The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 700: Demonic Women's Field Battle (6)

Chapter 700: Witch Woman Field Battle (6)

The playfulness in these words was strong enough, but she actually just wanted to say something else.

Murong Yuan naturally saw the momentary stagnation and obsession in her eyes, and when he heard her words, he snorted softly, Where did the devil say, Ah Chu is using soldiers like gods, and they were born out of fear. rumor.

Hearing his dissatisfied tone, Su Yunchu only felt amused in his heart, Nowadays, in Beiliang, not only is it said that Huaiqing and I are the devil's wife, but there are also rumors that Huaiqing is afraid of guilt, but I'm afraid of me.

As Su Yunchu said, he raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Indeed, in the northern part of the world, in just a few months, many rumors about Prince Jing's inner fear have spread.

Some people think that Princess Jing must be a hot-tempered person because she fought so bravely, and that Prince Jing took Princess Jing along with the army all the way, so Prince Jing must be afraid of himself.

This is a slanderous word, used to slander the Lord to find a reason to attack Daxin in the future.

What's more, some people said that in Daxin's army, it was Princess Jing who made the decisions. The king's internal fear has reached the point where both humans and gods are indignant. Even if Princess Jing said that the sun in the sky is round, King Jing dare not say a word of no.

This is still a rumor, and it is also a slander. These remarks are just to stir up conflicts in the new army. Women in power will make men unconvinced. However, this kind of remarks by Beiliang cannot be used to attack Daxin A new weapon, because, in the army, Concubine Jing is on par with Prince Jing. Moreover, Concubine Jing is gentle and indifferent, with the majesty of a superior, but she respects and cares for ordinary soldiers, not to mention her outstanding record. It can't hurt half of the harmony in the Daxin barracks.

When they first heard this, Murong Yuan and Su Yunchu didn't care at all, even when the battle was tense, there was no time to pay attention to such things.

However, at this time, on such an occasion, when Su Yunchu said it out, Murong Yuan looked at her teasing face and smiled, ignoring the people coming and going on the street at this time, he just put his arms around Su Yunchu, That's nonsense Luanyu, Ah Chu, this king respects you.

Su Weiwei struggled, Does it mean that Huaiqing is not afraid of me?

Struggling away, the corners of Su Yunchu's lips raised slightly, and he looked up at him.

The small face under the light of the lantern seemed to be covered with a layer of bright and dark brilliance.

Murong Yuan raised his eyebrows and chuckled lightly, I'm afraid, I'm so afraid!

Unexpectedly, Su Yunchu narrowed his eyes slightly, Huaiqing is afraid of guilt, which means that I am very fierce as the soldiers of Beiliang told me?

Murong Yuan raised his forehead, the women became unreasonable, especially Su Yunchu, he had nothing to do.

But his action of holding his forehead was only for a moment. Looking at Su Yunchu with a smile that was not a smile, he clearly just wanted to tease him, his face suddenly changed, No, Ah Chu is not aggressive, Ah gentle...

She approached Su Yunchu and spoke softly, but Su Yunchu could hear clearly amidst the noisy voices, the ambiguous tone, the suggestive tone, the tension and excitement among the crowd, Su Yunchu jumped up, feeling himself It's hot on the face.

She gritted her teeth, Rogue!

Murong Yuan chuckled, and thought, Ah Chu, fight with me, you are still young. Don't look at him giving way to her everywhere, putting her first, he definitely takes the initiative on this point.

After cursing a hooligan, Su Yunchu realized that the two had almost reached the end, and was thinking about going back, but Murong Yuan still held her hand and led her away.

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