The First Saint of Alchemy

Chapter 754: Permanent Residence in Xuannv Sect

"Hehe." Tang Yan smirked.

"Hehehe." Qing Lan sneered.

"You guys turn around first?" Tang Yan sent a request.

"I'm afraid you'll run away." Qing Lan refused.

It was no use soaking in the water all the time, so Tang Yan had to come out, put on his clothes and asked, "Fairy, has it been seven days?"

"Two hours." Qing Lan gave the time.

"Why is there no spiritual energy in the fairy pool? Fairy, are you reluctant to let the younger generation practice?" Tang Yan asked innocently.

Qing Lan smiled and said, "Guess?"

Tang Yan looked at the expressions of Qing Lan and the others, and knew that they had figured it out. He said embarrassedly, "It seems that when the younger generation was promoted, they absorbed some more spiritual energy."

"Where is it some? You absorbed it all!

According to the normal process, each disciple who is promoted to a small grade in it must come out and replace the new person.

The fairy pool can benefit 150 people to be promoted in the past.

Now, my sect disciples didn't get a drop of spiritual energy, and it all went into your stomach.

You have a really big appetite!" Qing Lan said dissatisfiedly.

"It was indeed unintentional. I was acting on instinct in the state of enlightenment. I hope the fairy lady will forgive me!

Disciple is willing to compensate for the pills." Tang Yan bowed.

Qing Lan saw Tang Yan's upright attitude, and the grudge in her heart dissipated a lot.

This Xianchi incident cannot be blamed on Tang Yan.

The reason why they took the attitude of asking for punishment was actually because they saw Tang Yan's potential and wanted to arrange a marriage with him to deeply bind this potential stock!

Twenty years old Nirvana peak, this talent... I dare not think about it!

Only one step away is to enter the Tao, and above entering the Tao is Qiankun!

Qiankun realm is the ceiling of Linghuang's combat power.

Perhaps Tang Yan can become the youngest Qiankun realm strongman in Linghuang's history, and there is a great hope to become a respected saint!

Concentrating his mind, Qinglan's expression remained calm: "The benefit of the Immortal Pond is not the increase of spiritual power, but it has a good nourishing effect on talent, bones, and soul. How can it be compared with elixirs?

Using elixirs to compensate is a blasphemy to the Immortal Pond!"

Tang Yan scratched his head. He was ready to refine a huge amount of elixirs on behalf of others, but he didn't expect to be rejected.

After hesitating for a while, Tang Yan handed over a mental method and said humbly: "Junior has accidentally obtained a mental method called "Ice Heart Jade Pot Technique".

After practicing, it can greatly increase spiritual essence, which is good for talent, bones, and soul."

This compensation was not in line with expectations, but Qinglan still took it curiously.

Is there really such a magical mental method in the world?

After flipping through the book and taking a few glances, she frowned: "Double Combination Heart Technique?"

"It won't damage my innocence." Tang Yan hurriedly explained: "It's just that this is the best way of compensation that the disciple can think of.

If the fairy lady is not satisfied, let's discuss it again!"

Qing Lan didn't flip through the Bing Xin Yu Hu Shu again, and said: "Double Combination is not appropriate. It won't damage my innocence but it will damage my reputation.

I don't blame you for the matter of the fairy pool.

On the contrary, your 'Bone View' made me see your gentlemanly character.

How about this, you choose someone from my sect to be your Taoist partner, and she can be your concubine.

I will personally persuade your beloved to ensure that your harem is safe!

Are you satisfied with this solution?"

Tang Yan declined: "Junior will not consider personal feelings for the time being, fairy lady, don't mention it again!"

Seeing Tang Yan's firm attitude, Qing Lan sighed in her heart, lowered her head and flipped through the Bing Xin Yu Hu Shu again.

After reading the mental method, she said, "This mental method is unrealistic. It is not easy to find a suitable male practitioner."

"Junior can give it a try." Tang Yan said with a stiff face. As long as Qinglan sees hope, he may be able to offset the compensation.

"Eat and take, right? After taking advantage of the fairy pool, you are also planning to take advantage of my sect disciples?" Qinglan complained.

Tang Yan explained softly, "Junior can do it. Of course, junior is more inclined to compensate with elixirs."

"Everyone go back first, I will discuss the conditions with this kid." Qinglan said to several elders, and then lifted Tang Yan by the back of the neck and flew into the air and came to her yard.

Throwing Tang Yan on the couch, he threatened, "You can cooperate with the Ice Heart Jade Pot Technique, right? Then let's try it.

But let me say it first. If you can't hold on, you will have to squat when you go to the toilet in the future."

"How about talking about elixirs?" Tang Yan asked.

"Stop talking nonsense! Practice!" Qinglan didn't know Tang Yan's alchemy capacity, so he was not moved by his proposal.

Open the formation that shields the air in the yard, and start practicing according to the mind method.

One day later.

Qinglan sat on the couch, her hair was messy, and her breathing was a little rapid.

Feeling the benefits brought by the Ice Heart Jade Pot Technique, Qinglan's eyes flashed with deep joy!

This time of practice, her spiritual power became more gentle and pure, her soul was nourished, and the whole person seemed to have experienced a cleansing.

The shackles of martial arts that had stagnated for a long time actually loosened a little!

Although there is still a distance to break through, the shackles will become looser and looser after a few more times, and the hope of breaking through will be much greater.

There is such a heaven-defying double-combination technique in the world!

If it is popularized, wouldn't there be masters everywhere?

Soon she laughed dumbly and sighed that she was worrying too much.

Even if everyone has a copy of the Ice Heart Jade Pot Technique, it is impossible for everyone to have a Tang Yan!

There is probably only one and only one man in the world!

"Shuanghe will be good for you, right?

Don't go back. I'll send a message to the Alchemy Alliance. You'll live in Xuanzong Nu from now on!" Qinglan made a decision.

Tang Yan waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no, no, I have to go back to learn alchemy!"

"Practice the same in Xuannv Sect! I'll let you go back for a few days every month." Qinglan said.

"Junior has many personal matters and cannot stay here for a long time. Let's do this. I will come over as long as I have time." Tang Yan made a concession.

"At least twenty days a month." Qing Lan clearly requested.

"We can't promise the number of days. This junior does have a lot of things to do. I hope Fairy Girl will understand." Tang Yan shook his head.

Qinglan thought about it and said, "That's up to you, but you have to keep your promise and you can't intentionally not come."

"Don't worry, fairy!" Tang Yan assured.

"I will give you a courtyard. When you arrive, hang a red string on the courtyard door and someone will look for you.

This time you came to our sect, you must have applied for a lot of days out, right? Come back when it expires. "Qing Lan arranged.

Tang Yan did not refuse.

The yard Qing Lan arranged for him was not far from him.

After Tang Yan checked in, not long after, the sixth elder in charge of charm cultivation slipped into Tang Yan's courtyard.

Niu Huangling.

The main hall of the Protoss branch.

Tong Chengxian met Xu Mao.

"How was the harvest this time?" Xu Mao asked expectantly from the throne.

Tong Chengxian presented the storage ring and said in a deep voice: "My subordinates are incompetent and failed to redeem the elixir. The path of the Dan Alliance trading base is no longer feasible."

Xu Mao frowned and asked loudly: "What's the accident?"

“Zhang San’s gang shipped too much, destroying the market around Danmeng and causing Danmeng to become aware of it.

The senior officials of the Dan Alliance discovered their gang's behavior and banned them from selling any more elixirs. "Tong Chengxian reported truthfully.

Xu Mao glanced at the storage ring. Although the belongings inside had not decreased, he still let out a sigh.

This time he went to the western stronghold and made a special trip to apply for a huge sum of money in order to redeem the elixir for meritorious service. Unexpectedly, his ambition backfired.

This sense of disparity made him particularly depressed.

"It seems that your and my road to promotion ends here!"

"Yin Envoy, there is actually still hope for this matter!" Tong Chengxian suddenly said.

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