The First Strong

Chapter 2268: Inconvenient to spare you

On both sides of the bar, it will be clearly perceived immediately.

Ten of them immediately discovered that the strength of Gao Hanqiu far exceeded their expectations!

This is to be stronger than each of them. If you give him a chance to fight alone, they will be broken down in batches.

Therefore, while they passed this information to the other ten people, they strengthened their competition for control of the field.

Gao Hanqiu is stronger than them, and he can't give him a chance to single-handedly. Ten people besieged, and they can't do the superposition of power, but there are ten kinds of attacks in parallel at the same time.

But now on the field control, they can work together to be consistent, that is, the effect of stacking!

Even if the cold autumn is stronger, it may not be ten times stronger. It has already been so hard to fight. Of course, they will not give up. They have the opportunity to crush the cold autumn.

And even if they can't crush the cold autumn, at least they will hold people back, and they can create opportunities for others.

Shen Lang, they are completely in the eyes, the architectural magic, but an alternative raid. Give a little more time, Zhou Zhentang should be able to break the magic weapon and clean up him.

Incarnation of the nine-tailed fox's white scorpion and the emperor's behemoth, they also feel that it is only a super beast god, can reach the level of human beings, it is very difficult to get, only one person can deal with, two people can be stable Win.

The Count of Dracula is left, and in their view, there is at most one level of the Great God.

Even if you divide another person to deal with Shen Lang, you can also deal with one of the three, absolutely crushing!

After killing them a few, the ten men then besieged the cold autumn and stabilized.

With such a plan, the ten people have been holding back the cold autumn, not giving him the opportunity to pull out.

The fields of the two sides have been merged together. Without the external force to join, they rely on the two sides to compete for control. The complete suppression of the loss, or even direct bombing!

I don't know, it is the same idea to play in the cold autumn!

He and Shen Lang have already combined together. They are the main force and others are the assistants.

The enemies of this time, excluding Zhou Zhentang’s words, are twenty. Gao Hanqiu can hold ten people alone, he is already very satisfied, which will share half of the pressure.

The other eleven, Zhou Zhentang has nothing to say, Shen Lang will certainly be able to kill him easily.

The Earl of White and Dracula use their superiority to deal with a great **** without problems. The remaining eight, Shen Lang and the Emperor's behemoth, should be able to solve it.

In fact, Gao Hanqiu has inexplicable confidence in Shen Lang. Even if the realm of Shen Lang is not as high as he is now, he still feels that the enemy that Shen Lang can kill will be more than him.

Therefore, he can hold half of it alone, and he does not escape, but he is circling with them, and the ten people are not allowed to withdraw.

Under such circumstances, half of them are deadlocked, and there are not many people who seem to have a lot of fires on the scene.

Because of the mutual restraint of their eleven people, the field has affected everyone, but it has not been restrained.

The rest of the great gods will not use the field again, but will make their own housekeeping skills come out.

They are all medium sects, and there is not much advantage in the practice. Perhaps they are the first martial art to practice in the realm of the Great God, at least for a long time.

Therefore, their combat effectiveness is mainly based on the strength of the realm of the great gods.

When the melee began, the white scorpion of the ninth-tailed fox did not need to bind the feet, but also played an exclusive physical advantage. When confronted with a big god, it also had confidence to prevail.

Count Dracula also has the advantage of speed and strength, but they all have a problem, that is, the other party is not alone with them, but three to deal with them!

Although the Emperor's behemoth has a huge physique, when it is already in the realm, it is no longer to look at the size of the body, and even too large a body will affect speed and flexibility.

Therefore, they did not pay attention to it, but because they did not pay more attention to the waves, there are still three people to deal with the dog god.

When it was said that it was too late, the scene was changed instantaneously. Gao Hanqiu and several of their battles were quickly made clear.

Shen Lang found that there was only one person to deal with him, and there were three to deal with the day!

This makes him angry and funny, this is sorry for Lao Tzu!

"Kid! To be honest, I can spare you a life!"

Assigned to the great **** who deals with Shen Lang, of course, this is the easiest job.

Because they can't see the strength of Shen Lang's strength, I thought that there is something secret to conceal the strength.

Originally because of the white, I think he should also have great strength.

But now that I see the lineup of the white scorpion, it is easy to understand that it is not the young woman who cultivated into the realm of the gods, but the transformation of the fox gods.

It naturally feels that Shen Lang is so young that it is impossible to reach that level, and the magic weapon he used, coupled with the injured Zhou Zhentang dare to start with Shen Lang, there is no high opinion.

They still think that the super-gates are asking for help, so if they don't figure out the details, they are not very good at killing the waves.

This person is just this attitude. If Shen Lang gives up resistance, he can just ban it and wait until he finally understands the situation and decide how to deal with him.

In that case, he is also a lot easier. You can release Zhou Zhentang and help others.

"Thank you. But I am not convenient to spare you."

Shen Lang, this is a direct transmission of a consciousness to him, when he perceives "thank you", he is a little bit smirking, and Shen Lang actually said "inconvenient to spare him a life", let him laugh and laugh.

This kid is not aware of the height of the sky!

When I was trying to ridicule a few words, I found that Shen Lang had several lights in his hand and came directly to him.

He still hasn't figured out what the situation is, and he was immediately pierced through several holes!

Shen Lang just sent him an idea directly, instead of speaking it out, it is faster. At the same time, he shot the gods!

The speed of the gods is already incomparable to the weapon magic weapon and he is approaching, everyone is very close, and is under the situation of serious underestimation.

Therefore, the gods completely worked. After piercing his body, the fingers of Shen Lang were moved, and the gods directly cut his body into a large number of pieces!

That **** is almost a bit stunned!

With the strength of his realm, the general sword is also stabbed. If you want to hurt him, at least it must be a very powerful weapon.

Even so, it is not easy to pierce him.

But his body was not only pierced by a hole, but the light was cut tofu, and his torso was cut!

Shen Lang did not give him the opportunity to fight back, holding the serious injury of the Shenguang raid, and the tower was already in hand and directly ingested him.

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