The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 80 Invitation from Concubine Shu (2)

Mother Su nodded, Naturally, Grandmother is worried about you. As she spoke, she looked at Su Yunchu's face a little more, and then continued, Xinyue is still young, let's go to the flower viewing feast next year Therefore, the three of you will enter the palace to participate in the flower viewing banquet this year. After two days, clothes will be prepared for you. In addition, if you have other needs in these two days, you can go out to buy them yourself Some are fine, with the emperor's love for the empress, you must give me serious attention to this matter!

Mother Su made another stern statement.

The three of them agreed in unison.

After that, Mother Su explained to the three of them again before letting them leave the Fushouyuan.

When leaving, Su Xinyue, who couldn't go to the banquet, looked a bit sleepy. In fact, she was about to be twelve years old. When Su Yiran was less than twelve years old, Su's mother had already asked her to attend the banquet , When I came to Su Xinyue's place, I got a different treatment. However, in Su Yunchu's eyes, a twelve-year-old child is really just a child. Besides, such a banquet, to put it bluntly, is not much different from a draft. It's not that they don't understand anything, Su Xinyue's refusal to go may not necessarily be a bad thing.

But she also understands that this is just her own idea, people nowadays are precocious, Su Xinyue may not want to make her mark in such a place.

Therefore, facing Su Xinyue's appearance like this, Su Yunchu spoke to her for the first time, Does Fourth Sister really want to attend the flower viewing banquet?

Since Su Yunchu came back to the mansion, he had hardly spoken to her. This sudden question made Su Xinyue a little surprised. She looked up at her, but she didn't dare to look at her, Well, third sister, I'm fine too. want to go.

Although Su Yunchu was only three years older than Su Xinyue, he was much taller than her. Looking at her, he subconsciously wanted to touch her head, but in the end he just patted her on the shoulder. You can go next year.

Although Su Xinyue is not familiar with Su Yunchu, she is obviously more willing to get close to Su Yunchu than the big sister Su Yiran, who is always gentle but hard to get close to. I was so happy when I attended the banquet, and I couldn't help asking, Can the third sister go to the flower viewing party if she is unhappy?

Su Yunchu smiled, How could it be?

But why isn't the third sister as happy as the eldest sister and the second sister? Su Xinyue finally spoke.

Su Yunchu just smiled and said nothing,

Su Xinyue murmured, It would be great if I could go to the banquet too. I have to wait another year. If I can go next year, I will be very happy.

Su Yunchu and Su Xinyue walked behind, while Su Yiran and Su Yiyan walked in front. The conversation between the two was overheard by the two people in front. Su Yiyan turned her head and said disdainfully, Just wait until next year, even next year You are more than enough to participate, what talents can you show?

After hearing Su Yiyan's words, Su Xinyue felt a little sad, but she still whispered, Second sister, I can dance.

Humph, just your little dance, it wasn't taught by Aunt Sun, is it enough to see? Sun's family can also dance some dances, Su Xinyue is a concubine daughter, so naturally it is not as good as Su Yiran, who can usually get the education of a concubine daughter. Unlike Su Yiyan, who was able to hire someone to teach because of a rich uncle.

Regarding Su Yiyan's words, Su Yunchu frowned slightly, Second sister is a bit mean when she says that about fourth sister!

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