The First Strong

Chapter 2243: Lin Zhizhi?

In addition to this unexpected situation, the high cold autumn back to Earth this trip, has a wish, the sacrifice of the sacrifice has passed, the understanding of the understanding.

In mainland China, he also has a martial art, and that is the martial art that was founded by one hand. It takes longer than the original physicist door, and it is rebuilt after heavy damage. Lin Biaozhi and Li Wei are still alive. Of course, it can't be put down.

It’s time to say goodbye. In this regard, Gao Li is undoubtedly the most embarrassing one.

When Shen Lang returned this trip, it actually took a lot of things.

Some of them should be put down, no matter whether they are women or parents, they can't carry them all the way.

I really want to take them all around, wherever they go, and it’s also a huge pressure on parents and them, because they can’t keep up with his pace and feel pressure.

On the way to his journey, the enemies encountered will inevitably become more and more powerful, such as the bright **** who has no way to get it, and what the true God has offended.

Bringing them with you will only increase their danger.

Now all aspects of the earth have been arranged, and the strongest enemies have been annihilated. The remaining strength of the people, such as the canoe, has become invincible on the earth.

The influence of Shen Lang, the world's strongest, can also be sustained for a long time.

In the previous world, the highest goal pursued by Shen Lang, that is, the robbery and soaring, is the last experience left by the predecessors.

Although in fact, I also understand that after the robbery and ascension, it is impossible to enjoy the fairy blessings, and it will be the cultivation and struggle of the upper bounds.

But no matter the gods, the fairy world, the thirty-three heavens... all the legends are different, and it is obvious that most of them are fantasy of everyone, which is based on the real world.

What kind of world will be after the specific ascent, that is, he can't imagine, so the goal is to be one of the peace--the robbery!

It is different now, and it has reached the world after the robbery. There is disappointment - it is not a fairy palace to enjoy the blessings, but more surprises - a huge world, unlimited resources.

Therefore, the current Shen Lang, not the goal has been adjusted, but the goal is no longer limited!

He has reached the strongest state in his previous life, but there is still a lot of space in front, such as the bright god, such as the high cold autumn is also stronger than him.

There is a way forward, of course, we must continue to struggle.

If you stay on the earth, in order to avoid the catastrophe, you must always maintain your own state.

It’s not easy to be born again, and it’s been a hundred years.

The large space cracks that can connect in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, such shortcuts, are even more disagreeable, and are determined to be constantly shrinking.

Even if he has the fusion of the three-door Kunlun mirror, you can shuttle the world, and you can't be sure that it will be able to use it for hundreds of years, maybe it won't be used any day.

As a self-cultivator who changes his life, it is ok to have a leisure time, but after all, it is necessary to keep the road of struggle!

It is the same as the life of ordinary people. Even if life is as lifeless as salted fish, it still needs to struggle.

Have you tried your best?

Do your best, and there is much hope that the salted fish will turn over; and in the state of salted fish, it is hopeless.

Saying goodbye will ultimately be reluctant, whether it is parents or a few of them, it is other anxious friends, always feel difficult.

So Shen Lang is not ready to say goodbye, let everyone think that he is like every departure before.

Of course, in fact, he is not always going back to Earth.

A little different from the previous one is just that the target is different. It used to be because of more specific things, so the return period is more clear.

This time he went to his own life goal, and when he came back, it was not so clear.

Tianshan Jianzong is often used to the big elders of Shenlang.

Although Shen Lang does not participate in daily management and does not teach his disciples, the resources given by Shen Lang were unimaginable before the Tianshan Jianzong. Because of the influence brought by Shen Lang, it is also very prominent.

For example, Zhai Sheng went to the temporary comprehension alliance, and is also one of the core members. Whether it is the official or Qiao Yuxian, he treats him as the same level, and even more polite.

At the time when Shen Lang had just arrived, the sacred priest was too old, but he only broke through to the late stage of the real world, and then qualified for the high board.

Qiao Yuxian, Nanliuchuan, Liu Yuchang, Zhang Zhulang and so on are not only more famous, but also the strongest of the gods. At most, I am very polite for the same age. From the strength, the sacred sacred is not qualified for the seniors.

Now, in addition to his strength improvement, it is also because of the influence of Shen Lang, so that everyone is very polite to the Tianshan Jianzong, and even say that it is a knot!

It was very simple to leave. After just smashing it, Shen Lang used the door of the Three Realms and sent it away with Gao Hanqiu.

The place where Shen Lang transmits is the Qiulin sword.

It didn't take long for them to leave, but the post-disaster reconstruction on this side has not stopped, and there have been obvious changes. Although it has not fully recovered before, it has been very different from the ones that were destroyed by Lin Biao.

When he left, Xu Haoyue took the initiative to stay with him and guarded it with Mo Feiliu.

And Bai Hao, although Shen Lang sent her back to Qingqiu, but she is also very interesting, even if it is clear that she does not necessarily come back to "here", she did not have a clearer goal, she also said to stay and guard.

There are Xu Yuyue and Mo Feiliu, as well as Bai Yu and Count Dracula. This is the reason why Gao Hanqiu can safely follow Shen Lang back. Otherwise, even if you come back, you will go back in a hurry.

After the Qiulin swordsmanship, their first two things were quickly searched for Qiu Lin Jianzong.

Although the situation seen from the visual inspection is getting better, if Lin Biaozhi is in charge of Qiu Lin Jianzong, the same is to continue to rebuild.

Although Lin Biaozhi said that he had left the righteousness, but at that time, Shen Lang was going to crush Li Lin Biaozhi had to choose to stop.

For those who have been trapped for two hundred years, can the regularity constrain them?

Qiu Lin Jianzong was founded by him personally, and he was able to kill him. Compared with it, what is the rumor?

Therefore, even if there are still white horses and Count Dracula sitting in the town, they are still a little worried that Lin Biao will make a comeback.

What made Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu one of the earthquakes was that they were swept away and immediately discovered a worrying problem - Lin Biaozhi really was in the Qiulin swords!

In the evening, everyone had already broken their minds. Lin Biaozhi said that he could open up the things they did, remove him, and let the disciples hate. Gao Hanqiu chose to be ugly.

Now that Lin Biaozhi is already here at Qiulin Jianzong, what else can this be?

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