The First Strong

Chapter 1514: Shen Langwei

This serial missile is of course only a warning. After all, the signals are networked, and the Ministry of Defense will know immediately. Other military bases should also have information.

Before the bombardment, it was still too late to intercept in the air.

Really effective, it is to rush to the nearby cities, so the military bases in other places have no time to intercept.

It’s just that Shen Lang has to warn them about the political and military forces, not to kill their ordinary nationals, and has not made such a decision.

However, for these officers, there is no politeness. After cutting off the connection of the Defense Minister, Shen Lang directly turned them into idiots!

Then he left the base and went directly to their capital!

Originally, Shen Lang came for the behemoths. Now there is no information about the behemoths, and they can only go to various places to search. The giant beasts have already left the coastline, and there are so many states in the inland, so many cities do not know where.

In this case, if their country wants to do something, let them do it first!

When Shen Lang went to the capital with super sonic speed, the country began to have a full-scale shock!

The Ministry of National Defense is directing all missiles to be intercepted quickly, but I don’t know which ring is leaking, and the information is exposed to the media!

When the missile attack hit the target, it was a matter of minutes. Immediately after all the media in the country had an emergency live broadcast, the big media around the world immediately followed up.

There are many powerful missiles that have been sent out. Before they get the military details, they can only have a rough target. Of course, many people panic.

Although the Ministry of Defense quickly implemented the interception, it only gave everyone a sigh of relief, and then the media were discussing the issue of responsibility. Who is this, because of what missiles were issued.

With the addition of some hackers, the detailed target is the military base, and even the presidential palace, which has caused an uproar.

Is this the general who wants to rebel?

The Ministry of Defence was of course more distracted, and they later got the message that the generals had become idiots. Although there is no clue and evidence, combined with the information before and after, it can be guessed that it is controlled by the superpower.

The Secretary of Defense can't push this responsibility to the superpower. If this information is made public by the Ministry of Defense, it will only trigger panic across the country and the world!

Even the top of the military, in the conference room of the command, may be controlled by the unconsciously, so that the superpower exists in the world, who can rest assured?

Under urgent consultation, you can only push the problem to the heads of those monsters!

It is said that because of the accurate information, it was originally to attack the monsters. The result was misled by the monsters and became a threat to their own fortress.

The last officers all committed suicide!

As a result, everyone has transferred hatred to the monsters. In the past few days, everyone has been very scared of the monsters, and now it has added more than one.

Those officers have committed suicide, and they are even more serious than their resignation. They have won the sympathy of public opinion. Even if they are opposition parties or opposition parties, they are embarrassed to stare at the chase and will be attacked.

These evolutions and fermentations require a process. When traditional media and new media are hot, Shen Lang people have already arrived in their capital!

Because the target of the first missile was the capital, this made everyone very scared, and the specific target was just the presidential palace, so many people rushed home, even outside, away from the president. Places like the government.

At the moment, around the presidential palace, it is also a strict guardian of the special police, not to let any suspicious people approach.

Under the emergency investigation at the base, there were no clues at the moment, but the officers in the secret meeting room of the headquarters became idiots. This result made the parties very nervous.

In case the superpower is mixed into the presidential palace and controls the president, the problem is even bigger!

As the commander of the three armed forces, the president controls the nuclear bomb key. If the president is controlled to launch a nuclear bomb, it will cause huge losses to the domestic launch. Launching a foreign country will trigger a world war!

In the presidential palace, the president is also meeting with the deputy president, the secretary of state, the director of the CIA, the defense minister and many other key personnel. The time is urgent and it is too late to come over. There are also aides who are negotiating how to conduct public relations.

The result of their temporary consultation is that they cannot stimulate this person's superpower in the dark! Try to communicate with the leaders of the country where the superpower is located to see if there is any means of control over there.

On the other hand, it is also to quickly contact all the powerful superpowers in the country.

The intelligence, investigation, homeland security and other departments actually have files and investigations of the superpowers, but the level is high and the secret is unclear. At this time, the president personally ordered, of course, quickly get busy and call all powerful superpowers to stand up. Fighting for the country."

When I arrived at the Shenlang of the capital, I did not go to the presidential palace. The world’s media reporters in the capital are now rushing around the presidential palace, which is the center of focus around the world.

The place where Shen Lang arrived is their Congress!

It is not the meeting time now, but it is deserted and has not been noticed.

He waved the iron rod directly and smashed the entire parliament building!

Because the speed is too fast, and he has not become a giant, plus the vibration of great power, directly like a small local earthquake near the Capitol Hill, waiting for people nearby to feel it, it is already a piece The wall remains ruined!

In the next moment, Shen Langren has already arrived at the Ministry of Defense building.

The building of the Ministry of Defence is famous for its shape. The Ministry of National Defense is a real power department. Apart from the strict protection of the presidential palace, of course, they have also mobilized their military protection.

Shen Lang did not approach the past this time, and did not use iron bars to attack them. Instead, people were in the air, surrounded themselves with vortex clouds, and then used Leiyuan to launch a lightning attack on the Ministry of Defense building!

The power of Thunder's thunder and lightning is far from being comparable to that of natural lightning. It is fearful of the Great God level. Now facing a building, the power is naturally stronger.

What I saw in the outside world was the building of the Ministry of National Defense, which suddenly encountered a thunder and was an unprecedented super lightning. The result was not only the collapse of the house, but also the explosion and fire, so that everyone can quickly escape!

For a time, the journalists in the capital of the country encountered the most tangled day of their career.

Originally, I wanted to go to the presidential palace. I didn’t expect to hear that the Capitol collapsed and was rushing to the Capitol. As a result, the Ministry of Defense building was again thundered by natural disasters!

(End of this chapter)

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