original seal of the formation, more restrictions were imposed, and a layer of early warning was given. Once it was destroyed, it would make him feel something, and he knew that there was an accident.

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