The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 749 Ling Chi's Illusion (4)

Regarding this news, Su Yunchu was noncommittal. The Sun family chose not to send the news until this time. It can be said that it has been a struggle. After all, the news said that Su Yiran is pregnant, and the value of a pregnant royal daughter-in-law will more than double .

But at this time, what made her more concerned was another news. Su Yiran's child died. Su Yiran was directly hit hard and could not afford to get sick.

Su Yiran's child did die young, half a month after giving birth, but at that time she still didn't know that she could no longer conceive.

The confinement period was full, but her body was still weak. That child gathered all her hopes but also gave her the greatest disappointment. But Murong Zhi had just started supervising the country, and many things needed to be dealt with. I have visited her three times, but Su Yiran always has a feeling in his heart that Murong Zhi no longer has any affection for her, even the part he once reserved for Concubine Shu seems to be slowly disappearing.

The pain of losing her son was still haunting her, but she didn't have time to digest it, so she wanted to suppress the pain. Without her child, she still wanted to catch Murong Zhi!

After raising her for more than half a month, she finally realized how terrible her recent depression was, and even Mingyue was worried about her.

The capital city in March and April is already warm and sunny. Mingyue looked at Su Yiran's thin and haggard body, and felt an unspeakable sourness in her heart. She tried to persuade Su Yiran several times to clean up herself, otherwise, the prince would come to see it, and he would not be happy. I am happy, but when I think of the lost little grandson and the news that Su Yiran will never be pregnant again that she didn't dare to tell her, I just feel like I don't know how to say anything.

Early this morning, she came over as a routine to prepare Su Yiran's washing things. When she came in, she saw Su Yiran sitting in front of the bronze mirror. Mingyue called out with some joy, Princess.

Su Yiran's face is still haggard, but compared to the lifeless days before, she is much better now.

Su Yiran had a slight smile on her face, when she saw Mingyue coming in, she turned her head and glanced at her, but the smile revealed on her pale and haggard face made Mingyue suddenly feel a sting on her spine. It was so cold that the hand holding the water basin was almost unbearable.

She seemed to have never seen Su Yiran like this before, with a calm face, but it made her feel terrified.

Su Yiran looked at her, still with a stiff and chilling smile, What's the matter? Come here and comb my concubine's hair.

Even the voice is cold.

Mingyue's hands trembled, and she put the basin in her hand away, then she walked behind Su Yiran and combed her hair, Su Yiran remained silent, and only after a long time said to Mingyue, Has the lord not come back yet?

When Mingyue heard this, a trace of rosiness flashed across her face, Go back to the princess, not yet. Now the prince is acting as the supervisor of the country, and he is much busier than usual. Sometimes he will not be in the mansion for two or three days in a row. Don't think about it, the prince is just too busy. Yes, it's not that I don't care about the princess.

Su Yiran only looked at the bright moon who was beaming with joy through the bronze mirror, the corners of her lips curled up, Really?

Mingyue heard her voice, as if she suddenly realized something, her face showed panic, Princess, this servant made a slip of the tongue.

She shouldn't have said that.

Su Yiran only watched her knelt down, but said, You think the prince will ignore me again, don't you?

She didn't ask harshly, but such a gloomy tone made people frightened. Yes, Su Yiran recovered, but it became terrifying.

Princess, that's not what the servants mean...

Heh, get up, it scares you, the prince will not want me, don't you think?

She looked at the bright moon through the bronze mirror, and the bright moon nodded hurriedly, Yes, yes...

But she nodded in a hurry, which really made Su Yiran suddenly angry, What are you afraid of, I can't even say a word.

Mingyue quickly knelt down again, almost crying.

Su Yiran finally had a hint of impatience on his face, Get up, comb my hair and put on makeup for this concubine. From today on, this concubine will wait for the prince to come back.

Mingyue got up quickly, and through the bronze mirror, saw Su Yiran's never-before-smiling face again, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

In the palace, after the morning court was over, Murong Zhi was alone in the imperial study, watching the news that Yang Kuo sent back to the capital. It was about Su Yunchu's assassination, and because of the assassination, he and Murong Yuan spent half a month in cultivation. As for the assassin, he looked at it, his face sank, and the hand holding the letter had bulging veins.

Following Murong Zhi was his long-standing confidant Li You. He looked at Murong Zhi who got up and left the imperial study, and said, My lord, are you going back home?

Murong Zhi said in a deep voice, Go to Duanhe Palace.

Duanhe Palace was still heavily guarded. He still remembered that that day, when he rushed to the palace, Emperor Yongye was only lying in the bedroom of Duanhe Palace, unconscious, and Concubine Shu was crying out of breath. Out of breath, all the imperial physicians knelt on the ground, and even the empress came to Duanhe Palace.

Since then, Emperor Yongye has never woken up again. It is not that he has no doubts in his heart, not to mention that Duanhe Palace is Concubine Shu's bedroom, and there are his people in it.

During this period of time, Concubine Shu was too abnormal, and the conflict between mother and son made him slack off even more, but at this time, he had to ignore it. Perhaps, his concubine mother had secrets that even he didn't know about. .

Just like Emperor Yongye's sudden arrival at Duanhe Palace that day, Murong Zhi's sudden arrival today, even though he is now in charge of the state, the clothes on his body are still the prince's court clothes. Seeing Murong Zhi's arrival, the servants of Duanhe Palace saluted one after another, and because Concubine Shu had urged her to report the incident last time, and the maid who did not report the last time had mysteriously disappeared, and they all understood that what is it.

At this moment, just as someone wanted to report, Murong Zhi stopped her. The court lady was frustrated and faced a dilemma, but Murong Zhi's indifferent eyes made her unable to move or speak.

Murong Zhi walked in quietly, no one followed him, Li You stopped outside the bedroom, separated by a distance where the voices inside could not be heard.

Murong Zhi walked into the palace, heard the panting sound from inside, his footsteps didn't stop, and the expression on his face also didn't change, he slowly approached the inner room with silent steps, and then looked coldly at the two naked bodies on the bed.

I don't know whether it is the storm or the coldness of insight in the eyes, and the expressionless appearance gives people the illusion of being late.

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