The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 55 The Wronged Prince

Besides, Su Yunchu and Murong Yuan, when the white medicinal powder was scattered, Su Yunchu was able to distinguish immediately, this medicinal powder is probably similar to what Murong Yuan encountered last time. Murong Yuan's eyes had just recovered, so if he suffered another accident like this, I'm afraid Daxin God of War would become a blind man whose vision is less than three feet away.

Therefore, that exclamation was also made instinctively.

However, it is obvious that Murong Yuan's attitude towards this medicinal powder is different from Su Yunchu's. When he heard Su Yunchu's slightly nervous exclamation, he had already wrapped his arms around Su Yunchu's waist and leaped towards the bottom of the cliff with it. .

Su Yunchu, a person who doesn't know how to do light work, can only react instinctively when faced with such a situation, that is to seek shelter and something that can be grasped.

Therefore, she didn't have time to pay attention to the phrase Miss Yun in Murong Yuan's mouth. She just held on to Murong Yuan tightly and fell to the bottom of the cliff with him. With the sound of falling into the water, both of them fell into the river. among.

But the river here, because of the uneven stone walls on both sides, changed the speed of the water flow. Therefore, Su Yunchu who fell to the bottom of the cliff did not expect that a small vortex was formed here, and they had no time to do it. If there is no other reaction, it can only disappear in this river with the impact of the vortex.

When the two woke up again, they were in an unknown place. This place should be the place where the two of them were brought after the impact of the river.

It was still surrounded by mountains and forests, but there was a wider sandy beach here, and they were all washed ashore at this time.

Su Yunchu woke up earlier than Murong Yuan. After waking up, Su Yunchu didn't have much time to react, she just sat up in a split second, like a frightened bird.

After looking around, she realized that Murong Yuan was not far from her. At this time, Su Yunchu has long been unable to care about her hair being disheveled and messy, and she does not care about the ruined makeup. At this moment, she really looks like the Su Yunchu in Zhiyuan Hou's mansion. She hurriedly walked to Murong Yuan's side, My lord , Your lord! Murong Yuan!

Murong Yuan didn't wake up, but there were several wounds on his body, and the place where he was injured by the hidden weapon before, the wounds had turned black and swollen.

After a night of soaking in river water, the wound didn't heal much, not to mention, the hidden weapon was poisoned, so Murong Yuan's condition is not good at this time, and he has already developed symptoms of faint fever, his lips are black and purple, The wound was pitch black, and it really didn't have a trace of the majesty of a generation of war gods.

Su Yunchu understood that if it wasn't for helping her resist the hidden weapon, Murong Yuan would definitely not have fallen to this point in this fight. In the end, she turned out to be a burden.

It's too late to regret that I didn't study ancient martial arts well in the past. I only thought about having the kung fu of my previous life. Even a martial arts master would not gain much advantage in such a close combat with her. After all, she is a sinner. Made the worst mistake a special soldier should make.

We could only move Murong Yuan to the other side first, and wash his wound with the river water. Most of the medicine on Su Yunchu's body had been lost in the river when he fell off the cliff. Now, the medicine on Su Yunchu's body is just simple. Some of the trauma medicines given to him can't solve the toxin left by the hidden weapon on Murong Yuan's body.

However, fortunately, this place is a mountain forest, and the most indispensable thing in the mountain forest is herbal medicine.

Therefore, after treating Murong Yuan's wound, and tore off some cloth from his body to bandage his wound temporarily, Su Yunchu went into the forest. She had to find some herbs for Murong Yuan, and more importantly, she needed to find some food for the two of them.

And not long after Su Yunchu entered the forest, Murong Yuan woke up.

The icy blue eyes opened almost instantly, like a beast with a quick response, with a frightening aura.

After opening his eyes, his first reaction was to check the situation around him. After looking around, he didn't see Su Yunchu. Just as he was about to stand up, his legs went limp and he fell down again. Only then did he realize Seeing the wound on her body, she also saw the wound that Su Yunchu had bandaged for her.

The white cloth on the top is soft and comfortable, and it is the cloth on Su Yunchu's body.

Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, but he shook his head and smiled wryly, and continued to sit where he was, closing his eyes and waiting for Su Yunchu to come back.

Not long after, Su Yunchu also came back.

It was summer, and the vegetation in the forest was flourishing, and the medicinal materials were also growing well. Therefore, she had already found some medicinal materials and brought back some wild fruits without too much effort.

When the sound of Su Yunchu's footsteps appeared, Murong Yuan had already opened his eyes.

He was familiar with the footsteps, so he didn't show any vigilance.

Miss Yun. Murong Yuan said, not showing any surprise at the change in her appearance, as if he had always seen this face.

But Su Yunchu didn't have any special reaction to Miss Yun's sentence, My lord has woken up. Earlier, I went to find some herbs. The poison on my lord needs to be cleaned up. In addition, I found some wild fruits. , I can only wrong the prince.

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