The First Strong

Chapter 2096: Put

Just now they have already exchanged, Nangong is right next to prevent others from helping the cold autumn, but also to meet the injured Fan Tianxing.

But the premise they expected is to kill the cold autumn!

At the very least, it must be both losers. In that case, he will leave with Fan Tianxing and, in the future, he will be able to destroy the Qiulin sword.

But the effect of the recent move is that Fan Tianxing was directly broken, and then even the defense is unable to defend!

This is almost the effect of spike! If you can't stop in time, then the next Fan Tianxing will die on the spot.

This also fully shows that the strength of the cold autumn has exceeded many of their expectations!

Nangong Shi and Fan Tianxing are not only the problem of two hundred years of friendship, but they are now on the same boat, and they are all devastated!

If there are two people, even if the other party has a few more unexpected players, they can still be hard. But if he is left alone, then there is really no right to speak.

Therefore, the discovery of Fan Tianxing's situation, Nangong appropriate decisively called out "death."

At this moment, the sword of the cold autumn has already been completed, but it still maintains the state of the sword pointing to Fan Tianxing, and can also feel it, and there is a strong sword to shoot in the past.

After Nangong was open, Shen Lang immediately took over.

"This is their life and death, if the cold autumn is under the mercy of the people, is it not to be countered by Fan Tianxing?"

Gao Hanqiu seems to be simple now, but also completely prevailed, but Shen Lang can not distract him. Strong enemies have a little distraction, and the result is likely to change.

Nangong is a little embarrassed, but he has to admit it with a hard scalp.

"Fan Tianxing is not an opponent of Gao Hanqiu. If he does not leave his mercy, he will be destroyed."

"Do you come to friendship and study? If Fan Tianxing has the upper hand, he will not ruin the cold autumn?"

The counter-question of Shen Lang makes Nangong have nothing to say.

They had originally decided to turn over the cold autumn idea in a heads-up, but now they have failed.

"Let's leave your hands on your hands!"

The time before their conversation was actually more than the time when two people played against each other. At this moment, Gao Hanqiu has completely determined the status of Fan Tianxing.

Fan Tianxing’s defense was broken by him, then attack and counterattack, but he may still be able to escape.

Therefore, just in the cold autumn, Jianqi continued to exert pressure, so that the other side did not have the strength to fight, and after a few seconds, the state has stabilized, and Fan Tianxing has only turned his back on innocence and powerless resistance.

Now he can calmly accept the sword, not afraid of the other party out of the moth.

"...Thank you."

Regardless of the attitude towards the cold autumn, Nangong has to thank him for this.

Gao Hanqiu really has mercy...

But this relaxed attitude made him not optimistic.

If it is hard to give up, it can be said that it is not easy to do. Now that the other party is so relaxed, it doesn't seem to care, it shows that Fan Tianxing's current injury is even more serious than he expected!

Out of caution, Nangong Shi did not directly land in the past with Fan Tianxing, but maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

No matter how good or young, he can't put his own life into it.

If anything is wrong, Fan Tianxing can't be saved anymore, then he will of course be decisive and run away!

After the sword was caught in the cold autumn, everyone’s eyes fell on Fan Tianxing’s body.

There was a cold spot for a few seconds at the scene.

The result is that Xu Yuyue and Mo Feiliu also saw the situation of Fan Tianxing.

His body is still changing constantly, and occasionally there is a bulge and expansion, then dissipate and appear again.

There is no doubt that the body is still experiencing a violent impact, at any time on the edge of the explosion!

Everyone has a high degree of defense when they think about explosives.

This is a strong person in the realm of the great gods. Once there is a burst of fire, even if it is not a deliberate explosion, there will be no intensive attacks. However, if the power is radiated, it will still cause a strong impact on everyone.

Nangong has no first time to pass, and it is for this reason.

Otherwise, he was the first to be shocked.

"He just didn't care for me, he just wanted my life. Unfortunately, Fan Tianxing did not grow any more, did not threaten me, but was forced into my own body."

The cold and cold autumn is telling the story.

"The consequences must be clear to you. His best result is to maintain such a disordered state. It is a little irritating and may die."


At this moment, Nangong has no chance to say a big word. Because this is mainly to force Fan Tianxing's attack back into his body, the more dangerous it is, the more powerful his attack.

How do you blame others?

The silence is so that Nangong feels that every second is so long.

He is personally dying, and this is a bit of a face. But Fan Tianxing is always on the verge of death. Who can determine which one will poke?

So even if he took Fan Tianxing away, it was a very dangerous life.

And what reason does the other party have to let him take away the lost Fan Tianxing?

"It's your turn."

After the cold field, Gao Hanqiu took the initiative to open the battle.

Just what they want is the opportunity to fight alone, and now they are perfect in the cold autumn, and they are not afraid of the wheel battle!

Nangong is secretly smiling.

This is really a serious lack of prediction!

They didn't think that the cold autumn was still alive, thinking that the generation of the lords was strong, and even more than a few strong enemies.

It’s only now that I don’t say that the other few are just a cold autumn, and they are not able to get it.

Just Fan Tianxing has proved that this is a sneak attack, and the result is solved by the high cold autumn sword.

Nangong does not think that he is much more powerful than Fan Tianxing. If he takes the shot, even if he is more careful and pays more attention, it is estimated that he will support more than two strokes.

The overall result remains the same!

At this moment, he also profoundly understands that this time has been revenge hopeless.

Stay in the green hills at not afraid of no firewood.

The Fanjia and Nangong families, like all other factions, were all destroyed. They were the only ones left.

If it is also true here, it will be completely eliminated from history.

Have the strength to avenge, do not take revenge, then see the ancestral ancestors.

But now that the strength is not enough to avenge, the enemy's strength is more than expected, what needs to be done is to preserve the strength to see the aftereffects. If you go any further, it is to find a woman to give birth and re-cultivate the family to come out.

It is a long-term business. It takes a lot of effort to pull a martial art back.

But if you just want to spread the seeds out, you just have to open the branches and leaves, just need them to work hard.

The premise is to have a life!

"I am not your opponent."

Nangong is instantly recognizable!

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