The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 587: Busin Reappears (7)

Pick me up? Su Yunchu was very skeptical, Do you still need you to pick me up from Prince Jing's mansion to the palace? Prince Jing? Su Yunchu looked at him, squinting his eyes slightly.

Why can't the lady always see her heart for her husband? Murong Yuan said sadly. He just couldn't see anyone who wanted to simply come to pick her up. Although he didn't do much about it, it seemed that he should do more in the future.

Su Yunchu glanced at him, and didn't bother to pay attention to him, Your lord is very leisurely recently?

There is a beautiful wife at home, and this king only wishes to die drunk and gentle? Murong Yuan looked at her with burning eyes.

Su Yunchu directly slapped him in the face, and secretly slandered someone who was not restrained.

But Murong Yuan did not forget Su Yunchu's dazed look when he left the palace, What was Ah Chu thinking just now?

There are always many people who are vigilant, and they can't even tell the strangeness of their own carriage.

Su Yunchu smiled, but said seriously, Huaiqing, do you still remember the source of the poison on your body that Mr. Zhou told us? The poison was released by the poison doctor Bu Xin.

Hearing this, Murong Yuan's eyes flashed, Of course I remember.

Then, he looked at Su Yunchu and said, Why did Ah Chu mention this all of a sudden, but what did you find?

The corners of Su Yunchu's lips curled up, I suspect that the poison doctor Bu Xin is in the palace now!

Murong Yuan frowned and looked at Su Yunchu.

Su Yunchu didn't understand why, What's wrong?

However, just after asking, he suddenly woke up, You already knew, didn't you?

Murong Yuan coughed lightly, It's not too early, I just found out about it recently.

But Su Yunchu was deeply skeptical about this. The recent time he said was definitely not the recent time she understood.

But he didn't pursue this matter anymore, he just looked at Murong Yuan and said, Are you sure he is Bu Xin? The eunuch in Duanhe Palace, if I remember correctly, based on his identity, should be Concubine Shu. close palace man.

Murong Yuan nodded, Not long ago, it was confirmed that it was the poison doctor Bu Xin. Ah Chu can still remember that Mr. Zhou said that the poison doctor Bu Xin fell in love with a rich woman more than 20 years ago.

Su Yunchu nodded lightly, Of course I remember, that rich girl is Concubine Shu?

Murong Yuan nodded, Duke Yang's Mansion concealed what happened more than 20 years ago very well, and they did it very well, but no matter what, there is no window paper that cannot be pierced. I checked for a long time, and it was true that there was a There was such a thing, but in the end, it turned into a small matter of a maid having a private meeting with an outsider. In the end, it didn't matter.

Hearing this, Su Yunchu thought for a moment, then raised his head, looked at Murong Yuan and said, Tell me, does Emperor Father know about this?

In her opinion, Emperor Yongye treated Concubine Shu so kindly that it was unreasonable.

But Murong Yuan shook his head, I probably don't know, unless, like me, I deliberately investigate.

It's really pitiful... Concubine Shu had an affair with Bu Xin back then, and now, she keeps her former lover, Bu Xin, by her side as a close servant. If Emperor Yongye finds out, what should he do? No matter what mood you are in, no matter how good Emperor Yongye is to Concubine Shu, some of it is out of genuine affection, and some of it is because of the Yang family. If they know about this matter, they will not let it go.

Besides, Concubine Shu kept such a big bomb as Bu Xin by her side, definitely not because of unrequited love, and the one who has unresolved love is probably Bu Xin. Concubine Shu is probably interested in Bu Xin's ability as a poison doctor. No wonder the chaos she caused in Duanhe Palace last time was resolved so easily in the end. However, who is Concubine Shu keeping Bu Xin for?

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