The First Strong

Chapter 2091: Strong enemy

Shen Lang is idle and idle, the reason is five days, because after five days, easy to wait for others, have completed the promotion of a realm!

Gao Hanqiu personally, with no cost, the efficiency is naturally very high.

So easy and unreasonable has been promoted to the realm of the Great Immortal, for him personally, of course, is a big gain.

According to the normal cultivation method, he may not have the opportunity to enter the realm of Daxian within 20 years.

However, the cultivation of successors has made him far-sighted, considering the problem will be considered from a general direction.

The arrangement of this ancestor did not elaborate on the original, but anyone could think of it. He has more responsibility than others!

Now, in addition to the three of their ancestors, the one who has been promoted by him, even if Tangcheng has been able to survive, it is troublesome to have foreign enemies.

Or the sects of Tangcheng, if there is a sacred ancestor of Daxian, or even the peak of Daxian, and revenge, he can't cope.

Therefore, when he was promoted to the realm of Daxian, he did not dare to be excited. Instead, he decided to take more time to cultivate and improve as much as possible to relieve a little pressure.

The other young disciples, with the help of Mo Feiliu and Xu Yuyue, have all raised a realm after they have saved a lot of resources.

The younger and lower the strength, the faster the upgrade.

Said to be "young disciples", in fact, relative to Yang Baotian their third generation. It is the disciple of the fourth generation and the younger fifth generation.

Like the easy to be unfamiliar, and the red wind management that Shen Lang first encountered, according to the standard of ordinary people, they are also old and old.

Therefore, these surviving people of Qiu Lin Jianzong are now young disciples separated by several generations in the eyes of Mo Feiliu and Gao Hanqiu. From the surface image, they are also middle-aged and old-aged.

In addition to the easy to be unscrupulous, like the red wind that has been taking care of the tough front, it has also risen to the peak of the semi-Xianxian, and several others have been promoted to half a fairy. The others are under the half-sacred.

In general, although everyone has upgraded a realm, the average level has increased greatly, but the overall situation is still very weak, and the strength of the original Qiu Lin Jianzong is still very different.

But there is no way, and they can't continue to pull them up. Even if they have this ability in the cold autumn, they will now pay for their resources, and their own bodies will not be able to bear it!

In addition to the body, the state of mind is more likely to collapse, it is the deep wave, with the mood of the great gods of the past, and can not be continuously improved.

Now just give them more self-protection ability, how to cultivate in the future, or they must work hard.

The initial cornerstone has been completed, and the rest is reconstruction after the disaster.

In fact, they have already eliminated all the factions, and they can occupy a martial art.

But other sects are after all other sects. Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as his own kennel. This is with emotions, especially since it has just been destroyed, so it is still necessary to rebuild on the original site.

In fact, there are jobs for these comprehensions to deal with great efforts, and the speed of the craftsmen will be very fast.

These secular things are handled by Yi and others.

Gao Hanqiu invited Shen Lang and Bai Yu, including Mo Feiliu Xu Yuyue, or went to the back mountain abyss to rest.

It is safer and a good place to practice, but now they are only because they are quieter.

After all, the mountains are rebuilding, there will be all kinds of noise.

If it was all right, Shen Lang was going to leave the earth.

However, in the current situation, on the one hand, he needs time, integrates his mental strength, and brings his strength to a higher level. On the other hand, the dog **** has also been in the stage of healing and poisoning, and it is inconvenient to disturb him.

Another one, he and Gao Hanqiu Mou reverse the friendship. When he was weak before, people in the name of Qiu Lin Jianzong, let go out to cover him, and now Qiulin Jianzong became like this, of course, it is not good to leave.

Everything is being carried out in an orderly manner. Gao Hanqiu, Mo Feiliu and Xu Yuyue are paying a lot for the process of upgrading for everyone. It also takes time to recover.

This time, Shen Lang did not enter the space of Tianshu, but like Bai Xi, while maintaining cultivation, he could also pay attention to the situation on the mountain.

Because the Qiulin swords are rebuilding now, materials, artisans, etc. are needed, and it is not convenient to keep the mountain guards open.

Originally for him, it is to take care of it, not necessarily there will be any enemies coming. After all, there was basically no situation in the previous week.

But what I didn't expect was that on the seventh day, there was a situation!

The situation that can cause attention to the waves is of course a non-general power. If it is a general enemy now, it is easy to bring people to cope with it.

At this moment, there are several strong people who come here at high speed. From the speed of their coming, they can feel that they are at least the level of the great realm!

This is not to say that they can't deal with it, it is Mo Feiliu and Xu Haoyue can't deal with it!

More serious, this is not one, there are three at high speed!

Shen Lang’s words are too late to say a word, and immediately fly out from the abyss!

Bai Hao discovered this situation and followed it to fly out.

Then there is the cold autumn.

After the cold autumn, the first arrival, he was slower because of the consumption before the retreat, but the speed is faster than the white, followed by Shen Lang.

Xu Haoyue and Mo Feiliu also felt that something was wrong, but they were slower when they discovered it, and the reaction and speed were slower, becoming the last two.

When Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu appeared at the same time in Qiulin, the three figures have already arrived from the sky with the afterimage!

"Everyone is back!"

When Gao Hanqiu said this sentence, the field had completely controlled the surrounding area, and then with him a word, everyone was pulled together and quickly and uniformly sent to the next valley!

Just in that sentence, everyone didn't have time to react. I only felt that the sound came from the ear, and it seemed to go directly to the brain. Then I saw that I was out of control and flew as fast as everyone else.

So many different people in different places, doing different jobs, all pulled everything, and was sent to the valley!

Not to mention the craftsmen, it is easy to wait for others, but also amazed. For the strength of the ancestors, worship.

The cold autumn is still benevolent, and the people who feel the coming are powerful. In order to avoid more innocent people being dragged together, they will be sent directly and quickly.

When he was busy with all this, Shen Lang had already blocked the air!

This can also be considered to help the cold autumn, so that he has the opportunity to send people away, to avoid direct killing.

The three people who came here also stopped at the top.

The first person directly makes Shen Lang stunned!

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