The first dragon of all time

Chapter 278 That’s exactly what I meant

Boom! ...

The Hanging City Lord flying in the air casually made a secret seal and landed on the city gate. The thick city gate emitted light and slowly opened. He glanced at Long Qingchen and others, "Go in."

Long Qingchen and others walked into the city gate, and the heavy city gate closed with a "bang".

Entry battles, points battles, defense battles and title battles are held in different areas, separated by city walls.

The entry battle is in the square outside the Hanging City.

Points battle, in the urban area.

After guarding the battle, we truly came to the middle of the Hanging City.

I saw that this was a martial arts field, very vast, with a radius of more than ten miles.

Above, there is an ancient arena suspended. It is made of an unknown material and is stained with rust. It is supported by an unknown force and will not fall down. It seems to have stood forever.

Long Qingchen guessed that this ancient suspended arena was probably where the battle was held.

The evil genius who was promoted to defend the arena must defend this ancient arena and maintain an undefeated record for a month. Even a single defeat is not enough. He must be undefeated in order to advance to the final title battle.

On the edge of the martial arts field, there were more than twenty tents set up. Apparently, the people who had been promoted to defend the battle before were mostly from the Holy Alliance and the Hanging Alliance.

"How come ten people were promoted today?"

The twin sisters were the first to notice the arrival of Long Qingchen and others. They were startled for a moment, and then they came over with a smile.

"The rules of the points battle have been changed. There are ten places every day, and the last hundred people will be eliminated."

Long Qingchen casually talked about what happened after they left.

After listening, the twin sisters were a little emotional, "I didn't expect that the competition in the points battle would become so fierce. Fortunately, we were admitted to the defending battle. Otherwise, we don't know if we would have won the spot."

"You are too humble. With your strength, you can definitely do it."

Long Jinxuan'er chuckled lightly, looking deeply at the two of them with her beautiful eyes. She had always regarded them as potential opponents, and there were not many people who could be so valued by her.

The twin sisters said helplessly, "Sister Xuan'er, you think so highly of us."

Long Jinxuan'er smiled and said, "When it comes to the defense battle, you can't continue to hide your strength. Sooner or later, you will have to show it."

The twin sisters both blinked and said, "Besides the combination of martial arts, we really haven't hidden any other abilities."

Long Jinxuan'er was noncommittal and said no more.

"We are lucky and were recommended to come in. You all came in based on your strength, which is admirable. I ask you to take care of me in the future."

"When it comes to the defending battle, we will be satisfied. We don't dare to dream about the title battle that follows."...

Others also came over with smiles and said some "nothing nutritious" compliments.

"Everyone, please be humble. Sometimes, luck is also a kind of strength."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent and exchanged a few perfunctory greetings with them. He didn't pay much attention to it. Among the more than twenty people, except for the twin sisters, the strength of the others was indeed relatively "average", because, these twenty people Everyone was "recommended" by the Hanging Alliance and the Holy Alliance.

"Senior Brother Chen."

Lin Meili, who was escorted in by Long Qingchen, called out softly. She didn't know what she thought of, and her face turned slightly red.

Long Jinxuan'er suddenly looked at Long Qingchen, her beautiful eyes were unkind.

Girl, why are you blushing? It seems like something happened. Long Qingchen coughed twice and responded reservedly, "Yeah."

"Deputy leader, let me do it."

"Pitching a tent is such a small matter. The deputy leader does not need to do it himself. He just gives the order."...

As soon as Long Qingchen took out the tent, the people from the Holy Alliance snatched it over and enthusiastically helped him tie it up.

After a period of excitement, everyone returned to their tents and practiced hard.

The same is true for Long Qingchen and Long Jinxuan'er. They practice "Tao Follows Nature" together. Their cultivation has not yet reached the true fairyland. There is still some gap between them and the top evil geniuses. They take advantage of this peaceful time to work hard. Only when you level up can you compete with those evil geniuses in the defense battles and title battles.


The next day, Feng Wu and others from the Xuannv League were promoted to defend the battle, and they all had injuries on their bodies. Obviously, the competition for points was very fierce.

On the third day, Baili Xunfeng and others from Tianmeng were promoted to defend the battle, but they were also scarred.

On the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day...every day, ten evil geniuses were promoted to defend the battle.

As more and more people are promoted, there are more and more tents on the battlefield, but the atmosphere has become depressing!

Because in the past, most of them were from the Hanging Alliance and the Holy Alliance. The Hanging Alliance and the Holy Alliance were "allies" and got along relatively harmoniously. As people from other alliances were promoted, the situation became complicated. On the surface, it was still... It seems calm, but actually it is undercurrent.


"How come the evil geniuses like Killing Chen, Kun Jiutian, and Wu Yanchou haven't been promoted yet? Moreover, I haven't seen anyone from the Hanging Alliance and Holy Alliance being promoted."

More than a month has passed and Long Qingchen hasn't discovered these people yet, which feels a bit strange.

The twin sisters smiled and said, "I heard that the Hanging Alliance and the Holy Alliance are besieged by various alliances. Life is not easy now."

Ge Ning said subconsciously, "I hope they won't be promoted..."

Long Qingchen glanced at him and felt that he was thinking too much, "Their cultivation has reached the True Immortal Realm or above. Facing the siege and suppression of various alliances, it is temporarily difficult for them. However, as the people of each alliance are promoted, As their strength weakens, they will regain the upper hand, and it will only be a matter of time before they are promoted."

The twin sisters nodded and agreed with Long Qingchen's view, "It is very smart for all alliances to join forces to besiege them. However, all alliances are not of the same mind, even the same alliance is not of the same mind. Later, the number of places will become less and less. Sooner or later, various alliances will fight, and there will even be internal strife within each alliance. When the time comes, their opportunity will come."

Ge Ning sighed, "People's hearts are really complicated. We know that they are strong, so we must work together to deal with them. Unfortunately, everyone still has selfish motives after all."

Long Qingchen felt deeply, "Yes, to grasp the situation, you can only gain the advantage in a short period of time. The key is to rely on your own strength."


As expected, with three days left before the end of the points battle, Shou Chen, Kun Jiutian, Wu Yanchou, Yun Feiyang and others were promoted to the defending battle. All ten of them looked tired and their eyes were bloodshot. Obviously, these two months have been very difficult.

With the arrival of Shou Chen, the Holy Alliance was once again split into two, with half of the people supporting Shou Chen and the other half supporting Long Qingchen.

Shou Chen looked at Long Qingchen coldly, "Sooner or later there will be a battle between you and me!"

"I think so too."

Long Qingchen's eyes were dull and he turned around and entered the tent.

After these two months of "hard" training, his cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds. His dragon power cultivation has reached the ninth level of the True Dragon Realm, and his spiritual power has reached the level of Five Tribulations Loose Immortal. If you add them up, you can already fight head-on with these top evil geniuses.


On the last day of the points battle, Ren Qingxue and others were promoted to the defending battle.

"You still dare to show up?"

Having been plotted against by Ren Qingxue once, Shou Chen was naturally very angry and wanted to "clean up the door" and rushed directly towards Ren Qingxue and others.

"I request to rejoin the Holy Alliance."

Ren Qingxue and others' expressions changed slightly, and they quickly came to Long Qingchen's side and stood behind him.

Long Qingchen put forward the conditions, "Yes, but you have betrayed the Holy Alliance before. If you want to rejoin, you have to pay the joining fee, which is 20 million spiritual stones each."

"Okay." Although Ren Qingxue felt distressed, spiritual stones were nothing compared to life.

The other five people also quickly agreed.

"I want to see how long you can protect her!"

Killing Chen was so angry that he couldn't stop it, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Because, the people on Long Qingchen’s side are no less than those on his side. Once the war starts, both sides will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. Before the defensive battle is about to begin, no one dares to be injured. They need to maintain the best condition in order to Complete the defense.

In the end, they had no choice but to disperse and let it go.

(PS: The next chapter is repeated. Don’t read it. I’ll revise it later.)

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