The First Strong

Chapter 1908: Shen Lang is making a big splash

Cui or of course is greeting with Gao Hanqiu and Xuefeixue. Looking at Shenlang, his look is a bit uncomfortable.

This is his most eye-catching moment, but he was still robbed by this kid!

But this is already the case, he still has to smile and say hello.

"Cui Laozu, when do we start, what is the next itinerary? What are the needs to be prepared? What are the dangers? I hope I can tell you one or two in advance."

After a simple guest, Shen Lang directly asked a bunch of questions.

When everyone looked at Shen Lang, they all yelled at him, but now he asked them out, it is a matter of fact, it is a question that everyone wants to know the answer.

For a time, everyone was quiet, and even a little farther away, they quickly approached and didn't want to miss the details.

After Cui or originally came, he also wanted to announce these problems. This is the clue he left before, and he will announce it when he arrives here.

It is to enjoy the moment of attention.

But now that Shen Lang asked this question, he was passive and could not continue to force it.

This made him a little depressed, but he thought that if he was asked to continue, he would be asked by more people, and the effect would be even worse. He could only answer quickly.

"Yes, I took the time to come over. After a while, I can open it. We can go down this crater and you can reach the meditation."

"After the meditation, I will take everyone forward. Wherever I go, I will say it later."

"As long as you need to prepare something, there is no danger, everyone is not a three-year-old child, and I don't need me to be embarrassed!"

After listening to everyone, I was a little discouraged.

This time, it is equal to nonsense!

I didn’t say the specific itinerary at all, but I said that I would wait for a while, and after I arrived in the meditation area, everyone still had to follow him.

The last sentence is not to mention, it is a bit of a dark irony.

But this is not the answer everyone wants!

Everyone wants to know the timing of going down from here, what is the next step after the meditation, what specific dangers may be encountered, and which ones can be defended.

Now this answer is too general.

However, if you look at Cui or this, you are prepared to answer this level and will not say more details.

Everyone exchanged their eyes with their friends.

What else can I do?

Continue to take his lead and follow him!

As for security and other aspects, you can only defend yourself as much as possible.

Fortunately, everyone is quite experienced and should not have problems in this first level.

Cui or Ben thought that this would be an appetite, let everyone come and follow him, and ask for more details.

I didn't expect everyone to be discouraged, and then I didn't pay any attention to him, which made him a little helpless.

At this point, I want to make up a little more, and others will not expect anything.

Just when he was a little difficult to ride, Shen Lang stood up and spoke up.

"Elder ancestors, although Cui or his ancestors said it is relatively simple, I think that everyone's safety awareness should be improved. Although I have only been there once in the meditation, I feel that there is still a lot of uncertainty."

"In addition, I also learned a message in the past two days. Some people hired a savior and sneaked into everyone, causing the loss of some ancestor weapon magic, and no matter who is manipulating, they must be more careful."

"Be careful not only the environment of the field, but also the people!"

The safety awareness in front of Shen Lang, everyone thinks it is a set of words, and does not care much, security awareness will definitely be there.

But when you say the words of the savior, you will detonate the scene!

"You know the sinking brothers? We have encountered a sneak attack from the squatter!"

"It turned out to be a slain slave! It was negligent."

"Is there still someone hired? Who is the person behind the scenes?"

"We also met, but forced him back. Who lost the magic weapon?"

There were only three sneak attacks, and then the two groups did not succeed.

However, as soon as the topic was opened, everyone discussed it enthusiastically.

Cui or his face immediately became ugly.

Originally he spoke. His speech should be so popular, but he did not respond to his speech. On the contrary, a few words of Shen Lang’s casualness have triggered everyone’s hot debate.

There are also quicksand slaves...

"Everyone is quiet, listen to me."

The sentence of Shen Lang was said and immediately calmed everyone down.

Because it was just the topic of the reckless slaves he detonated, now everyone wants to hear what he has to say.

Looking at the effect of Shen Lang’s call, Cui is not a taste.

This is the bureau of his group, and the result is to let others become the protagonists...

“Did anyone lose the magic weapon?”

Shen Lang asked this question, and it was silent.

Although some people have just said it, they have not directly admitted that they have lost the magic weapon.

Even if this was a sneak attack on the sloppy slain, but even his own magic weapons and weapons were not seen, it was very shameful!

This matter, the idea of ​​everyone, is also a secret investigation, trying to win back.

Just after Shen Lang kicked the blast, I found that there were still many people who couldn’t help but blurt out.

But now Shen Lang asks like this, but no one wants to admit it in public.

After Shen Lang asked, I also knew that there would be this effect, and then continued.

"Things are like this. When I went to the forest in the past day, the lazy slaves also sneaked and stolen my things. They were really surprised and couldn't prevent them, let alone defend him."

Shen Lang said this sentence, let those three lost things, began to feel better.

Even Shen Lang said so, this is not that they can't do it. It is really impossible to prevent it.

"I am a person who does not suffer, dare to engage me, the end is bound to be very miserable."

During the speech, everyone saw an image appearing in the air, which was the appearance of the slain slaves in two paragraphs!

This is the picture of Shen Lang recording the sacred hologram, holographic projection, let everyone see, to prove that he is not blowing.

"Natural That guy has been hacked to death, I will help you revenge. Because I found a few weapons, I guess that my ancestor also encountered his sneak attack. Please lose something, Looking back and looking for me privately, I am willing to pay for it!"

When I heard this, everyone understood the meaning of Shen Lang. It was not to publicly humiliate them, but to find the master and return the magic weapon!

This made the three ancestors very embarrassed.

"The sinking brother is kind, young and promising! For such a villain, you should kill him!" Helan ancestors finally caught the opportunity to help Shen Lang boast.

Others who have been attacked by the laks and slaves, three lost things and two did not lose things. Seeing this result, they are very happy, and of course they are applauded.

In this case, of course, other people do not mind the praise of the icing on the cake.

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