The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1191: MMP, do n’t beast despise

On the 11th, Ye Fei!

When people saw Ye Fei appear on the field, it can be said that they were all excited because Ye Fei's name is definitely the loudest one now.

Although the obstacle course is at the forefront and the difficulty is a little bit less than the next two events, after all, what happens during the game is not simple at all.

Because during the game, there were Senbao, Yanjialong, and Kirin Tiger, each of which can be said to be enough for a person to drink, especially the Yanjialong and Kirin tiger, who kneeled when they met.

But Ye Fei not only encountered them, but killed them. These two beasts were even stronger than the five Leopards killed by Bu Qing.

However, many people did not see Ye Fei killing them. Although many people were watching the live broadcast, the live broadcast was not just for Ye Fei, but also for many people. Ye Fei killed the rock dragon The lens of the unicorn tiger did not appear at all, which also caused many people to have some doubts about Ye Fei's ability.

Now the beast challenge is so big, so the lens can cover the panorama, and people can finally see what Ye Fei's strength is.

Ye Fei came into the field.

His opponents also came in.

The black fence door opened, and the three figures appeared just like sparks and lightning all the way.

Just after seeing these three things, people were stunned, followed by a bang. Everyone at the scene jumped up. Many people even knew that they were in the stands. They still couldn't help but want to escape. .

No way, because no one thought that Ye Fei's opponent turned out to be this kind of thing, and no one thought that Ye Fei's opponent turned out to be the most lightning-fast Python on the cruel planet!

Even more depressing are the three!

Lightning python, don't look at this thing as a python, but it's much more powerful than the rock armor dragon, because this thing is not only big, but also charged with electricity, it can be said that after encountering it, you don't need to be entangled by it, just touch it It's over, because the power on it is too large, especially during the attack, the power on it will double.

This is the most overbearing place of this kind of thing, what rock armor dragon and unicorn tiger, let alone hit the lightning python, it can be directly electrocuted without being forced by it.

So a lightning python can easily kill five or six rock armor dragons or even unicorn tigers, or even more!

It's just so overbearing and so overbearing!

It's just that this kind of thing is like Kirin Tiger and Rock Armor Dragon. It hasn't appeared in people's sight for many years. Many people even forget about this beast.

But who can think of seeing this kind of thing today at the game site, and there were three when it appeared, even more unexpected is that these three lightning pythons are still for a child.

Who doesn't despair in this situation? Not to mention Ye Fei, even the most powerful warriors on their cruel planet have to kneel, and even the cloth just now has to lie down!

Bu Qing, at this time he had already gone out, but instead of returning to the lounge, he sat in the VIP position of the stands, where all former champions and government officials sat.

At this time, when he saw Ye Fei's opponent turned out to be three lightning pythons, the eyes of this goods almost fell out, and he stood up in a moment.

Not only him, but also all previous champions of this event standing up beside him.

"I depend, is it true?"

"What's going on? Why did Lightning Python appear this time? And there are still three."

"What a big game."

Even Bu Qing looked back at a few government officials, and each of them was a bit silly.

"Tell me about it immediately. What the **** is going on? Why is Ye Shen's opponent three Lightning Pythons? This ... This is so much better than Bu Bu's opponents, five Senbao."

That's right, the government official said this in front of the cloth light, obviously demeaning the meaning of cloth light.

But at this moment, Bu Qing has nothing to say, because he knows that people are right. Although he killed five forest leopards, the five forest leopards are not even capable of a lightning bolt.

He was pretty sure that if he encountered three lightning pythons, no, let alone three, even if it was one, he would have to hang in minutes.

He sweated instantly on his forehead, and Douda's sweat beads flowed down his cheeks. He was secretly glad that he was playing early. If he was behind Ye Fei, his opponent was the three lightning pythons. This is the rhythm of death.

It didn't take long for the person who went down to probe the news to return.

"Report, each athlete's opponent is random. The Buqing Warrior just killed five Moroccans. This time there are three Lightning Pythons, unless Ye Shen can remove the three Lightning Pythons, otherwise .. .... Or the opponent of these athletes is these three lightning pythons. "

The sweat of the official's head was also sweating. After all, Ye Fei's identity is different now. This is one of the cruel stars of the two cruel planets in the past two days. Even the most red is not an exaggeration. This is the second item. The game is suspended, and these people have a little responsibility.

"Or ... let someone replace Ye Shen, it's too dangerous," an official suggested.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally shake my head.

Because this is impossible, if Ye Fei hasn't played yet, it's almost the same. Now everyone is standing in the middle of the field. You can have someone replace him again. Meaning, so replacement is absolutely not possible, then the only way now is to pray and help Ye Fei pray, hoping that he can kill these three lightning pythons, and only by killing him will he have a chance to survive.

In the lounge, when the athletes heard Ye Fei's opponents were three lightning pythons, all of them were stupid there, and they didn't move.

Because if Ye Fei can't kill these three lightning pythons, then they are theirs.

The thought of a duel with the lightning python, a group of people all need to pee, it is impossible to fight.

On earth, in interstellar space.

Fans and viewers of Ye Fei also found something wrong at this time. Although they did not know how fierce the lightning python was, they could clearly see the shape of the lightning python.

The three lightning pythons can be said that the smallest one is much larger than the largest python on the earth. It can be about fifteen or six meters in length. The bucket is as thick as a light blue electric mang. A scarlet tongue, red eyes staring at Ye Fei.

This kind of thing, let alone hit it, thank you for seeing it running away.

People were completely stupid. This time it was really stupid. No one expected Ye Fei's opponent to be such a huge thing.

"Nervous! This game is obviously unfair. Although the guy has a lot of opponents just now, it is not that big after all."

"Yes, Ye Shen's opponent is expected to kill the five beasts just now."

"My aunt, Ye Shen, don't compare, run away!"

"Run? How does this run? Can it run away? The only way now is to kill these three big snakes."

"Kill? How could this be killing? It's too big, okay, I've never seen or even heard of such a big python in my life."

"My heart, oh ~~"

The board of directors of Ma Qingyun's group were all white, one by one stood up, all shaking.

In the food section group, many girls screamed, panicked, and everyone was holding their hair in an unbelievable manner.

In the world, Zhang Junwei, Ye, Rhodes, and so on, it can be said that a bunch of Ye Fei's friends were all blown up, and all of them were gone.

The twists and turns, the quick-sanding sands, the green skin, and so on, a group of interstellar audiences who have a good relationship with Ye Fei are all stunned.

I ca n’t help it, because everyone knows that Ye Fei is absolutely dead this time. There is no hope of winning at all. If it is one, you still have the possibility to escape, but there are three. Three directions To block you, you have no hope of life, you must die.

What's more, Ye Fei's presence in front of these three lightning pythons is almost like an ant. When the three lightning pythons stood up, Ye Fei raised his head and couldn't wait to see each other's head, which was such a big and so small contrast.

At this moment, the entire earth is silent, and the entire interstellar space is silent.

The red-haired elf gods were all sweating, and they didn't think about it, one by one.

But something happened on the scene that everyone was stunned ~ ~ Because just when everyone was worried about Ye Fei, they found that Ye Fei was excited, he stared at Sanjie The lightning python's eyes are flashing, and when everyone is speechless, the goods keep mopping.

Everyone: "........"

What kind of trouble is this? Are you scared?

In the auditorium, Baochen and a group of men saw Ye Fei like this, all one after another, and then his face was all green.

"I wipe, won't I?"

"Boss ... Boss, Ye Shen ... Did Ye Shen say that he wanted to eat the flesh of Lightning Python yesterday?"

Storm Dash nodded numbly, and then quickly shook his head.

"Impossible, impossible, Ye Shen, don't make trouble!"

Storm Dust was on his knees. He knew Ye Fei wanted to eat the flesh of the Lightning Python, but now ... it's impossible to eat it at all, but that's three.

At this point, everyone found Ye Fei's anomaly, one by one, his chin had to fall to the ground, many people had to kneel to Ye Fei, I rely on, can I be more serious when it matters? Brother.

That's a lightning python, what do you mean by drooling?

At this point, the three lightning pythons were swimming and attacking each other. It seemed that the relationship between the three pythons was not good.

People just wonder, why don't they attack Ye Fei?

Suddenly, he whispered, "I got it, isn't it because Ye Shen is too young to look down on me?"

Everyone: "........"

Ye Fei also had an eggache at this time. What about fighting, okay?

The three lightning pythons still didn't look at him, and Ye Fei's face turned black. MMP was despised by the three lightning pythons.

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