The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 936: 1 show

Xiao Hua and a group of nBa players are really too excited. They did not expect that when there was no future, there would be a village named Liu An Hua Ming.

Ye Fei refused to participate in nBa, but he became a technical consultant of the nBa alliance. Although he only gave pointers when he was free, even that was enough.

After all, Ye Fei's level is too high. Any nBa superstar who has played against him in the underground basketball court understands that they and Ye Fei are not at all a level. If Ye Fei is said to be a high school student, they are junior high school students. , Even elementary school students are not too much, because Ye Fei is really too powerful, a short player more than one meter seven, when facing a group of their nBa superstars, in the case of more than forty points behind In just ten minutes, I got the points back, especially the performance of the last thirty-five seconds and thirteen minutes, which can be said to be against the gods.

Now many of them talk about it, and they all feel incredible. They did not expect that there are such terrible basketball players in the world. It's crazy and amazing.

That is, after that game, each of them got a video of the game from Qiaodan's bar, and they ran back happily one by one. The first one was to see their coach.

When their coach saw Ye Fei's performance that year, it can be said that every eyeball had to fall to the ground. They were all insiders, knowing that these nBa superstars had no water at all when they played against this Chinese. It ’s a complete effort, but even in this situation, it can still perform so badly. Is n’t this the **** of basketball?

So these coaches looked for their bosses, and their bosses knew after seeing Ye Fei, this level of players is not a basketball club that can be signed at all, unless it is a team of 30 teams, so this makes Xiao Hua Go out.

They did not expect that they failed in the end, but it was a gain, Ye Fei became the general technical consultant of the nBa Alliance.

"Yeshen, we really hope that you can come to the nBa League as soon as possible and give us some pointers for the game." Xiao Hua said modestly.

Ye Fei was embarrassed: "I definitely have no time recently. After busy with this period of time, oh, by the way, I will go to see when I dared to die at the end of the month, and I will trouble you to find a basketball for me. Museum, I will give pointers on the spot, in fact, can not be said to give pointers, let's learn from each other. "

Everyone laughed and learned from each other? Emma, ​​Ye Shen, you are so humble. As for your level, we can only learn from you. How can we teach you anything?

"It must be." Xiao Hua nodded quickly, and then said, "After we go back, we will choose a arena. Right, where is the right place for this arena? Ye Shen."

"Oh, when I go to Riceland, I also go to Hale House, as long as I'm not too far away."

"Then get a gym in Hollywood. The closer you are, the better."

"This is not necessary. All in all, convenience is the best."

"It's okay, as long as you are convenient, we will arrive on time no matter how far away."

You sigh, if you let others know the attitude of the president of NBA and a group of NBA superstars towards Ye Fei, it will be strange not to faint.

In fact, this is also the most intelligent place for Ye Fei. Although he does n’t know basketball and rarely looks at nBa, he is not unaware of the impact of nBa. However, this is a giant in the basketball industry, which is very big all over the world Influence, even many foreign players will play in it.

I do n’t participate in nBa, but I have to be a little bit tied to them. As long as these players work hard, the number of viewers in their live broadcast room will definitely increase.

Another thing that is more important is that it is for money. He knows that people who can buy tickets to watch the ball in the rice country are at least the middle class, and even many cattle in other industries will go. These are the audiences of Niucha. If you pull these people over, you are worth everything.

You see, that's how sly foxes are.

After everything was settled, it was just the time to eat. Ma Qingyun had a few tables of wine and dishes prepared in the Tianhe Shang Palace, and a group of people went to eat.

As a result, after eating rice, what Ye Fei and Ma Qingyun did not expect was that Xiao Hua took the initiative to pay for the meals. Tianhe Shang Palace's wine and dishes were not cheap.

Ma Qingyun and a group of directors looked at Ye Fei and shook their heads one by one.

what is this?

This is fame!

Ye Fei is such a cow. They don't say anything. They just sit here and someone is waiting. This is the real grandfather.

Ye Fei left after eating, because he had more important things, he was going to pick up the 95-year-old Qingsong, he had to visit and only wanted to continue to fly, although the fame of these two people and these nBa Superstars can't be weaker than they are. But in Ye Fei's eyes, they are more important than any star. They are their own audience and their fans.

In particular, I want to continue to fly. People with such a serious disease still support themselves when lying in the hospital. This is the heart. Even if they offend these nBa superstars, they can't cold their iron powder heart, so he didn't Play with this group of players and just leave.

Just before leaving, Ye Fei told Ma Qingyun that it wasn't necessarily how many days he took the leave. Anyway, it was impossible for a day or two. After all, I would like to continue to fly. I haven't seen my condition yet, how long can it be cured? It's not complete, so the time is unknown. He asked Ma Qingyun to help himself and the audience fans on the official website to tell him when the specific return will be, and let them pay attention to the Qiuqiu platform official website.

Ye Fei and Fang Xiaohu say hello again, let him deal with the new company first, and he flew directly to Kyoto.

A ninety-five-year-old Qingsong, and one I want to continue to fly, both people have to pick up, and the specific person to pick up first, there must be an order, after Ye Fei considered it, still think to see me first. Continue to fly, after all, people are sick, the illness can not wait for time.

At 11:30 pm, at the Kyoto Airport, Ye Fei came out with a bag and ate all over the world with people already waiting there. When Ye Fei came, he had already been connected with eating all over the world. This time, I still have to Trouble him.

"Brother Ye."

Saw Ye Fei, yelled all over the world, and came up and hugged.

"Brother, please trouble you."

"Hey, what does your brother say so many polite words? You have come to Kyoto, and I will be angry if you don't find me."

"All right, let's go straight to the hospital."

"What? Go straight to the hospital? You just got off the plane just now without a break?"

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile and said, "No rest, after all, it is important that I want to continue to fly. I will go over to see what the situation is, and then make a treatment plan."

Seeing Ye Fei say so, eating all over the world, he knew Ye Fei's temper. If he didn't let him go to see his fans first, he wouldn't rest well even if he was resting.

Put Ye Fei's luggage on the car, eat the world and let the driver drive straight to Kyoto First People's Hospital.

At this moment, in the First People's Hospital, I wanted to continue to have Fei Wenwen's condition worsen. Suddenly, her right leg was very painful. The little girl was lying on the bed gritting her teeth, and her mother was pressing her hand. Leg, a doctor is examining him.

In fact, this doctor was very helpless. He was doing an examination, but he couldn't check what the condition was. Now the hospital has invited an orthopaedic expert to come. After a group of people have seen Wenwen's situation, they have no clue. The hospital's inspection equipment could not detect any problems.

"Get a painkiller first, Mom Wenwen, come out with me." The doctor ordered a nurse, and then let Mom Wenwen come out.

"Doctor, how is it?" Mom Wenwen asked anxiously as soon as she came out.

The doctor shook his head and said, "It still can't be found. I think this is likely to be a new type of disease in orthopedics. Our hospital has not yet found an effective treatment plan and medicine."

"What about other hospitals?" Wenwen's mother asked impatiently.

"Our hospital's orthopedics department is at the forefront of the country, we have no way, I think other hospitals ... but don't worry, we will continue to ask experts for consultations tomorrow, and check the situation at that time."

"Tomorrow? Can't you do it now?"

"Do the experts need rest, too? Humans are not machines after all."

"But my daughter's condition ..."

"We have tried our best."

The doctor finished talking and then returned to the ward.

Wenwen's mother was standing in the corridor, her eyes were dumb, she felt her world would collapse.

"New disease? No medicine? How could that be the case?"

At the gate of Kyoto First Hospital, a limousine drove in. After the parking lot stopped, Ye Fei and Chi Chi came down. A bodyguard from Chi Fei handed over a fruit basket. Ye Fei caught it and went straight to the inpatient department.

After coming to the nurse's desk in the inpatient department and asking Wenwen's ward, the two took the elevator to the third floor.

"That's it." Chi Tianxia looked at the room number and said.

Ye Fei pushed into the door and went in, but Wenwen's mother came back at this time, and she hurriedly stopped and said, "Who are you ... Ye ... Ye Shen ?! "

She knows Ye Fei. She knows that this is her daughter's idol. Her daughter watches his show every day. She also knows that Ye Fei has said that she will come to see her daughter, but she never dreamed that Ye Fei would come like this. Hurry, how long has this been around? Is this running over?

"You are ..." Ye Fei didn't know Wenwen's mother, and asked.

"I'm Wenwen's mother." Wenwen's mother quickly introduced herself.


"Yes, yes ~ ~ My daughter Wenwen, her name in your live studio is I want to continue to fly."

"Are you my mother who wants to continue to fly?"

"Yes, Ye Shen."

"Then let's go in, let me see this kind girl."

"The doctor is inside."

"That's right, ask what's going on."

Speaking, Ye Fei and Chi Chi pushed the door and went in ...

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