Chapter 229 Ling Blood is the royal bloodline of the ancient country of the Central Plains!!

“After so many years, you are still so young and so handsome!”

The corner of Du Wanqing’s mouth hooked a smile: “But what about me?” I’m old and not as beautiful as when I was younger! ”

“When I was at my most beautiful, I should have been by your side!”

“But with me… But it’s always the men who make me sick! ”

“Of course, they can also bring me some happiness, but… Always some superficial jovial! ”

When she first met Ling Blood, she had too much longing in her heart. In the hearts of women, there is always a sweet dream of love! Naturally, she has it too!

She thought of staying with Ling Blood, growing old together, thinking of walking with Ling Blood through thousands of rivers and mountains, and traveling through the north and south of the river!

All kinds of fantasies.

Unfortunately, in the end, the dream was directly shattered! Ling Blood didn’t care about her at all!

Above the city head, Ling Blood did not speak.

Because for a woman like Du Wanqing, he has nothing to say! A woman, a woman who will never refuse any man!

Finally rejected by a man, but still feel that others are sorry for her? She has probably been a prostitute for a long time, and she always feels that others should come like her!

Du Wanqing did not have a tragic background, and her family was not difficult. The reason why she became a prostitute, without any persecution, was completely of her own free will! She chose it herself!

She can actually be a good woman from the beginning and find a good family to marry.

But she wants to be a prostitute, wants to go to the Qinglou, wants to take root in the Qinglou, be a flower leader, and everyone is watching!

She believes that if a woman does not get the life she wants, then she should indulge, at least indulgence is also a kind of happiness.

In fact, no one forced her at all, but it was her own choice! And she……… But in turn resents God’s unfairness!

Ling Blood really couldn’t figure out what she had to resent?

Resentment that he was not in the palace and did not have the kind of life that was born above all people?

If even this is to be resented, then such people, things and things to resent, but there are more!

This is just a disease, an innate disease, always feel that there is something good under the sky that I don’t get, that is, God’s unfairness!

When encountering things that don’t go your way, I always like to blame God and blame others! This disease is just an ugly nature! A complaining nature!

From her point of view to understand and think, it seems that she is very miserable and worthy of pity!

But in fact, she has nothing to be pitied on!

“That’s your face! It’s your nobody’s expression! ”

Below, Du Wanqing’s face suddenly became cold and livid.

It was Ling Blood’s expression that didn’t put her in her eyes at all, which made her unbearable the most!

After so many years, when she saw this expression again, the anger and shame in her heart surged up!

“Huh! But……… It won’t be long before I see your face again! ”

Du Wanqing held back all the anger in her heart, and then sneered: “Let’s get acquainted again, I……… Caiyin Tuan Jiu is in charge! ”

“Today, all nine leaders of my Ten Hidden Regiment have only one purpose!”

“That’s killing you……… Family of three! And everyone in the whole Peach Blossom Town! ”

The fact that Ling Blood’s family of three is in Peach Blossom Town is not a secret!

After all, it is impossible to hide such a big movement as Peach Blossom Town changed to Peach Blossom City.

Naturally, they soon knew that Ling Blood was here! So here they are!

They, mainly came for Ling Blood!

As long as you kill Ling Blood, kill the three members of Ling Blood’s family, the catastrophe of the Central Plains will definitely have no solution!

And Peach Blossom City, with countless hidden masters of the Central Plains, eradicated together, naturally can weaken part of the strength of the Central Plains!

This is a good thing for them!

“Kill everyone? This breath is not small! ”

At this moment, behind Ling Blood, one after another figures swept over. Standing neatly on the city wall, lined up.

In the rear, countless masters of Peach Blossom Town also followed closely. Among them, there are thousands of people in the Great Xuan Dynasty, and thousands of people who live in seclusion in Peach Blossom City! Add up to tens of thousands!

Tens of thousands of people are also the elite of the elite, the masters of the masters. Compared to the Ten Hidden Groups on the opposite side, it is even better!

“Take Lin’er to the imperial tomb!”

Ling Blood handed Lin’er to Li Xiaohan.

Originally, Lin’er was the safest in his hands, but now it seems that he has to free his hands to fight with all his strength.

Therefore, it is naturally safest for Lin’er to go to the imperial tomb!

The stone door of the imperial tomb, even he can’t open it, no one in this world can forcibly open it, as long as it is inside the imperial tomb, no matter what happens, it is absolutely safe.

Li Xiaohan nodded, hugged Lin’er and turned around.

Li Xiaohan herself does not have any combat power, and now it seems that she is going to have a big battle, so she naturally wants to hide away.

After Li Xiaohan took Lin’er away, Ling Blood’s gaze once again looked at the army of the Ten Yin Regiment on the opposite side!

Then asked lightly: “Yi Xing and the dragon pattern sword box……… In your hands? ”

As soon as these words came out, in front of the army of the Ten Yin Regiment, a man with an ordinary appearance and ordinary temperament rode forward, and then said with a faint smile: “It seems that you also know the dragon-patterned sword box left by the ancient country of the Central Plains?” ”

They had read Yi Xing’s memory, and about the dragon pattern sword box, Yi Qianxuan told Yi Xing, but Yi Xing had not told anyone!

Now that it came out of Ling Blood’s mouth, it seemed that Ling Blood also knew about the Dragon Pattern Sword Box.

Hearing this, Ling Blood’s eyes narrowed slightly. The Ancient Kingdom of the Central Plains?

That dragon-patterned sword box was left by the ancient country of the Central Plains? He didn’t really know about it!

It’s just that the people of the Ten Hidden Regiment told him…

“Your daughter is the owner of the dragon-patterned sword box! You are also the owner of the Dragon Pattern Sword Box! ”

The second leader then said lightly: “You really……… It is the royal bloodline of the ancient country of the Central Plains! But……… You’ll never want to touch the Dragon Pattern Sword Box! ”

What his master said before he died, it was not difficult to guess what identity Ling Blood was.

Ling Blood can stop the Ten Thousand Worlds Catastrophe, and Ling Blood’s children can also stop the Ten Thousand Worlds Catastrophe!

Because of them, they can open the dragon pattern sword box! The dragon-patterned sword box was left by the royal family of the ancient country of the Central Plains.

So……… The person who can open the dragon pattern sword box is naturally the royal bloodline of the ancient country of the Central Plains!

Therefore, Ling Blood must die, and Ling Blood’s child must also die! Above the city wall, Ling Blood did not speak.

He did have such an idea, and now it seems……… That’s true

He and Lin’er can dream of the dragon-patterned sword box for no reason, then they are naturally the owners of the dragon-patterned sword box.

And the dragon-patterned sword box that can unlock the catastrophe of the world is left by the ancient country of the Central Plains.

So……… Broken Dream also said before that the person who can control what is left by the ancient country of the Central Plains should be the descendants of the royal family of the ancient country of the Central Plains!

“Royal blood of the ancient country of the Central Plains?”

Beside Ling Blood, Broken Dream also frowned slightly: “So it’s you?” ”

He thought it was Lin Xue before, because Lin Xue was related to the number of ten thousand worlds in the Central Plains.

I didn’t expect……… Actually Ling blood? Speaking of which, too!

Lin Xue is a woman who is bloody, and even has children! Then Lin Xue is naturally related to the number of ten thousand worlds in the Central Plains!

Therefore, although it is Lin Xue who is related to the number of the ten thousand worlds of the Central Plains, the person who can unlock the number of the ten thousand worlds of the Central Plains and control the mysterious power left by the ancient country of the Central Plains……… It’s Ling Blood!

The most important person is actually Ling Blood! It’s always been blood!

“Huh! I said, it is perfect for you to be the emperor! ”

Broken Dream followed by a laugh.

Ling Blood, the pillar of the Central Plains, is actually after the royal family of the ancient country of the Central Plains?

Then he is naturally the most suitable to be the emperor!

His bloodline, his strength, and all aspects of him are suitable for being the emperor of this Central Plains!

It was Jiang Yan, the female emperor of the Great Yuan Dynasty, and Lin Xue, the female emperor of the Great Xuan Dynasty

The former Chao Tianzi and the Ben Chao Tianzi, these two female emperors, who were suitable for him to be empresses, Li Ghost Mo and the others also looked at Ling Blood in surprise.

This guy, this strongest man in the Central Plains! It turned out to be the legendary Central Plains Ancient Kingdom?

In this way, in terms of bloodline, isn’t he nobler than anyone under the sky?

In terms of bloodline, he is the most noble! In terms of strength, he is the strongest one!

In terms of appeal, he is also the strongest one in the Central Plains martial arts! In terms of paying, he is also the biggest one in the Central Plains!

Lean, so to speak, he is really suitable to be an emperor, more suitable to be an emperor than their son of heaven, Lin Xue.

Ling Blood didn’t speak, didn’t make any answers! Naturally, he had no intention of being that emperor.

But……… In the Central Plains, he wants to control and defend! One of the most primitive questions, quacks and rivers and mountains, which is big? The answer, in fact, is that the rivers and lakes are big!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes, shrouding everything! And he is the best of the rivers and lakes.

Central Plains, a quack! Among the rivers and lakes, two rivers and mountains!

Isn’t it beautiful that he is the leader of the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, and the two rivers and mountains are handed over to the two female emperors to lead and manage?

Wouldn’t that be just right?

“As long as you cut off the royal bloodline of the ancient country of the Central Plains! Central Plains Ten Thousand World Qi Number……… Extinction, too! ”

The second leader then said lightly.

Everything is not difficult to understand, the ancient country of the Central Plains, which was once worshiped by all nations, is the farthest first imperial dynasty and the most powerful imperial dynasty in the Central Plains!

And the royal bloodline of the ancient country of the Central Plains is naturally the strongest bloodline of the Central Plains!

As long as this bloodline is cut off, the number of ten thousand worldly qi in the Central Plains will naturally be completely cut off!

What the Daihara Imperial Dynasty, what the Daxuan Imperial Dynasty! There is nothing to be afraid of!

“The Central Plains is like an island in the middle of the sea! And now……… The tide is high! The catastrophe has begun, the Central Plains……… It will be completely engulfed! ”

The second leader continued.

Above the head of the city, Ling Blood suddenly laughed: “In this way, about the Central Plains Ten Thousand Worlds Catastrophe, you know……… It seems to be more than us? ”

“Hehe, Yi Qianxuan is indeed a top trigram master! But it’s not the first in the world! ”

The second leader said lightly.

His master, who had just died, was the real number one master in the world! So indeed……… What they know, more!

“Since you know better, here we are today……… You have to leave something behind! ”

Ling Blood smiled coldly, and the next moment, his figure was already bursting out! Take the initiative to blast out towards the big boss who never spoke!

Since the Ten Hidden Regiment knew more than them, it was natural……… You can pry out a little useful information from the mouth of the Ten Hidden Group!

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