The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 811: Assam tea

A question from Kumar, Ye Fei knew what this guy meant.

He came to participate in his live broadcast this time with the intent of trying to compare. If strictly speaking, this product is even more insidious than Takuya Kurokawa of East Japan.

After all, it was time for Taro Kurokawa to find himself for the test. It was a fair and honest test. When he lost, he lost. When he won, he won. Everyone can see it.

But this Kumar is different. The goods are very modest on the surface. They came to ask for advice and discuss cooking with themselves. However, the real purpose of this goods is to come and compare with themselves. Otherwise, it is not possible to meet each other. Give yourself such a question.

Blowfish is an ingredient that can be said to be delicious and unforgettable, but the meat of this kind is delicious, but it is poisonous throughout the body, so ordinary chefs really dare not make it.

Kumar used such a kind of ingredients to ask himself the so-called question, plainly want to see if he would make this kind of ingredients.

Just thinking about Kumar, Ye Fei just sneered, and wanted to compare with me in terms of cooking? I'm afraid you can doubt life if you lose the last.

What is the safest way to deal with puffer fish, Ye Fei told Kumar in detail.

Kumar hurriedly stood up, bowed to Ye Fei, and said, "Yes God really deserves his name. He is familiar with all kinds of ingredients. I admire Kumar."

Ye Fei waved his hand indifferently, saying, "It's just some commonly used ingredients. There is nothing to pass on." Oh, yes, Mr. Kumar, I also have a question to ask. Can I please? "

Li is still in contact, but not indecent as well.

Ye Fei is not so bullying, on the contrary, this guy really has a mood to fight Kumar at this time.

Kumar didn't expect Ye Fei to fight back to himself, he froze, and smiled: "Yes, I don't know what you want to ask? If I knew, I would know nothing, not words."

Ye Fei shook his head with a smile and said, "In fact, it is not too difficult a problem, it is just my personal curiosity."

Speaking, Ye Fei pointed to the fairy tea on the table and said, "Let's talk about tea. I honestly haven't been too far away, except for the last time I went to a rice country. At other times, I spent most of my time in China, but I know that tea is not only popular in China but also very popular in many countries. So how is Indian tea made? How do you drink it, Mr. Kumar, can you help me out? "

In fact, this is really not a problem. Ye Fei is only very curious. He also wants to hear how Kumar describes Indian tea.

The wet man listened to Ye Fei asking this question, and this guy has come to his spirits. He listened with his ears up. He didn't know how to make Yin Guocha. As a proficient person, he must learn more.

Kumar did not speak, but reached up to lift the tea cup on the table, and put it to his lips, but the tea cup did not touch his lips, and saw that he raised his head a little, and the tea cup in his hand tilted slightly. The tea in the tea cup poured out and poured directly into his mouth.

After taking a sip of tea like this, Kumar put the tea cup down and said, "Yes, this is how Indians drink tea."

Ye Fei blinked and said, "Drink this?"

"Everyone drinks it like this."

"Why doesn't the lips touch the cup?"

"Because of courtesy, because a tea cup is not designated for a single person, you have to use it after you use it. If you touch the cup with your mouth to drink tea, it is a manifestation of disrespect to others, and it prevents The spread of disease. "

Ye Fei: "..."

This item is a bit sloppy, because Kumar seems to make sense.

"What kind of tea does Indian National Tea have?" Ye Fei revealed the problem and asked.

Kumar Haha laughed: "Yes, in fact, I know you are testing me intentionally, but since you asked, I will talk about it, but I am not an authentic tea man, so I can only treat me Let me know what you know. "

Ye Fei said.

Kumar went on to say: "In the world, there are four most famous black teas. The first is your Chinese Xiamen black tea. This black tea has a bright red color and a rich taste, even if it is brewed tea residue. It is also shiny and bright, so it is praised by many people as the world's first black tea, and the second is our black tea in India, also known as Assam black tea. This black tea may not have been heard by some people, but I said This is a good Tong Yi beverage that is now sold around the world. As many people know, it is Assam milk tea. The tea in this milk tea is made from Assam black tea in our country. The taste of this tea is much stronger and heavier than your Qimen black tea, so it belongs to strong tea and is suitable for drinking in winter, and if you want to drink a cup of refreshing black tea in the spring and summer season, you must drink us Another type of black tea in India is Darjeeling black tea. The taste of this kind of black tea is much softer than Assam black tea. Depending on the season of picking, Darjeeling black tea is divided into No. 1 black tea and No. 2 black tea, especially Number two red , Not only has a strong tea aroma, but it also has a light grape aroma, so this tea is also called champagne in black tea, it can be said that it is extremely precious, and there is another kind of highland black tea, this kind of Tea is also called Serang black tea. Although it is called black tea, the tea color after brewing this tea is not red, but it shows an orange-yellow color, even closer to green tea. "

"And you have to say how Indian tea is made. I can only tell you how Indian tea is made, because in our country, some people drink pure tea, but more people like milk tea. To see if the milk tea made by one person is good or not, we do n’t look at the materials and equipment, but at the tea maker. The older the tea maker is, the more fragrant milk tea we think, on the contrary, the tea taste is not enough. It ’s attractive, but how does it work? I ’ll just say, Ye Shen, you have time to try it out and see how it works. First of all, if you want to make a cup of Indian milk tea, the ingredients are not only tea and milk. Useful with caramel, cardamom and other ingredients. "

With that in mind, Kumar laughed and said, "You all know that our Indian cuisine impresses many people with heavy flavors, including milk tea."

Ye Fei and the wet man all laughed, because Kumar was right. In many people ’s impressions, the biggest feature of Indian food is curry, red, green, yellow, blue, etc., almost anyway Without curry that they can't make, and without curry that they won't use.

Kumar continued: "To make Indian milk tea, first melt the caramel, add water to stir, and let the caramel melt into the water thoroughly. The main purpose of this is to blend a caramel caramel flavor into the final milk tea. After the caramel water has been boiled, add the fresh milk and stir. This step is mainly to blend the milk flavor of the fresh milk. After the stir is even, add the black tea, boil it, and then add the right amount of spices according to your taste. ~~ We mainly use spices such as cardamom and cloves, mainly to add a strange fragrance to milk tea. After the water is boiled, add cream to boil and filter. If you want to add some other flavors, You can add chocolate or coffee in moderation. "

After speaking, Kumar drank the black tea in the cup.

Ye Fei knew how to make Indian milk tea. He just wanted to see if this Kumar was a cook. If this girl was n’t a cook at all, he would come and test with himself, and he would be a little depressed.

But after listening to Kumar's words, the wet man stared at a cup of tea in front of himself. Although this cup of tea was very good, he couldn't drink it alive, because Kumar said that the taste was too heavy It's a spice and a caramel, your sister, it's just a cup of tea, do you need such trouble?

"Apart from these messy things, will you add anything else?" The wet man asked curiously.

Kumar glanced at the wet man and laughed, "Just, some people like to add ginger."

Woo ~~ woo ~~~

When I heard that someone still liked to add **** to milk tea, the wet people couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out with their mouths covered. It took a long time to run back and waved their hands: "Kneeling, really for people in your country Infinite brain is kneeling, can you still drink that stuff? "

"Um ~~ It's actually quite delicious," Kumar said indifferently.

The wet man was thoroughly dressed, and the goods sat beside him without saying a word.

Ye Feidao: "Every country has its own dietary habits, and it will be good to adapt to it."

"Yeshen is right. In your opinion, the milk tea we make is a heavy taste, but in the eyes of our Indians, it is a very delicious drink. In your opinion, our food is a heavy taste. In our opinion, they are the best food to feed our Indian civilization. "

After Kumar said, what else did Ye Fei want to ask, suddenly all of them turned their heads and looked out, because at this moment they heard a roar from a distance.

Ye Fei is too familiar with this voice, helicopter.

"Fuck, what the hell?" Ye Fei got up and went outside, looked up and looked away.

The wet man also ran out, and the cargoer set up a pergola with his eyes narrowed and looked up for a long time, and suddenly pointed at a black spot in the distance and exclaimed: "Ye God, helicopter."

Kumar finally followed, looking at the growing black spots in the sky, and said, "Rhod is indeed Rhode, and the way of travel is different."

Ye Feixin said that a ghost is different, which is not the case of the tyrants? The appearance of Dahale in the front is also this ghost virtue, and even after eating all over the world, Nanjiang, an old man, and Qin Jianlin were also private jets when they came. It is not surprising.

You shit, Ye Fei now knows a lot about it, and her mental quality has become very tough.

The three looked up from below, and saw a huge helicopter rumbling from a distance.

In the end the plane flew over Ye Fei's farmhouse, and then began to descend slowly.

Banging ~~~

The huge propeller rolled up a gust of wind, blowing all the dust in the farmhouse yard around.

Ye Feiqi jumped, hemp, what's the matter with this ghost thing? I asked you to come here as a live guest, not as a cleaner.

The propeller was still turning, the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and finally the grass around the pond was blown away.

Barking ...

The Golden Retriever thought that someone was having trouble finding Ye Fei again ~ ~ I rushed out with a few of my own little ones, and finally followed my son, Xiao Xiaopi, this child is obvious this time Excessive exercise, walking on all four legs a little bit floating.

Several dogs stood barking in the distance, staring at the huge helicopter that slowly landed on the ground.

That's right, this helicopter is definitely the largest Ye Fei ever seen. It's bigger than anyone before. Even the Dahale helicopter is like the helicopter in front of it, just like ... The skin is the same as the Golden Retriever.

After the helicopter landed on the ground, the propeller stopped for a long time, then the cabin door opened, and four people in black came down from the inside, each of them wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, all of which were about two meters in length and body. Stout is a bit abnormal.

Then came a middle-aged man out of the helicopter. The reason why he is middle-aged is because he looks like he is in his thirties. It is strange that the man is wearing a white Tang suit and his feet. It was a pair of white leather shoes, holding a crutch made of ivory in his right hand, and a big blue diamond was installed at the handle of the crutch!

Not to mention the helicopter, this person alone is definitely enough for many people to eat and drink for a lifetime, especially the crutch and the huge blue diamond are too eye-catching, do not even think about it, absolutely sky-high!

After the middle-aged man got off the plane, although he was not too old, he still walked on the crutches and walked towards Ye Fei.

When he got to Ye Fei, the middle-aged man turned his cane to a man in black next to him, and then took off the white silk gloves on his right hand and handed it to another man in black. Then he stretched out his hand and laughed, I finally saw you, I'm Rhode! "

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