The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1625: Nephew son-in-law, help, you 2 me here

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Ye Fei feels that he has reached the end of his fate in Yinzhou, because as long as he drives out, Ji Ji will It was bumped by someone, and the person who crashed was also very likely. Jiǔ was the same person, a girl named Lu Yijun.

He had long given Lu Yanjun a very appropriate nickname, the young queen.

That's right, in Ye Fei's view, this name really matches Lu Yanjun too. It definitely belongs to the queen level in the car crash family, and everyone else should stand aside.

Today, Ye Fei once again recognized the fact that he and the car had been missed. Just now Fang Xiaohu also said that he would crash if he drove so slowly. As a result, he was hit at a crossroads.

After Ye Fei got out of the car and saw the person who hit him, the goods were completely out of temper.

"Miss Lu, what a coincidence." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Lu Yijun felt that he was not as embarrassed as he is today. Although he would hit Ye Fei ’s car before, they were only two of them, but today is different. There are too many people, and it seems that they are Ye Fei ’s friends. It makes people uncomfortable.

"I did n’t mean that Yeye God." Lu Yanjun said rudely.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose. If you did it, you would hit my trunk."


Hearing Ye Fei's words, Lu Yanjun froze, and then looked straight at Ye Fei, and then he laughed.

"I won't hit your trunk. It's too technical."


This time Ye Fei was speechless, I rely on, hitting my trunk is called no technical content? You have to hit me up for a bit of problems before you call it technical? This girl.

Fang Xiaohu's group of people are still afraid to laugh, they are a group of brothers. Now it is no secret that Ye Fei used to be hit by the girl by the trunk. They all know it, so now I heard Lu Yanjun coming Such a sentence, all feel funny but dare not laugh.

"It's getting dark this day, and your speed should be lowered, do you see it? The scratches on the ground are so long, the inertia of the car is obviously great and it is scary." Ye Fei pointed to the landing after the Jun car Two long black marks on the car's tires, said.

Lu Yijun then remembered that he had something to do and hurriedly said, "Ye God, I won't tell you anymore, I really have a hurry. I will go back and fix it for you, or I will transfer you some money now. . "

"Uh ~ don't you know that this group of people around me all repair the car? I still need you to help me repair the car?"


Lu Yanjun looked at Fang Xiaohu and Dong Feihu, and all looked at her with a smile.

"What then? I don't really have time now."

"what happened?"

"My second concubine was beaten. I have to hurry up."


Ye Fei persuaded the girl a little bit, and couldn't help but laugh: "You two sister-in-law were beaten, you hurry up? What did you do in the past? Beat your second sister-in-law?"

"I'm always going to see it, but that's my second wife."

Ye Fei thought for a while, and said, "I don't know what the fate of the two of us is. Anyway, something must happen every time I meet. So, let me go and see if you can help me."


When Lu Yanjun heard that Ye Fei was going to follow her, her eyes suddenly turned on. She knew that if Ye Fei had passed, then his second wife would be saved, no matter who the other party was, Ye Fei could definitely put it down.

"Thank you, Ye Shen, thank you."

"Don't thank you, let's go now, or you'll destroy someone else for a while."

"No, no, no. My second wife was the party that was beaten. I heard that there are many people in the other party."

"That should go faster."

Lu Yanjun didn't have time to talk with Ye Fei too much. He got into his car and drove forward from Ye Fei's car. Ye Fei followed with a group of people.

Zhu Chaoyang is very angry today. He has been driving a school in Yinzhou for many years, and no one has dared to come to him. He is not a good stubble. Many big and small people in Yinzhou also know a lot. So many people will give him face.

But the guy named Jinwei who came here today made him very helpless. This product is not from Yinzhou City, but from the nearby Lotus City, but also a junk head. This product has to open a driving school in Yinzhou. Let yourself cooperate with them. As a result, they will come directly to hit people without cooperation. This is unreasonable.

In the face of unreasonable people, Zhu Chaoyang had no way at all. When Jin Wei came over, he had contacted many of his so-called friends on the road. As a result, Jin Wei of Lotus City heard all of them. Various reasons refused to come to help.

Zhu Chaoyang also wanted to find the Yinzhou Police Station, but he hadn't contacted him yet, and Jinwei called here.

After all, Zhu Chaoyang is just a businessman. Although the people he knows are powerful, he is not great, let alone a junk head like Jinwei, he can't beat even an ordinary junk, so he can only be beaten. Share.

Looking at Zhu Chaoyang, who was bleeding on the ground, Jin Wei sat in a chair with a big grin and said, "Zhu Chaoyang, I heard that you are a bull in driving school in Yinzhou. I can only look for you if I can see you. Yeah, I did n’t expect you to be so ignorant of promotion, how about? Toasting without eating and drinking, are you comfortable now? ”

Zhu Chaoyang looked up at him and said, "Jinwei, this is Yinzhou City, not your Lotus City. I have made the police call. The police will be here in a few moments, and you will just wait to be in prison."

"Jail? I'm not frightening you either. I and the director of your city police station are friends. We were born and died together. Do you think he will catch me? You are too naive."

"How is that possible? How can a big man like Director Gan be born and die with you, and you do not blush when you lie?"

"What's wrong with this? You can ask your director, how did we take the chance to stop those killers in Ye Shen's farmhouse? It can be said that all of them have lost half their lives to ensure Ye Shen's foolproofness. I and your director can give the back to the life and death of the other side, so don't think too much about it. I work with you for your own good. Wealthy people make money. Look at what you have, is it interesting? "

After listening to Jin Wei's story, Zhu Chaoyang really didn't speak, because he had heard of this. When Ye Fei was still broadcasting live at the farmhouse, the guest of a program was Solova. In order to ensure the scene and The safety of Laval, the police in Yinzhou were all dispatched, and even a lot of people were transferred from the neighboring city. In the end, it was even more unbelievable that the bald head of Yinzhou and the Jinwei and Lingdu of the neighboring city also All came to help, this is not false.

He wasn't sure if Kingway and Qiantiandi were truly a life-and-death relationship, but at least they had been on the "battlefield" together.

There is such a very strange relationship between people, not a husband and wife, not a brother, just because they have killed the enemy on the battlefield together, it will produce a relationship that trusts each other very much. Even the relationship between husband and wife should be firm.

Knowing that Jinwei and Gantiandi had clashed with their enemies, Zhu Chaoyang knew that his beating might have been beaten, but he was not reconciled, so he lay on the ground without a word, and he didn't know what he was waiting for, maybe It is an unknown rescuer, or it may be a deeper night.

Didi ~

Just when the scene was quiet and weird, I heard a rush of car horns in the courtyard, and then a girl's voice came over.

"Get off, get out of here quickly, don't get off your mother and drive a car."

Zhu Chaoyang heard this voice as soon as he heard it. He was too familiar with his nephew, Lu Yanjun.

When Zhu Chaoyang saw Lu Yanjun coming over, the goods jumped up. He knew what kind of person his niece was. To put it bluntly, he was the one who did not succeed or fail, yes, he was such a person.

Now that she is here, the ghost knows how the people like Jinwei will treat her.

"Yunjun, go back!"

Zhu Chaoyang couldn't care much anymore. He pulled the crowd out and shouted, but just after he shouted, he didn't seem to be alone in Lu Xiujun. Zhu Chaoyang was a stunner. He said that his niece had learned to do things? If you look at it, you will bring the soldiers.

Not only did he find a lot of people coming out, but even a group of younger brothers at the door of Jinwei also found out.

"Brother, come." A younger brother shouted inside.

Jin Wei waved his hand indifferently, saying, "Now the bald head of Yinzhou City has washed his hands in the golden basin, and the dragon is headless, so no one can come."

"No, Viagra, I'm relying on who comes here!"

This little brother was violent when he was talking, and he couldn't say anything later.

Kingway was curious, and curious, "What's going on?"

Speaking, the goods came out of the house. As a result, when he looked outside, he saw that the lights outside were shining brightly on the front. He couldn't see who was coming, but he knew that a lot had come. People, and they seem to be very familiar.

"I rely, won't I?"

Jinwei thought of someone, and the goods were messed up. He said it wouldn't be so clever?

He blocked the light in front of his hand ~ ~ want to see people as clearly as possible, but still can only see a familiar shadow slowly moving towards himself in the light.

"Well, who am I? Jinwei, don't say hello to Yinzhou? You're strange." The man in the light said with a smile.

"Leaf God ?!"

Jinwei finally heard the other party's voice clearly, and the goods were sitting directly on the ground, and the little brother beside him was unable to pull him up.

"What's wrong? You haven't come to me in Yinzhou. Let me see if you can't do it? What are you doing on the ground?"

"I Ye Shen, I was wrong."

At this point, Jin Wei can also figure out why Ye Fei appeared here with his buttocks. It must be for Zhu Chaoyang. I have a big grass. Zhu Chaoyang, your grandson, you know Ye Shen as Mao ’s son. ? If you say that, I will still hit you? Now that ’s what happened, what ’s so special about you is that you dug a big pit and waited for me to jump. Shameless.

Jin Wei was really wronged against Zhu Chaoyang, because Zhu Chaoyang did not expect Ye Fei to come over. He knew that his nephew liked Ye Fei before, and even wanted to confess to Ye Fei, and finally a Shen Yue better than her Therefore, no confession was made, and no one dared to mention it later, thinking that there would be nothing between her and Ye Fei. I did not expect that they would appear together today. What is the situation? Did his niece confession succeed?

You guys like this guy, they're all the same guys, but they still think about these things.

"Xun Jun, Xun Jun, I'm Er Ning, I'm here, who is that, Ye Shen, right, nephew son-in-law, you Er Ning, I'm here, save me, these grandsons will kill me Now. "

Ye Fei and Lu Yanjun were walking inward, and suddenly heard Zhu Chaoyang's words, both of them were weak at the same time, and they were almost on the ground.

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