The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1177: He can finally go to heaven

Ye Fei wanted to cry.

He felt that he had fallen into a pit, and it was still a fire pit. He was roasting and roasting on it like a lamb that had been skinned.

At this moment, Ye Fei really wanted to scold the system's ancestors for a thousand times, a thousand times.

Is the host system without such a pit good? You must know what kind of virtue this cruel planet is. As a result, you gave me a support here. Brother, you will die. Do you know?

But now, no matter what, people are here. It's useless to make more complaints. It's the only thing to work hard to survive and return to the earth from here.

Qiuqiu platform.

When Ye Fei left, he told everything about Ma Qingyun. Of course, he didn't say it was a system, because it was a secret. It could n’t let anyone know, but only someone was invited, and he did n’t mention who it was. Haven't responded yet.

Sitting in his office, he felt that he had just heard a big joke, Ye Fei went to the alien, a cruel planet of what kind of ghost, went there to participate in the sports meeting.

Brother, can you make a little more noise?

What made him feel even more painful was that Ye Fei told him that he would broadcast live to the entire universe through the Qiuqiu platform and live broadcast to the entire universe! Your handwriting is really big enough.

But now he ca n’t help it. Ye Fei is definitely not able to broadcast the food today. This is changed to a live broadcast. Do you mean **** or fucking?

Silly for a long time, Ma Qingyun rubbed his face fiercely, and then held a departmental meeting with a manager or more.

"Well, everyone, this meeting is held at this time today, mainly to discuss a little situation of Ye Fei." Ma Qingyun saw that everyone was here, and worked hard to calm down his mood, said.

Director Xiang ran out of the hospital again, curious, "Chairman, what happened to Ye Shen?"

"Today ... he won't broadcast again."

When Ma Qingyun said these words, he felt that his face was a little feverish. This one, at first, was quite good. He could keep broadcasting every day. Now he is getting more and more fucking.

"Ah? What's going on? Ye Shen asked for leave again?"


"How long is this time please?"

"The time is not fixed, it may be two or three days, it may be two or three months, it may be two or three years, or it may be a lifetime."


All of them were suddenly aggressive.

Well, what is Ye Shen doing? Is it possible to take a lifetime off? This is a special leave, this is a resignation, boss.

The thought that Ye Fei was probably no longer on the Qiuqiu platform, and everyone blew up after a while.

"I depend, what is going on?"

"Chairman, is there something wrong with Ye Shen?"

"It's impossible. Ye Shen has been broadcasting live on our platform. It's impossible to leave."

Even the managers of other sections are not calm. Although they have no direct relationship with Ye Fei, they all know that with the presence of Ye Fei, Qiu Qiu is the most powerful platform in the world. The Qiuqiu platform is also known in interstellar space.

However, if Ye Fei left the platform, then the Qiuqiu platform would go downhill. This is something you don't need to think about. If the Qiuqiu platform fails, then these people will surely follow.

Therefore, when they heard that Ye Fei might leave the Qiuqiu platform, these talents were anxious.

Among these people, the most anxious should be Feng Tianlai. He is grateful to Ye Fei. Whether it is his current job treatment or his mother's illness, he has a close relationship with Ye Fei. It can be said that Without Ye Fei, there would be nothing for him today.

"Chairman, have we done something to disappoint Ye Shen? From my understanding of Ye Shen, if he is not too disappointed, he will not leave our platform. Also, do you know where he is going? Let ’s say, do n’t bother me. I ’m just making an analogy. If Ye Shen leaves the platform, no matter where he goes, we better still maintain a certain relationship with him, because this is what we have. The good thing is that this is due to personal feelings. Chairman, if you know where Ye Shen has gone, can you please tell me? I ... I want to know if he's been doing well , Unhappy, think about him from the perspective of a friend. "

In the end, Feng Tianlai's voice was getting weaker and he knew he had a lot to say, but he really couldn't say it.

Everyone looked at Feng Tianlai. They also knew that Feng Tianlai and Ye Fei had deeper feelings than those of them. It was normal for him to say this.

Ma Qingyun looked at Feng Tianlai, then looked at the crowd, and sighed, "Yeshen didn't say he would leave our platform."

"Ah? Ye Shen doesn't leave our platform?"

"Great, this is absolutely great news."

"Er ~ Chairman, what's going on? Since Ye Shen didn't leave our platform, why did you say that for a lifetime ..."

Ma Qingyun smiled bitterly and said, "Although he did not say to leave our platform, he is now no different from leaving our platform."

"Chairman, can you stop appetizing us? Is he suffering a physical problem? Can you tell us where Ye Shen has gone?" All the sweating directors asked, asking.

Ma Qingyun pointed up and said, "Heaven."


"No, Chairman, what do you mean? What is going on in heaven?"

"Chairman, you are talking more and more unpredictably now. We asked you where Ye Shen has gone. You pointed to what it means to say heaven? Is it true that Ye God is still in heaven?" Director Liu and Ma Qingyun's relationship is good, he said with a smile.

Who knew that Ma Qingyun nodded his head and said, "Yes, Ye Fei is in the sky. He can finally go to heaven."

"噗 ~~"

"I'm a god."



"Don't do it ~~"

The meeting room was messy, and some people felt that the news was too sudden and shocking. They even slipped up from their chairs and couldn't sit still.

Feng Tianlai stared at Ma Qingyun in a stunned state, and asked for a long time: "Chairman, aren't you kidding?"

Ma Qingyun said: "I really wanted to make a joke, but this is true. He called me this morning and said that he would go to a place called Cruel Planet and said that he would participate in the sports meeting held there these days . "

"I am ..."

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Ye Shen ... is this a game of earth?"

"Participating in an alien game? He ... he's so talented."

"Really fake? Chairman, this matter ... Whoops, what kind of plane is Ye Shen going to do? It has been abused all over the earth, and it ca n’t be found. Didn't you run to the alien planet to abuse the aliens? "

"I hold a leaf god, I'm kneeling for you."

Ma Qingyun knew that this group of people would explode as soon as he said this. Yes, he wanted to explode too, which was just too unbelievable.

"Chairman, Ye Shen really said that?" The director's big fat face was trembling, and his forehead was already sweaty.

Ma Qingyun glanced at him helplessly and said, "That's what he said, and he also said that this time he participated in the games of this alien planet, and would broadcast live to the whole universe through our platform, cough."


"My heart, oh, Ye Shen, what are you doing?"

"Through ... through our platform to the full ... all universe broadcast? Is this too shocking?

"Is God going to give the whole universe a disposition?"

"Lao Xiang, Lao Xiang, what happened to you?"

Just as everyone was shocked, the director's fat body next to him slipped off the chair again.

Ma Qingyun hurriedly supported him.

Opened his mouth to the director and said intermittently: "Stab ... stimulate ... stimulate ..."

Ma Qingyun's group of people: "......."

"I rely, you're excited again, quickly call an ambulance."

"No ... no, I'm carrying the medicine, I ... in my pocket ~ ~ Ma Qingyun took a bottle of medicine from the pocket of the director and poured out a few pills I plugged him directly into the mouth and slobbered him again. It didn't take long for me to come to the director.

He wiped his sweat and said, "It's exciting, really exciting, Chairman, Ye Shen. This is a chance for us to show our face in the universe. This time, as long as Ye Shen can get the top spots, , Our platform is famous across the universe. "

All the other directors also looked at Ma Qingyun with bright eyes, because it was true to the directors. Through Ye Fei's toss, at least the Qiuqiu platform can be named in the interstellar space. If this matter is pure Considering the platform is indeed a good thing.

"Dear directors, please allow me to say something you don't like to hear. If Ye Shen can return in peace, I would rather ... I would rather not be famous on the platform, I ... I only hope he can Return to Earth peacefully. "Just when a group of directors were excited, Feng Tianlai said suddenly.

This is actually splashing cold water, but no one is angry, because they all understand which is more important between the Games and Ye Fei'an, of course, the latter is more important.

"Well, I'll stop here, and now let Ye Fei go to Cruel Planet to participate in the Games on the homepage, and let all his fans know why he asked for leave. In addition, I think he needs our support. Although he couldn't hear the shouts of people, at least let him feel it, I don't want to ... I don't want him to fight alone. "Ma Qingyun said at last.

After an order went down, it didn't take long for the Qiuqiu platform to circulate the news that Ye Fei went to the cruel planet to participate in the sports meeting, and the whole world exploded.

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