The First Strong

Chapter 478: Barbaric!

Then the gongs made a harsh "squeaky" sound...

Although the gongs in front of them are magic weapons, they have not been flattened by Shen Lang.

But it is just being held in front of it, but there is not enough power to fix it!

The result was that after the bronze gong was hit by the swell, the squatting squatted on the head of the master.

When Shen Lang’s fist was released, he immediately took the copper and took it directly into the storage ring.

After being stunned by his own magic weapon, the man was dizzy, but he was still awake.

When he discovered that the gongs were robbed, he could not help but be furious!

At this time, another person found that after the Blu-ray knife was sacrificed, it was cut off without any effect. It was also a sorrow!

Xia Yuntian, who barely fled, was also scared by the momentum of Shen Lang’s forced closeness.

He did not dare to go forward, but sacrificed his little flying sword!

This time controlling the golden sword, it is much more cautious. The last time I was caught by Shen Lang, but I spent 50 medium spirits to redeem it.

In the face of the three sieges of the late masters of the real world, the situation of Shen Lang is certainly not good.

However, he did not care at all. After stealing the gongs, the fist had continued to smash out, and the goal was the head of the master!

His body turned faster, and the man had already arrived behind the two men!

Originally, Xia Yuntian’s seat was behind them, but both of them turned their sideways, so they had to go around.

While circling, Shen Lang continued to hit and did not know how many punches went out.

Although some were shunned by the master, there were still many fists hitting their heads. It was only a moment after he turned to the two people, and the master was already stunned.

Another wave of Shen Lang can still carry a rust sword!

When he turned to the back, the sword also drew a circle, which was immediately placed on the neck of another master who was pressing.

The master's spells are just ready, and you can only squat first, or your head will move.

At this moment, the golden sword is also facing the front of Shen Lang!

Only this time, he didn't need to take a shot, but just looking at the past, Xia Yuntian, the bird of surprise, had quickly retracted the sword drive a few meters and turned into a cautious walk in the air.

He can only look for blind spots in the dark waves and dare not attack in front.

The rusted sword was placed around the neck, and the master was looking for an opportunity.

When the golden sword flew again, he quickly followed the direction of the sword and fell out to the side!

So even if the sword of Shen Lang continues to smash, it will sweep away.

And that flying sword, gave him a cover.

He plans very well, and with his realm, he can completely avoid it.

Unfortunately, he forgot the fists of Shen Lang at this moment!

He escaped the pursuit of the rust sword, but Shen Lang took a kick, and then sent it first!

When he had not yet fallen to the ground, he had already kicked his body and fell directly to the distance.

Xia Yuntian manipulated another attack on the golden sword, and did not seek merit, but sought to form interference.

When I found out that my partner had escaped, I immediately took the sword back, so as not to be caught by Shen Lang.

It is a pity that he escaped only half of the flight and was kicked out.

He thought of the death of Yu Wenba, and the feet of Shen Lang can not be ignored!

The three people can't pick up the waves together, but now he is left alone, what can I do?

At this time, I saw Shen Lang received a rust sword, grabbed a huge stone with both hands, and lifted it directly to him!

Xia Yuntian could not help but sneak a metamorphosis!

Everyone is a sword repair, where is it so brute force?

But now it is impossible to discriminate against brute force. If you don't hurry to dodge, you will soon become a meat sauce!

He had just shunned and had not heard the sound of the rock on the ground in the boulder. He found that the boulder had moved again and chased it again!


Xia Yuntian screamed at the side, and did not die quickly.

But holding a sturdy wave of boulder, but it is not slower than him, not giving him a chance to gasp, and then continually smashed over.

At this time, the sound of the ground in front of it began to come.

"Hey - hey!"

The loud bang screamed and the impact of the boulder on the side, the feeling of almost a little bit of sensation, made Xia Yuntian a cold sweat.

He is a master of the late real world, and he has to be stoned to death!

It’s just enough to say that this fate is going out.

After a few dozens of differences, he realized that Shen Lang was not swearing at him, but intentionally spared his life, which was deliberately a little bit worse!

This discovery made him even more shocked and almost killed.

What does this **** grow up to eat! Holding a boulder, not only can catch up with his speed, but he can play with him with ease!

Two of them, Qiao Yong and Qiao Shuyu, who watched this all over the place, were even more emotional.

Just now they saw with their own eyes that Shen Lang had put two people down, and now there is no chance to catch up with Xia Yuntian’s gasp.

Their fall, the spells have long been ineffective, holding the smashing waves of the boulder, the speed is slightly slower, the target is bigger, and the movement track is still very good.

Both of them secretly asked in their hearts, if they were forced to the extent of Xia Yuntian, can they escape?

The answer is not very optimistic!

Even if they are not willing to admit it, they have to accept the facts.

Qiao Shuyu is definitely not up to the extent of Xia Yuntian.

Qiao Yong's speed is a bit faster, but Shen Lang obviously charges the slow speed of teasing. If he is at full speed, or wants to kill him, he still can't escape!

metamorphosis! ...there are the same secrets in their hearts.

At this time, after the rapid wave of nearly a hundred times, Shen Lang threw the boulder to Xia Yuntian and the people did not chase it.

These hundred times were also completed in just a few seconds, just like a burst of firecrackers.

After the boulder fell, didn't move any more, and when there was no more sound, it had already escaped from Xia Yuntian, a hundred meters away, and I dared to look back.

Not chasing him again, he caught the two masters who were hit by his head and kicked.

Looking at Xia Yuntian's experience, Qiao Yong did not have to worry that Shen Lang would kill them.

However, Shen Lang did not conceal his actions at all. At this moment, in front of them, the two masters came to search.

They all have a storage bag on their body. At this moment, when they are in a coma, when the will is weak, they are severely cut off, become unowned, and then they are collected.

The situation here, only Qiao Yong and Qiao Shuyu are watching. The sacred priest and the master are also fighting hard, and there is no reason to care about the situation here.

But in fact, Tang Banshan and Gao Li, who are far away from the other side of the island, are all concerned about this side.

At this moment, I also understand the battle of Shen Lang!

(End of this chapter)

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