The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 707 I want to give you a baby (5)

However, each of the next three cities can almost become an important pass, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The location of the city is too commonplace, and it is also because the Northern Expeditionary Army fought like chicken blood after the great victory over Changning City. Now, when it is time to open the province and face Gan Cheng on the other side, they have eaten several times in a row. It was only after the second loss that I realized that the real difficulty started from the opening of the province.

However, even if it is difficult, the battle will still be fought.

Bian Li is so important and such a good geographical location, Su Yunchu really can't figure out how to let Beiliang occupy it in the late period of the previous dynasty. Beiliang now borrows the territory of Daxin back then to start a war and set up checkpoints against Daxin , It's ridiculous to think about it.

Murong Yuan shook his head. He just laughed at Su Yunchu's thoughts. In the turmoil of the previous dynasty and the later period, it is already good to be able to protect himself. Under the chaos, it must be extremely easy to be invaded by foreign tribes.

However, Bian Li is difficult to attack. It has been a month since the start of the war after the Chinese New Year, and there is still no progress at all. Not only is there no progress, but with Daxin's siege, there are bad voices.

The people in Bian Lizhong rumored that Daxin would attack the city regardless of their lives.

The lost land has been ruled by Beiliang for so long, especially the three cities behind, and the relationship with Beiliang is getting closer. The people in the city have already married with Beiliang, and the population is mixed. Daxin's occupation of recovery eventually turned into a forcible attack regardless of the life and death of the people.

At this time, many soldiers in the Daxin military camp also became emotional about this, regaining the lost land, just because the people's ancestors missed their homeland, but they didn't know it, because the mixed living situation of Daxin and Beiliang in the city made In the end, the people had a wrong understanding of the soldiers of Daxin, and even began to resist the people of Daxin. On the contrary, it boosted the morale of the soldiers in Beiliang.

This strategy was naturally created by Beiliang to use the public's speech to trip up the Northern Expeditionary Army.

After listening to the complaints of the soldiers, Su Yunchu lightly tapped his fingers on the table, but chuckled, Beiliang is so omnipotent, I never thought about it.

She looked at Murong Yuan and said.

Murong Yuan raised his eyes and glanced at Su Yunchu, Ah Chu, soldiers never tire of cheating, that's what you said, and now we have no choice but to come up with such a method, no matter if we can finally attack Bian Li, after the capital, it will definitely cause turmoil among the people If Bian Li cannot be attacked, it will arouse public anger and resentment even more, but it will be powerful against Beiliang.

Su Yunchu naturally knew about this level, this is, is this something Gan Cheng would do? At least after the fighting in the past few months, the two sides have somewhat understood each other.

Su Yunchu listened to Murong Yuan's words, but didn't say a word, but Ying Yiying and the second class were very hot-tempered, My lord, my concubine, stay here and take orders, and I am willing to lead troops to blast open the gate of Bian Li's city. After leaving Bian Li, what the common people have to say is for the future, so why do you care about him now?

Yinger's temper is the hottest among all of them, and he has had enough of the irony and irritation of the Beiliang soldiers these days.

Murong Yuan listened, his blue eyes only glanced at Ying Er, Ying Er knew that he had a hot temper, so he also accused him, and sat down embarrassingly.

On the other side, Yan Yishan sat on the chair, looked at Ying Er's impatient appearance, cut a peanut in his hand, threw it high into the air, and then fell straight into his mouth, then said, What Ying Er said That's right, I've been paying attention to the sentiments of the people, why don't I take down Bian Li as soon as possible, and drive back all those Beiliang people inside!

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