The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 20 Birthday Ceremony (1)

The second day was Su's mother's birthday banquet. It was still early, and the Zhiyuanhou's mansion had already prepared. Su Yunchu naturally woke up early in the morning to continue the preparations last night. She didn't have the habit of sleeping in. The biological clock, adjusted, can also allow her to wake up on time every morning.

The birthday banquet only started at noon, because it was the 60th birthday, and 60 is considered a long life. Therefore, this time, Mother Su's birthday banquet was held very richly, and many dignitaries in the court were invited. Large and medium-sized families also came to celebrate their birthdays.

Before the birthday banquet started early in the morning, Su Yunchu and his sons and daughters in the Zhiyuanhou's mansion had to pay their respects to the old lady first.

When he returned to the capital earlier, Su Yunchu had prepared a birthday present for the old lady. It had nothing to do with her feelings for the old lady. Since she has lived to this age, since she came back for this birthday banquet, she naturally had to make some preparations. Of course, the preparations were made under the reminder of the Song family and her aunt. The Song family naturally prepared a birthday gift, even though the relationship between the Song family and the Su family was not too harmonious. But after all, this courtesy cannot be lost.

After tidying up, Su Yunchu asked Yuzhu to take the two birthday gifts brought back yesterday, leaving Fuling to look at Hanqingyuan, and then went to Fushouyuan to greet the old lady.

When they stepped into the Fushouyuan, laughter could already be heard inside.

This time, there was laughter from many people, Su Yunchu was a little speechless, she thought she woke up early, but she didn't want to, this way, she was the only one who didn't get it.

For her being late, Su's mother didn't have a good face. Since yesterday, she has not had a good face towards Su Yunchu. She is also not optimistic about the Song family, but she values ​​the Yuan family very much. In comparison, Su's mother naturally doesn't like Su Yunchu more than Su Yiran.

Regarding Su Yunchu's final arrival, Su Kun also seemed a little unhappy. The meeting last night made him feel embarrassed about the strangeness with this daughter. Now, seeing her arriving late, he also looks a little unhappy.

So Su Yunchu had just entered Su's mother's room, and Mrs. Sun, who never forgets to make trouble from time to time, naturally had to say a few more words, Miss San is really precious. Even today's old lady's birthday, she can still be beautiful. late.

Su Yunchu didn't look at Mrs. Sun. For her, dealing with people like Mrs. Sun is the easiest. If you don't pay attention to it, she will naturally make fun of herself. Therefore, she directly bypassed Mrs. Sun and greeted Mrs. Su directly. , Yunchu pays respects to grandma, today is grandma's birthday feast, Yunchu wishes grandma good luck and good health.

Mrs. Sun couldn't speak quickly, but got Su Kun's stare, and didn't dare to say anything more.

Mother Su snorted coldly, You still remember that today is my birthday banquet. Since I remembered, it was still so late.

Yunchu naturally remembers it. People say sixty sixty years, more than one spring and autumn, grandmother's birthday banquet, how can granddaughter forget it, not only that, Yunchu also prepared a birthday gift for grandmother.

Regarding the birthday gift that Su Yunchu said, Su's mother was also interested. Although Su's mother was very biased, no matter what the circumstances, when people got old, they also recovered some of the most primitive needs of childhood, that is, Seek approval and affirmation.

Seeking companionship and comfort, the most direct way to express such feelings is to keep giving things.

Therefore, even though Su's mother only favors Su Yiran, the Liu family and Su Yiyan also gave Su's mother a lot of things. Therefore, at this time, Su Yiyan's position in Su's mother's heart is probably higher than that of Su Yunchu. .

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