The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 506 Changes Before Marriage (8)

After slowly recalling the antecedents of the incident and the process she knew, Su Yunchu slowly opened her eyes. What caught her eyes was darkness, and she herself had not fully recovered either. After feeling her pulse, she softened. The tendon dispersing poison was relieved by two points, and she could walk and move, but she couldn't have any strength to resist.

In this darkness, there are only three or two small gaps on the top, but the light from the gaps is also faint and imperceptible. Su Yunchu has already concluded that the current time is night, and he shook his head after thinking for a while, confirming that he should not be at this time. In the dark of the next day.

However, she didn't know where it was, so she sat up and sat up. Su Yunchu made a movement, and then saw a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy walking out from another place. After seeing Su Yunchu woke up, he looked closely He watched Su Yunchu for a long time, and then sent a food box in front of Su Yunchu, but he remained silent and did not make a sound.

Su Yunchu didn't take the food box, but looked at the boy, his voice was still slightly hoarse, Who are you?

The young man remained silent and did not answer Su Yunchu's words, but insisted on putting the food box in front of Su Yunchu, then turned and left.

Su Yunchu looked at the young man's appearance, and knew that it was definitely not the young man who took her away. Although she could judge the young man's martial arts by his breath at a glance, but his figure was not right!

Looking at his appearance at this time, the outer robe was gone, the hairpin on his head was gone, it was a utensil with silver needles, and there was no medicine left on his body.

It seems that the one who took her away was a person who knew herself very well, and wanted to come to the other party to understand what she could do and where her strengths were.

Then, taking her away in the early stage of the wedding was nothing more than wanting to stop the wedding, so who was the person who most wanted to stop the wedding? Su Yunchu already had some answers in his mind.

Gently opened the food box, and by the faint candlelight, Su Yunchu took a look at the food in the food box. The food was rich and did not treat her badly at all, but she looked through the few dishes and dipped some of them with chopsticks. Burning in the candlelight at the side, it is no surprise to see food emitting a wisp of green smoke on the surface. Every dish has some soft gluten loose ingredients in it.

Su Yunchu is not hungry, and with her physique, there will be no other problems if she does not eat for two or three days. Although this place is a cave, it is exquisitely arranged. , might not be a good place. But at this time she didn't think so.

She was taken away, so after she was taken away, she believed that Yuzhu and Fuling would react after they found out, but she was worried about Murong Yuan, who was the most likely to make mistakes at this time. At that time, the other party had not taken her away long ago, but at such a moment, Su Yunchu inevitably had deeper doubts in his heart.

Ying Li has been with her for so long, she believes that Ying Li should have been looking for him at this time, and the time of her disappearance is still judged in the dark, this place must not be far from Shangyuan Temple, I hope they can find him Tunnel and tunnel exit.

But in the back mountain of Shangyuan Temple, apart from the original Murong Yuan who came, in the middle of the night, many secret guards came secretly and searched the place thoroughly.

But until the sun came out in the morning, there was still nothing.

However, in the capital city, after dawn, news came from nowhere, saying that Princess Jing, who had gone to Shangyuan Temple for a fasting ceremony, had disappeared overnight. What's more, it was said that Su Yunchu had been found outside. robe.

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