It's just because of external injuries and internal injuries, so the body is still a little weak.

Therefore, he struggled twice and still couldn't sit up, he could only attract Su Yunchu's attention.

When Su Yun first looked over, the thin lips were drawn into a line on the man's stern face. There was a moment of calmness, probably recalling what happened before and analyzing the current situation.

Su Yunchu had already looked at the man when he caused a slight shock, but this patient didn't seem to treat himself as a patient too much, not to mention other patients, when faced with this situation, they all understood, can you Moving means not moving, but she is struggling to get up, and she is sure that he must know that she is in the room. However, he obviously didn't want to talk to her.

Doctors have a common problem, that is, they don't like patients who make decisions without authorization.

But there is no way, who told this patient to have the capital of being arrogant.

Su Yunchu only poured a glass of water, walked to the side of the bed, and handed it to the person on the bed who was still silent at this time, You just woke up, take a sip of water first.

It was still the cold voice. Su Yunchu in her previous life, after all, was because of the profession of a doctor, and also because of the special profession of a military doctor in the special forces, which allowed her to develop a calm, self-sustaining, quite rational character from the beginning, and even more so. Know how to make the fastest response in the shortest time, and also know how to make decisive choices and make the best decision in the worst situation and in the shortest time.

With this kind of temperament, even if she lived a new life and was influenced by a scholarly family for seven years, it still didn't have much impact on her change of temperament.

Therefore, when she talks to that man now, her voice is completely cold and indifferent, but after all, she has been in a scholarly family for a long time, so there is a little more gentleness in her cold voice.

However, the man did not take the teacup in her hand, Who are you, and where is this?

Su Yunchu didn't answer his question, but instead said, You have been in a coma for two days, if you don't drink any water, I'm afraid your body will already be unwell due to lack of water.

The man paused, took the water glass in Su Yunchu's hand, and drank it down in one gulp.

For such a way of drinking water, Su Yunchu was a little speechless, but she didn't know why, so she asked, Do you want a second cup?

The man's words were short, One cup is enough.

Where is this now? Who is the girl?

Of course I am your doctor. This is a small town below Peng County. You are a seriously injured patient I saved halfway. Su Yunchu raised his eyebrows, and when he spoke, he emphasized the word seriously injured patient and replied Men's question.

That's it, thank you for saving me, miss. Hearing this, the man's complexion softened a lot, but even if it softened a little, his sharp-edged face was still more resolute, which made this softness seem very stiff , with a handsome face in his fortitude, especially the thin lips, which made him a little bit colder.

Su Yunchu didn't care about the man's politeness, but simply told him about his physical condition, speaking objectively and to the point, which was the attitude that a full-fledged doctor should have.

There are relatively few medicinal materials in the small town. I have sent people to Peng County to find some medicinal materials that are good for your recovery. The trauma is basically not a big problem. Just be careful not to get infected. I believe that within ten days the wound should be It can be healed. As for internal injuries, it takes a long time to recuperate, and the medicines needed are relatively common internal injury recuperation medicines. There is no need to worry about this. I have some pills that have been prepared on me. Now, the more serious ones are the eyes. The problem is that the eyes are a relatively delicate part of the human body. They were injured by drugs before. After cleaning up the day before yesterday, they can only be treated with drugs, just like now. It may take ten days and a half months to recuperate...

While Su Yunchu checked the man's wounds and changed the medicine for his eyes, he explained the large and small wounds on his body.

There will naturally be pain during the examination and changing the dressing, but obviously the man didn't frown or snort, even when he heard Su Yunchu talk about his injuries, he was still calm Feng Qing, it seemed that the injured body was someone else's body, not his own. Just nodding or humming from time to time, it means that he is listening to Su Yunchu.

Generally speaking, this kind of atmosphere would make people feel a little awkward. After all, the atmosphere is really weird, but the two of them changed their dressings quietly, and the other changed their dressings with extreme cooperation.

After Su Yunchu finished everything, the man's first words were not questions about his body, but a question to Su Yunchu, Miss, what's your name? Why save me?

Su Yunchu remained calm and said calmly, My surname is Yun, I saved you because I am a doctor.

Well, I'm afraid I will have to trouble Miss Yun in the near future.

No problem, you are the injured and I am the doctor, so I can't talk about trouble.

Miss Yun is not surprised who is next?

Su Yunchu smiled, Who is the young master, it has nothing to do with me. If the young master is willing to tell, it is naturally good. If the young master has something difficult to tell, it is inconvenient to tell, and I am inconvenient to ask. In short, saving the young master is only my responsibility as a doctor. Duty, others, feel free to do so.”

Such a rational and indifferent attitude, knowing what to know and what not to know, is Su Yunchu's most primitive appearance. Even if she has guesses in her heart, she still understands after all. There are many things that don't need to be known, and don't need to understand too much.

The man was also a little surprised by Su Yunchu's attitude. After all, he had never seen such a woman before, and he had never heard of such a person before. , and did not pursue further.

All I can say is, That's it, thank you Miss Yun for your understanding.

Su Yunchu smiled lightly, This place is suitable for you to recuperate your injuries. The people who went out to find medicine two days ago should come back today. In this way, you can rest here to heal your injuries. If you need to go out to contact others, you can do whatever you want, but if it is not an emergency , it’s better to do something else in two days.”

Yeah. The man didn't have much rejection.

The room here is reserved for the young master. If there are other needs, I will be next door. In this way, the young master rests first.

Said that Su Yunchu had left the room and closed the door, leaving only the man in the room.

The man in the room didn't lie down and rest as Su Yunchu said, he was still leaning on the bed, his posture was a bit lazy and leisurely, his eyes were blindfolded by the white cloth, making it difficult to distinguish his expression, but the thin The lips still had a slight upward curve at this time, but, no matter how you looked at it, that kind of smile was cold.

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