The First Strong

Chapter 1809: Underwater world

The thoughts of Shen Lang spread out and brought a general understanding of the nearby environment.

This is still in the Tongtian River, but when it comes to it, it forms a confluence node.

However, after the tributaries are concentrated, they become larger rivers and continue to flow forward.

After the Tongtian River flowed here, it formed a lake with a diameter of several tens of miles, and then divided into several rivers, which continued to flow in different directions.

Check out the trajectory of the holy armor, where the distance from the random waves is more than a thousand miles away.

Now the giant python is carrying the sinking waves to the lake.

When the bottom of the water rushes here, it slows down, and then begins the gentle flow of the arc, forming a vortex that is dozens of miles long, but not fast.

These streams are divided into several tributaries that flow in different directions. From the top, this is a calm lake.

The stop of the giant python is relative to the speed of the rapid rush, but it is actually slowly moving.

Shen Lang did not say much, and followed it.

Soon after, I swam to the center of the lake, and the giants began to dive deeper.

Shen Lang followed and dive together.

After a faint, biting cold water layer, it descended a few hundred meters, probably at a depth of about a kilometer, and became a warm current.

And in front of me, it is beginning to suddenly open up!

This kind of sudden and cheerful, is reflected in the field of vision, the darker the bottom of the water, but now it has become brighter.

"Little man, can't you imagine?"

The giant python is now on a hilltop. This is a mountain at the bottom of the water.

Of course, the scale is unlikely to be large, that is, a hill.

However, it is a very large space for the giant to live here.

Shen Lang also stood by next to it.

“I really didn’t think that in this underwater world, it’s so beautiful!”

The words of Shen Lang are a bit of exaggeration.

Because he has seen the underwater world of the sea.

That is the real spectacular, it is a small world!

However, under the lakes of these dozens of miles, at the bottom of the kilometer, what happened was what he did not expect.

Just when I came down, I felt the bright light that came from these mountains.

In addition to the hill where they are located, there are some small hills nearby. These mountains have some stones that can emit light, so the water bottom away from the light source becomes clear and bright.

In the mountains, there are also a variety of exotic flowers and trees, which are the exotic trees that can live in the water like corals.

However, in a large area, no fish was seen swimming.

Perhaps the average fish can't reach here. At such depths, the water pressure is what they can't bear, and because of the cold layer above, they are blocked.

Of course, it may also be because this is the site of the giant python. All the creatures that invade here will be killed as a threat. Over time, it will become a restricted area. No other creatures dare to come over.

"It's not as big as the sky in Chengdu, but I am also very good here."

The giant python is very proud, but it also recognizes that Chengdu is a more spectacular monument.

This is also understandable. This can only be regarded as one of its palace-style. It is said that the entire Tongtian River Basin can be regarded as its territory.

Therefore, it will not be inferior to the giants in Chengdu.

Shen Lang praised it: "The gods usually take such a blessing in the sky, and they enjoy the fairy."

For this compliment, the giant python is very enjoyable.

It has always lived in this Tongtian River. Although it has seen many human monks, there are many powerful ones, and many have been eaten by it. But for the case of the human martial art, it has not been visited.

I just came here with Shen Lang. There is a heart that will help him to find a chance to kill. It is also a show of heart. It is to find some superiority in Shen Lang.

To put it bluntly, there must be an audience in the installation!

In adulthood, it is a person, and the best environment will be tired from enjoyment.

Usually it is a habit.

But now that someone comes to visit, you can show a sense of satisfaction when you can show it.

In the north with heating in the north, the coastal city with good air quality, and the warm tropical region in the four seasons... When you live every day, you don’t feel anything. When you use others to set off, you can use the other people to set off your sense of superiority. Pleasant.

Earth's human society, no need to let people personally experience, let alone the big environment like the city, even if it is a luxury home, a luxury car, etc., you can also go out through social networks such as circle of friends.

The process of drying, waiting for the praise of others, whether it is the true envy, or the simple emotion, or the polite praise, will satisfy people.

Here, I don’t know if there have been humans here before, or whether there are other beasts and beasts who have come here. At least from its reaction, Shen Lang’s visitor has brought great satisfaction to it. .

The words of Shen Lang are true or false. Whether or not there is a compliment to the ingredients is not important to it.

It’s just the process of drying this sun. This process of having an audience has made it very enjoyable.

This is even what it did not think of.

Before it just realized a sense of superiority in front of human beings - it is self-righteous, but now it is the pleasure of "sun".

It’s not enough that the light is such an environment.

The temporary gimmicks immediately signaled that Shen Lang followed it.

Slowly swam from this mountaintop and quickly reached the foot of the mountain. Then it pulled it and removed a huge stone.

This boulder was at the foot of the mountain. It originally seemed to be integrated with the hillside, and after it was removed, there was a hole.

In this hole, the light is more obvious and brighter than the outside.

This cave is for the giant to swim in, so whether it is the hole or the inside, including the boulder, it is bigger than its body.

It goes inside Shen Lang is also following.

At the moment of entering, he felt a wave of volatility.

This underwater world is considered to be its "palace", which is the core of the temple, or treasure house.

When he was at the top of the mountain, he did not feel the situation here, which shows that it was hidden.

The boulder is just the primary appearance of the cover, blocking the underwater creatures such as fish that have been mistaken. The volatility that has just entered is a layer of protection similar to the array method.

After coming in, there is a feeling of openness inside. It feels like this is to hollow out the whole mountain. It is like a dragon palace in mythology and legend, but myths and legends are projected according to human habits.

It is arranged in accordance with the living habits of the giants.

This is its place to sleep, it is also a place for daily cultivation, there is a large enough space for activities, there are many places to place items, and there are many pure decorations or souvenirs.

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