The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 758 The Reward Comes Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha (4)

One by one, they are all rewards to Su Yunchu, and each sentence is all about concern for Su Yunchu. However, in this kind of concern, it is strange for a general behind him to listen. His Royal Highness Zhi Wang's concern, It seems that something is overstepped.

Whether it was because of his status as the supervisor of the country at this time, or the status of Princess Jing as his younger brother and sister, if it was a reward, there was nothing wrong with it, but this kind of reward was too weird.

Some people with brighter minds, especially Murong Yuan's confidants, looked a little unhappy after hearing this, but they secretly raised their eyes to look at Murong Yuan, and found that Murong Yuan didn't have any unusual expressions, and then they were relieved.

Then, only Su Yunchu, who was standing beside Murong Yuan, knew that if Murong Yuan hadn't stopped him, he might have ruined the reward that Murong Yuan brought.

Murong Zhi looked at it as affirmation of Su Yunchu's combat achievements. However, all these rewards were secretly slapping Murong Yuan in the face. Those things that were going to be given to her, in the name of rewards, were doing things beyond the rules. It was what Murong Yuan, a husband, should do.

After Murong Yan finished speaking, he looked at Su Yunchu, What do you think about my younger siblings? If you feel that there is still something missing, you can raise it.

Su Yunchu glanced at Murong Yuan, stroked his arm subconsciously, then looked at Murong Yan and smiled, It's really hard for Brother Four to transport them all the way here, and it's hard for Brother Three to think of this. , but I'm afraid that Brother Three and Four Emperors are rarely in the army, so Yun Chu really won't need this reward.

After a pause, she continued to smile and said, However, since the reward has already been awarded, I think the two imperial brothers don't mind me handling it myself.

Murong Yan didn't expect Su Yunchu to say that, and was stunned for a moment.

Su Yunchu sighed softly, and looked at Murong Yuan, Huaiqing, if I dispose of these rewards myself, will the courtiers punish me? After all, I heard that rewards from the court cannot be disposed of at will. of.

Murong Yuan looked at the confused expression on Su Yunchu's face, as if something had washed away the haze brought by this round of rewards in his heart, he said, Ah Chu can do whatever he wants, since the rewards have been given, There is no reason to control Ah Chu's things.

Murong Yan listened, but before he had time to say anything, Su Yunchu just continued, I don't need these clothes and the like in the battlefield, so this reward seems a bit wasteful for me.

She came to a conclusion on her own, and then waved, Leave.

Ying Li appeared in response, and Su Yunchu said, We came this way, and many villages in front of us were relocated because of the war. I saw that there are also a hundred or two hundred families here. You ask someone to distribute these clothes one by one to the people in the village. If it is used by women, it is said to be the compensation given to the common people by the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Then, looking at the precious medicinal materials and supplements in those other boxes, and at Murong Yuan, Su Yunchu continued, Huaiqing, the last Baixin poisoning incident in Bianli City, although it took a while to recuperate, I still feel that Need to make some more compensation, why don't you give these medicinal materials and supplements to Zi'an, let him arrange, and give them to the poisoned people?

Murong Yuan stared at it, pondered for a moment, then nodded, seeming to agree with Su Yunchu's approach, Ah Chu is right.

Su Yunchu smiled knowingly, but looked at the generals behind and said, You generals won't blame my concubine for distributing all the rewards to the common people, won't you leave some for you?

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