The First Saint of Alchemy

Chapter 564 Try or die?

"Let's go into this restaurant and take a look." Tang Yan called.

Tian Mei nodded and followed Tang Yan in.

The interior of the restaurant is a wooden structure, with two round columns supporting the beams, which looks very spacious.

There are a total of 28 tables in the lobby. The business is good, and 19 tables have guests.

The two carefully explored.


Tang Yan was studying the food on a table when he heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. He turned his head and saw Tian Mei slashing at a beggar's neck.


The beggar's head rolled down and quickly disappeared on the ground, and then the beggar's head grew again.

Tian Mei's points were deducted a little.

"Why would a beggar go to a restaurant to eat? This is unreasonable. Why do you deduct my points!" Tian Mei was so angry that she was fuming, and her face was full of dissatisfaction.

Tang Yan smiled bitterly and helped her analyze: "Look at the beggar's proud expression, he eats with peace of mind, and the waiter didn't drive him away. It's likely that someone treated him.

And the prompt when entering the spiritual realm said that the monster turned into [items] and distributed in the city, so the probability of it being a human is not high."

Tian Mei opened her mouth, and finally knocked her head in annoyance.

Tang Yan drew out his long sword at this moment and stabbed a braised fish on the table.


The fish instantly turned into black smoke and dissipated.

Successfully killing the monster soldier, Tang Yan's score also became fourteen!

"How did you find out?" Tian Mei asked humbly.

"The fish scales were not scraped off, and the restaurant would not make such a low-level mistake." Tang Yan explained.

Tian Mei suddenly realized, and simply followed Tang Yan to observe how he looked for monsters.

Tang Yan looked at four tables in a row and chopped at a dish again.

This dish actually reached the level of a monster general. After turning into black smoke, Tang Yan's score increased by five points.

"Why is this?" Tian Mei was almost dumbfounded.

"This is a fungus called 'red on the touch'. If it's not cooked well, it's highly poisonous. How dare the hotel treat this dish as a joke?" Tang Yan said with a smile.

Tian Mei nodded and learned something again.

After a while, Tang Yan smashed a potted plant with a sword at the counter, and his points increased by one.

"Is there a problem with the potted plant?" Tian Mei blinked her eyes and didn't see the problem at all.

"This is Liujin grass, which has an unlucky name. Most merchants won't put this thing on display. They put more Jinlai grass and fortune trees." Tang Yan explained her doubts.

Tian Mei felt that her IQ was constantly rising after learning it.

Tang Yan walked to the wine cabinet and looked at the wine on the wine cabinet.

Tian Mei also came over and tried to find out the clues of the evil spirit.

There were rows of small wine jars on the wine cabinet, and the brands were also varied: Yuquanye, Yougu Qiongjiang, Hanxianlu, Nv'erhong, Hebilie, Gubawang...

"Do you see the difference?" Tang Yan asked.

Tian Mei didn't drink, but she felt tipsy at the moment. She shook her head blankly, not knowing what was going on.

With a glance, she saw Tang Yan swinging his sword across a row of "Ancient Overlords".

There were a total of twenty jars, which brought Tang Yan five points. It seemed that he was transformed by a demon general!

"What's going on?" Tian Mei asked hurriedly.

"Although this restaurant is not top-notch, its specifications are not low.

Alcohol is an important profit item for restaurants. Ancient Overlords are popular among civilians. A barrel in the winery costs only two taels of silver.

In a restaurant, if such a small jar is sold for more than two taels, it is considered a black shop.

People who come here to eat usually have some assets. They are not used to the bland "Ancient Overlord". The market demand itself is small, and the profit per bottle is meager, so the restaurant will not sell it." Tang Yan said his judgment.

Tian Mei nodded, followed Tang Yan to learn a few rounds, and she felt that she was terribly strong now!

"Go in and take a look!" Tian Mei said.

When the two came to the back kitchen, they saw a slightly fat man in clean clothes, holding a paper box in his hand and walking out with a cheerful smile on his face.

On the shelf next to the stove, there was an apron that had been taken off.

Tang Yan guessed that this man was the chef of the restaurant.

Seeing the paper box in the man's hand, Tian Mei's eyes lit up, and she was full of confidence. She shouted "Death to the monster", and the sword in her hand was quickly unsheathed. She chopped the paper box with one sword, and the hot pastries inside were scattered all over the ground.

Then the pastries and the broken paper box disappeared on the ground and reappeared in the man's hand.

Tian Mei's points were reduced by one, and she felt her head buzzing. How could this be wrong?

How could the back kitchen use paper boxes to serve people?

Tian Mei's back teeth were about to break, and she said angrily: "Spirit Realm is targeting me!"

"Auntie, put the sword away first!" Tang Yan nervously put Tian Mei's sword back into the scabbard, fearing that this tiger woman would swing the sword to vent her anger and directly hand it over to the back kitchen.

"The points of the monster hunter 'Xiaoyao Langzi' have been reset to zero and he has been wiped out by the Spirit Realm. Please take this as a warning to other monster hunters and carefully identify the monsters!"

The neutral reminder sound of the Spirit Realm suddenly sounded, like a basin of cold water, which made Tian Mei shudder and her eyes clearer.

She only had a few points left!

She had to swing her sword, otherwise she would die!

But if she made another misjudgment, she would be doomed!

Even though she was already a Saint-level powerhouse, she began to panic at this moment.

Strength has no effect here, Saint-level powerhouses and mortals are like grass.

Tian Mei's face was pale, and her voice trembled slightly: "Tang Yan, save me!"

"Don't worry, I'll find a way." Tang Yan's expression also became serious. If Tian Mei went offline in the Spirit Realm, he would not only not get the nine favors of the Saint-level powerhouse, but also miss the opportunity to improve his cultivation with a double combination.


A man with the title of "Mai Baojun" walked in.

Seeing that Tang Yan and Tian Mei were both staring at the paper box in the man's hand, his eyes suddenly lit up and he drew his sword to chop it down.

How unreasonable is this paper box? Two idiots hesitated for a minute!

"Wait!" Tang Yan hurriedly stopped him.

Mai Baojun thought Tang Yan was going to grab it, so the sword fell even faster.


The long sword chopped on the paper box, and the cakes scattered all over the ground again.

Then the cakes were reset, and Mai Baojun seemed to have been drained of all his strength. The whole person fell to the ground, and then his figure gradually became empty and finally dissipated.

"The points of the monster catcher 'Mai Baojun' have been reset to zero, and he has been wiped out by the spirit realm. Please take this as a warning to other monster catchers and carefully identify the monsters!"

The spirit realm issued another warning.

A living person died in front of him without any ability to resist. Thinking that he might repeat his fate, Tian Mei's face turned pale again.

Tang Yan felt something and quickly checked the restaurant. When he came to the backyard, he saw a young woman with a little bit of beauty washing vegetables. He immediately understood and explained to Tian Mei: "This man is the chef of the restaurant, and he has a good impression of the woman who washes vegetables.

A table of guests in the lobby ordered a cake, and he took the opportunity to make a few more.

The chef does not need to serve dishes, so the cakes in the paper box are not for the guests, but for the woman who washes vegetables."

"So that's it, you are really amazing." Tian Mei finally understood, and looked at Tang Yan with a little more admiration.

"Let's go to the kitchen again." Tang Yan called.

The two returned to the kitchen, Tang Yan looked around carefully, then walked to the seasoning area and took out two jars.

Both jars were marked "salt".

Opening the lid, one jar of salt was half left, and the other was full.

After pondering for a while, Tang Yan pointed to the jar full of salt and said, "Try it!"


Tian Mei's scalp tingled. Brother, try it or die?

"Are you sure?" Tian Mei asked hoarsely.

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