The First Strong

Chapter 1113: Great change

Shen Lang is now in a higher realm. There is also experience here. Plus the current reserves can not be compared with the previous one, so the process of absorbing the energy of the universe is very fast.

After the completion, the Andean high priest re-accompanied Shen Lang in the temple.

Shen Lang really came to help absorb the excess cosmic energy, and there was no other attempt to let the priests of the Andean high priests disappear.

"Shen Lang, this time, come by, is it passing?"

Originally, Shen Lang thought that he wanted to set a few words, and he was ready to cope with it and left. I did not expect this sentence to be very clear.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, I really can pass it. I won't come here usually. Since I am here, I can see if I can help here."

Andean asked again: "You may also be worried about not knowing when you will be free next time?"

"You can say that. But rest assured, you can persist for three or five years, I will definitely come over."

"I mean... you are going to go far." During the conversation, the Andean high priest pointed his fingers up.

If he is just a chat, Shen Lang will not care, but now a sentence is deep, it seems to have a deep meaning.

"It is true. Does the high priest have anything to say? But please make it clear." Shen Lang bowed his hand and made a gesture of asking for advice.

The Andean high priest looked at him with a smile: "How do you want to know? Or... do you really believe me?"

"Of course. I respect the high priest very much." Shen Lang said seriously.

Shen Lang is now very much attached. The Andeans should have not wanted to disclose it to him. It is to see that he really fulfills his duties as a contract and wants to remind him. He vaguely felt that this should not be a simple matter, and it was related to no return to hell!

"You passed through it, but I know it."

Shen Lang nodded. They were hidden in this seabed. They don’t know how many thousands of years, and naturally they know the surroundings. The emergence of hundreds of realities will inevitably be discovered and paid attention to.

"Are you from the top to the other world?" The Andean high priest did not pretend to be high, but asked again.


Shen Lang did not hide: "A few hundred years ago, the strongest group of people on land had gone in from here, but never returned. The last time we went to a group of people, I was fortunate enough to be back. This time again I went to more people together, I just sent half of them back."

The Andean high priest nodded. He obviously didn't have much interest in the world there, just wanted to confirm it.

"That's right. Let's just say..."

After speaking, he paused for a while, as if he was finishing the vocabulary.

"This special situation in the above seas..."

"It should be regarded as a space door, a space crack." Shen Lang added a bit.

"Well, the door to space. Simply put, the door to this space is created because of our sea!" Here, he pointed to the direction of the pyramid.

Shen Lang's pupil shrinks slightly: "You mean... because you are here to gather the cosmic energy of the sea, and it has been going down all the year round, causing space cracks?"

The Andean high priest thought for a moment and nodded: "I don't know how to express it, but it should mean this."

"It is like this..."

Shen Lang murmured, thinking in the brain quickly. The seabed world established by the Hai people, how long it may be that Andeans themselves have no concept, but at least for a thousand years.

The massive convergence of the cosmic energy in tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years will affect the space barriers, gradually weaken, and finally cracks!

This reminded him of another place, Pingxi Li Cao County!

That ordinary place, hundreds of young people because of his robbery there, too much movement, have led to weak space barriers, so that the other world's trolls found the opportunity to invade.

In terms of combination, the Andes said that it is not impossible. The impact of cosmic energy is not obvious, but it can't last for tens of thousands of years.

"So, the high priest wants to tell me that this area will become bigger and bigger in the future?" Shen Lang asked seriously.

According to Andeans, the occurrence of cracks in the past few hundred years should be a qualitative change that has occurred in a thousand years, and will be affected in these hundreds of years. That should be seen now, no return to hell, the region is wider and bigger than the era of the cold autumn!

However, he did not worry too much. After all, the time span of tens of thousands of years has been too great. In a few hundred years, the earth science and technology may also develop to the extent of the river basin. Perhaps ordinary people can use technology to develop and utilize it. The aura resources.

"No." Andean shook his head.

"The concerns mentioned by your last Shen Lang were also considered by us. Later, some people have come again."

Although Shen Lang did not understand why he shifted the topic, he still said: "Hey, I really can't bind to anyone. Humans...or all species, there will be greed."

Andeans did not care: "It makes sense. If our seas have strong enough strength, they may also be on the mainland to compete for resources. Therefore, we can't blame anyone. Since we can't destroy it, we can only prevent it."

Shen Lang pointed to the top: "So this time I came, I can't find it anymore. When they come, it should be like this."

"Yes. That's why the last time I gave you the token relationship directly. Only through the password can we introduce you. But this is just a matter of clarification. What I really want to say is change!"


"After all, we have passed down from generation to generation and have not personally verified it. Therefore, after re-doing this change, we have found that the absorbed extraterrestrial energy has become significantly weaker."

I heard this Shen Lang could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, thought it was going on!

It turns out that the speed of energy absorption in the universe has weakened. It is not difficult to understand. They are now equal to adding a protective cover, and the signal is definitely weakened. Then this is to maintain balance in the future, do not need him to come again?

"So, as far as this change is concerned, it is easier for us. It is not known that the effect is getting stronger, or we are weakening. Anyway, we can maintain a good balance anyway."

"Congratulations! My token can also be returned. I don't need to bother in the future. It is the gift you gave, but I have already used it." Shen Lang smiled and took the token out.

The Andes was not polite, took over, but continued: "Another change is related to you. Simply put, the door to the space above will gradually shrink and eventually close!"


Shen Lang was speechless, not only came back, but the results were more exciting than he expected...

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